Bootcamp Bi/Tri review


Bootcamp delivers more of the athletic anerobic intensity that Cathe is now uniquely known for creating. When I previewed BCBi/Tri I was a bit skeptical of the music choice but to Cathe's complete credit, when I executed the workout the music was perfect. I must say that unlike her choreographed step routines where the music plays an important role in the rythm of the movements, my entire focus in this workout was her cueing, instruction, motivation and time calls. I found my usual workout space appropriate for the drills involved and the equipment changes a brilliant spacer for a slight recovery. My heart rate was consistently 154-158 during the actual drills. Cathe's creativity, cueing and personality are stellar. The workout is a fun, intense, athletic style burner that I personally crave for a change up.

The heavy weight work is, well the best! Needless to say I could only lift half of the weight selection which leaves plenty of time and room for improvement and goals. Cathe's got the formula perfect with the heavy, superset, push pull x 4. Those weight junkies out there are going to love this challenge. But I have to say, it's the simple but powerful statements Cathe make that change who I am and how hard I work. In the case of Bi/Tri it was when you said (paraphrase), "it's the last 3 reps where all the gains are made". Those words of wisdom, motivation and encouragement are what keep me coming back for more.

I did Bootcamp Bi/Tri this morning and really loved it. The drills were super fun and challenging. I felt this 20 minute cardio workout was just enough to get my heart rate soaring and also wake me up (I always exercise first thing in the a.m.). ;-) The unique drills, with the use of the hand weights and band, were very fun to do. I do find the setting up of the weights to be kind of annoying, as I don't know yet how far apart to place them, but that will come with time.

As for the weight work, I enjoyed the rounds, and really felt my muscles were burning by the end. However, I can't figure out how to do that tricep dip with your feet on the ball. I tried three different times, but always ended up falling onto the floor. I finally just did regular dips. I must say I really enjoyed the triceps work with the band. Easier, yes, but really added to the overall workload they endured. I am definitely going to use this workout often. Great job, Cathe! :)
I think this may be the toughest of the four! The cardio drills FLEW by and I liked that each drill was quite short. The weight work was very effective for me (I went as heavy as I could). It's going to take me a while to build up. I won't be running out and buying a 25 pounder yet...tee hee! This may actually be a good time for me to consider weight plates. Anyway, awesome little workout ro sure!
I loved Bootcamp! I've done all 4 weight sections, both core sections, and all of the cardio except LIS.

Bootcamp is my favorite cardio so far. I barely remember the music, because I was moving so fast. The drills were CRAZY, and I loved every minute of it. The workout was done before I knew it, and I can't say that about Kickbox.

Kickbox felt like the same-old/same-old to me with all of the jumping jacks and drills feeling too familiar. HIS was complicated enough to give me something to work on for quite a while, and I'm looking forward to it!

The Biceps/Triceps workout was wonderful and definitely hard enough. I was able to keep up with Cathe's weights on everything except for the barbell french press (I used a 30 lb bb) and the hanging concentration curls (I used a 15 lb db), and will go up on a few other things next time.

Chest/Back was a good one too, and everything was just the right weight except for the pullovers. I can't imagine why she does them with only a 15 lb dumbbell, after doing them with a 30 lb dumbbell in previous workouts, and this one is supposed to be heavy!

The Shoulders workout and the Legs workout weren't anything special to me. I think L&G and Butts&Guts are much better for lower body, and the Shoulders work didn't really show anything new.

I love these new workouts, but I do have to say that Bootcamp is my least favorite. As another poster said, I find it annoying to set up all the markers as well as moving the step in and out of the way. I will still do this workout to mix things up - it's just not my favorite of the bunch.
I agree that the set-up for Boot Camp is annoying, especially moving the step in and out. I work out on carpet, so it won't just slide out of the way. But I still found the workout fun.
I work out on carpet too. I'm thinking that I could sub the High Step topper and one riser for the club step. It's much easier to move around.

BootCamp is by far my favorite. I have not done B&T yet though. I workout in the garage, and have a long, more narrow space and was able to keep everything pretty handy. I don't mind the equipment changes as it gives me something to think about other than the fact that I'm huffing and puffing and my HR is way up there! I love the way I can tone it down a little and still get a decent workout, or I can go wild and give myself a killer workout in 20 minutes.

Next would be LIS - I actually did this for the first time, with no preview, on an 8 inch step and had a good time with it. As I stated before, I don't like the adders once we combine all routines - I'd much rather do the full routine a few times as I think it's a lot more fun, but that's me.

Then would come KB - which I liked in combination with the leg workout, but would find way too short (with the LONG warm up) without the leg work. I am already visualizing a mish mosh with the KPC warm up and drills, KM Blasts, cardio from 4DKB and finishing off with the CK drills. That would be a good, heart pounding 70 or so minute workout.

HIS was my least favorite - which is funny because I thought it would be most (and Bootcamp my least - I HATE Drill Max). I love complex choreography, but I found this too complex and dancy. I love RS and SB - so maybe after doing this a few more times, I'll like it more. But we'll see.

Honestly, I'll probably end up using the cardio in conjunction with other cardio (I am already salivating at the idea of a LIS and LIC cardio only mish mosh - and the afore mentioned KB mish mosh). I'll probably do the weights as more of a 3 day split.
Hi Angela, did you notice that only Cathe uses 4 sets of weights for the tricep work at the begining? The other girls use the third weight twice. I noticed that today while doing it. So don't feel to bad about the weights you choose.

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