

I was wondering if anyone else is into these classes? I have been going 3 times a week instead of lifting to Cathe, just for a change of scenery. :)I'm having a hard time staying focused this time of year. I'm sure this will change come new years!;-)
Good job Heidisue!! It IS hard to focus this time of year. Feels to me like my workouts are more damage control than gains these days. I like BodyPump too, love the music, burns a ton of calories and the hour flies by. PUMP IT!!! }(

Take Care
I am really interested to hear what you guys think about body pump. One of the clubs I work at is bringing it in and trying to get us all trained. I really, really don't need the CEC's (of the 20 I need I already have over 60) so I am not that enthusiastic. But some people are really into it so I am torn. Love to hear your opinions.

Shayne, I taught BodyPump for 3 years. I think it's a great program when combined with other weight training (slower/heavier). It's definitely endurance based with high rep, moderate weight work. I was addicted to it when it was first introduced to our club and loved teaching it for about 2 and half years. Honestly though, I burnt out on it and started to dread teaching as it moves so fast there is only limited opportunity to help members with form unless you do pre or post class tutorials. Unfortunately, the members who needed it the most were the least likely to attend them, frustrating to see members putting themselves at risk of injury with poor form and posture. That said the music is stellar, I still get releases and love the music for doing my own weights and for running.

Take Care
Laurie :)
Annette Bethel

Great thread. A friend of mine teaches Body Pump and Body Jam. So I am borrowing her Body Pump dvds for a change of pace. I am loving them, since I only have 61 and 62, I can tell a difference. I wish they would come to retail. They make a wonderful addition to Cathe.

I wish I could afford a Gym memebership just to take classes.
>Annette Bethel
>Great thread. A friend of mine teaches Body Pump and Body Jam.
> So I am borrowing her Body Pump dvds for a change of pace. I
>am loving them, since I only have 61 and 62, I can tell a
>difference. I wish they would come to retail. They make a
>wonderful addition to Cathe.
>I wish I could afford a Gym memebership just to take classes.
Are Body Pump dvds available for purchase or only for pros?


Keep smiling & sweating!
Laurie, thanks for the honest opinion. I really am mostly drawn to it because the training is so inexpensive. I actually don't want to add to my teaching schedule. I read the board at the Les Mills sight and they talked about quarterlies. How much is it to get the new releases and keep up your certification? Also, I read on those boards that in the training they are very vocal about the people who teach need to been thin and I am definately carrying some extra weight. That makes me want to do it even less. I know I am a good instructor and don't need someone making me feel bad because I am not thin.

I love Pump, its my favourite workout program! The music is totally motivating and I my fave realease is 56. I love doing biceps but the lunge tracks are usually pretty cruel lol! I wouldnt like to do Pump exclusively, or as a substitute, for my weight training though as it is more an endurance workout, as has already been pointed out.
Hey Shayne:) I pay $45 Canadian for my quarterly releases, there is no cost in keeping certification. I have never heard of anyone being talked to regarding their body wieght and have met some pretty overweight instructors.

Take Care
The one my gym is doing now has lunges using the step and they are killer. I had a doctor appointment today and when they weighed me, I am down 3 pounds and the only thing I've been doing differently is Bodypump. So that's good. I miss Cathe though. I haven't done one of hers for a while. Change is good and I can't wait for her Boxing Series. I'm trying to come up with a routine where I can do some Cathe videos and Bodypump.
I used to go to those classes. However, I added two more kids and two more moves into my life. I am unable to attend the classes due to time, money, and kids(4). I like Cathe and Body Bar Videos. I find that Cathe videos are better suited to my lifestyle (college, kids, quasi-single parent).

Body Bump classes just don't compare to Cathe. For one, you have to go to a gym, who has time for a gym? If you have time for a gym, then you have to much time on your hands, get a life!! Just Joking, I miss the gym. :-( I don't miss the mirrors!! I don't miss the special forces bafoons that would hog the body pump and generally disrupt the step classes either. I plan on going to Body Pump for the first time in 4 years this spring when my spouse returns. I heard they have new routines, so I will find out if they have improved or not. I had liked their classes in the past, but the routines were always the same.

What I really dislike is that one has to be an instructor to get the dvd's. I have not the time to earn the certification, nor hangout at a gym on a regular basis. I have only an hour or two that I still have to share with the family. Luckily there is a pause button on the remote. I will be entering into a master's program soon, I certainly will not have any time for anything once that happens because of the drive there and back is over an hour.
I would just like to thank Cathe, Body Bar, and Chris Freytag (Prevention) for assisting me in the hurried part of my life.

If you go to the Body Pump website beware, they seem cult like, overly enthusiastic. I almost thought I was at an Amway convetion. :p

Good Luck, I hope you have as much fun as I use to so long long ago.


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