Boot Camp - YOWZER!


I just did Boot Camp for the first time all the way through on Sunday. I had done the upper/lower body premix before, and the core only, but with the cardio thrown in and everything all together--gee whiz! I couldn't finish a couple of the cardio sections (No, Cathe, at this point it seems that I, at least, cannot do "anything for just a minute"!)

I saw the thread on Circuit Max, and how hard it is. I haven't done it before, but my choice on Sunday was between CM and BC. To those of you who have done both, which is harder? Or are they hard to compare because of the different formats?

All that said, I can't wait to try it again! Maybe this coming Sunday...
Hi Lisa,

I really find that BootCamp is harder than Circuit Max, but both are challenging.

Hi Lisa,

BC is certainly harder. I still have to work at liking BC enough to squeeze it into a rotation. I admire your courage.:)

i feel on top of the world after finishing bootcamp!!! now, i may be slumped over...but still on top of the world!!! what a great cardio and strength conditioning workout!!
I do BC once a week, although for the past two weeks I've been doing a ciruit/yoga rotation, (just until the BB's arrive, which I pre-ordered in May -- hooray!), so I did it twice last week and I'll do it twice again this week.

I feel like such an athlete when I'm done with it! (And, believe me, that is something I have never considered myself to be!) It was very tough the first few times I did it, but I made myself do it once a week and I truly cannot believe how much better I get at it every time I do it. I did it today, and I heavied up and finished each cardio segment with energy to spare! (Except for those darn ice breakers -- they get me every time.)

I feel that this video is a MAJOR factor in the increased core strength I've experienced in the past few months. (My abs are my trouble spot.)

For those who are too scared to do it, give it another shot and MODIFY if necessary. Nobody's looking! You will be amazed at how fast you improve. If this unathletic, flabby-abbed woman can do it, so can anyone!
I have gradually made it up to being able to do all the exercises in BC, however I still need to press the pause button after some of the cardio, especially more with the first few intervals.:eek: That is one tough workout, but that's probably why I like it so much. It's a challenge. helen

Thanks for your reply (and everyone's!). I've had Boot Camp since March or April, but as you said, I kept putting off doing the whole thing. Now that I did it Sunday, I feel like it's a challenge waiting, to see if I can do better the next time. I think I will do it again Sunday.

Hey, the ice breakers got me too! There were three cardio segments that gave me trouble. The terminators were one, and ice breakers were another. I can't remember the third one right now. I thought the ice breakers would be an easier one, but midway through the part where you add the legs, I had to just march in place. I was surprised that I did the first section, with the airborne jacks, all the way through with decent form, and also that I made it all the way through the power scissors.

Thank you for your encouragement!

Hi Lisa,

I just wanted to add that I did Boot Camp last tuesday, and Imax2 last evening, and I must say that Boot Camp is the hardest workout I've ever done, but the more you do it, the better ! In terms of intensity, Circuit Max is equivalent for me to Imax2, or maybe slightly harder, it depends on how much energy you put in it.
Hope this helps ;-)
Karina, et al-Thanks!


Thanks! I've only done the first half of Imax 2. I did it once before doing a strength workout. I found it intense, and a great workout, but not one that I would say is the hardest workout I've ever done. I did say that after BC though, just as you did!

It's so nice to be able to get other people's input. I appreciate what everyone has said!
RE: Karina, et al-Thanks!

You're welcome, Lisa! Just keep at it and you'll soon be "Boot Camp Queen!"
RE: Karina, et al-Thanks!

Call me strange but I think Boot Camp is a lot easier than Circuit Max!!

Maybe because the cardio bursts are only ONE minute. :)

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