Boo-Hoo Planks


Woe is me, I'll never be able to do planks! (dramatically throws back of hand to the forhead) :'(

I've read all the tips on the forum, but they just never get any easier.

Are there any little mini-routines or modified plank routines that you did to help you learn how to do planks better while Cathe and the gang did her monster planks? Or did you just suffer along and hoped you got better each time?

I just don't know where to start to improve!

The reverse planks are easier, but I don't know why.

Thanks in advance for any tips/encouragement.

Susan G.
Hi Susan,

They get easier with time! What I did was just try to hold on as long as possible each time I did them, and slowly but surely, I am able to hold on a little longer as time goes on. I still can't last the whole time, but it gets better with time. The reverse ones are easier for me as well? Don't know why? But I've gone from shaking like a leaf and holding on for only a few counts to shaking "less" and holding firmly for "almost" the whole segment.
Just give yourself time. :)

Hi, Susan! I agree with Donna - hang in there and you will get better at them!

I think the reverse planks are easier because you have the large glute muscles recruited to press your core up to its flat position, and you're also engaging your big back muscles as well. With prone planks, on the other hand, you're recruiting muscles that aren't normally in that position - the hip flexors are having to work HARD in a flat position against gravity!

As Cathe mentions, planks really work several muscle groups as well as the core abdominals and erector spinae muscles - they work the shoulder, arm and leg muscles as well regardless of if you're prone or supine. Like an idiot, I blew off learning them until just a couple of months ago, and now I'm a certified Plankaholic!

Just stay with them, try to do a little bit more each time, and you'll be amazed at your progress! Also, keep up with your other strengthening practices, because so many other groups are recruited!


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