Boot Camp vs. Power Hour


Just me again doing another comparison. How does Boot Camp compare to Power Hour? Similar or not? Again - I'm not sure I can wait to try it when it comes up on my rotation.

Thanks, Marcia :)
Hi, Marcia,

Power Hour is Body Pump type of workout, meaning you work one body part for an entire song. BC is a workout of 8 cycles of four parts each - you will do a cardio portion for one minute, which ranges from medium intensity (sumos and ski hops) to super tough (terminator climbs). Then you do a leg exercise for one minute, an arm exercise for one minute, and a core exercise, also for one minute.

For me, Power Hour is an "easier" workout than BC, even when I up the weight. I can't do all the exercises is BC, especially the tougher cardios - plyo jumps and such really sap my energy, and I can't do all the core stuff 0 most of it, but not all.

PH has great music that is really motivating. But despite their differences, I really do like both workouts. And even of you modify, you will still feel like you worked hard - because you did!

Hope that helps. The educated crowd can probably speak to these workouts better than me!:p

Susan G.
I also think they are too different to compare. Boot Camp is circuits with long cardiovascular rests in between bursts of cardio, and not-so-tough weight work in between (not so tough because it's pretty short, they're tough enough while they're happening).

I find PowerHour more difficult too. It hurts more. But the abs in Boot Camp are harder than the PowerHour abs.
Janice -

Oh - you are so funny! I don't laugh out loud too much when I read the forums, but you did it for me today! And who said you couldn't compare the two? LOL!

Actually, I ws thinking about this as I flopped my jiggling self down for the umpteenth terminator climb, "Why am I doing this to myself?????"

Susan G.
I have to agree with Janice about BC being "sick torture!" Some days I can tackle BC and feel rests. I had increased my BB weight for the leg work to 37.5 pounds and the last 3 times BC was a real challenge but I could do it. Today I could barely get through the first 4 cycles. I absolutely felt like I was going to throw up. I even took an unscheduled rest day yesterday. I was so mad. I stopped the DVD, rested, drank a little o.j. & some water and then completed the workout. The last half wasn't as bad as the first half, but I had to rest 10 minutes before moving on to the last half today. What's up with that?!x(
I HATE Bootcamp. ALWAYS feel like i am going to puke. Next time, I am going to try to add the cardio ONLY to the end of IMAX intervals 1-5 and see if the cardio is any easier. Cardio seems so hard simply because you go so fast into it and it is so intense. Tougher than IMAX for me.

Power Hour just sucks cuz it is endurance and cuz it has the most wicked leg torture out there. (lunges)

BC has been my toughest workouts to date although I don't see stars and feel sick anymore. I've been trying to do it at least once a month to measure my progress.

I tried something new last week from the premixes: BC everything except Core and THEN did Core only. This was much more manageable for me. In the regular workout, I think when I go down to the floor for core work all I want to do is lie there and rest. Its hard to jump up and get back at it again.

Next time, I think I'll do the Core work first, then the rest of BC.

As to the original question.. ;-) Bootcamp is a circuit workout w/ cardio, compound weight work, heavy upper body and core (8 cycles I think). PH is a straight strength training workout -- each part worked to failure before moving on.

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