I'm very aganist booster shots. After 3 of my dogs got shots they all got cancer right after getting their shots! After each dog had their yearly shots they all got sick within 3 weeks of the shots. All were very healthy, young mix breed dogs who got lukemia, spleen, and stomach cancers. This is where the vets make their money so of course they are going to push vaccinations.
At least holistic vets will do the titer tests to see if your dog is healthy to get shots.
One more thing I would like to add. If your going to adopt a pet go to the shelter or pet rescue!!
I volunteer at my local shelter and there are tons of great dogs waiting for a good home. Many black dogs that get over looked for lighter colored dogs and puppies. People just don't notice them so my shelter has started putting colorful bandanas on them so they stand out more.
Don't buy from breeders when dogs are literally dying at shelters!!
I truly believe choosing not to vaccinate will add years to the life of your pet.
My vet believes titers are not 100% accurate, so if you are in a high risk situation you need to evaluate.
I wanted to comment about rescue and shelter pets. Some rescue groups/and shelters require you to vaccinate as part of the adoption agreement. They can ask you to provide proof at any time. Do they do it? I'm not sure.
I worked for a pure breed rescue doing home checks. Our group had strict guidelines for adoption. Rightfully so. Most of these animals come from neglectful situations. Just to be clear....I'm not saying owners who choose not to vaccinate are neglectful!!
But, I do know that vaccinations are often part of the adoption agreement.
Believe me, I considered not vaccinating because I do believe our pets are over vaccinated. Even though it is the law, my holistic vet would have honored my decision to skip boosters.
Believe it or not, my regular vet will too. My vet did warm me that if my pet harms someone (ie scratches, bites) animal control can take your animal away from you if they are not vaccinated.