My 10-year-old daughter has started being self-conscious about her weight and about her self-perceived "belly", i.e. a small pooch around the middle. She confided in me last night that she is worried she is fat because some of her friends weigh less than she does, and a couple of them don't have the "pooch" that she does. She is not hearing this at home; even though my husband and I try to eat healthily and stay fit, we are careful not to say we are "trying to lose weight". Rather, we focus on overall health and fitness. Anyway, I would like to know of any books (or videos) that you have used to help your daughters with a healthy body image and self-esteem that either you or your daughter (or both) read and benefited from. I am surprised (though I shouldn't be) that this common female body self-image is starting so early with kids today.Thanks so much for any good resources in this area.