*BodyPump Class*


Hi Cathe! Firstly, I wanna tell you how beautiful you looked yesterday! ;) I should have known by first seeing you that you were feeling good and ready to Kick our Butts!}( Wow! What a Rockin Class! I would never attempt to use the weight I use at home cause I'd never keep up:p (not that I go heavy) but don't laugh gang;) I was only using 10 lbs on barbell -don't even know if the bar weighs anything(probably not) then reduced to 7 lbs(2 2 1/2's and 2 -1 lb plates)on bicep curls-ouch talk about lactic acid building up x( Your class was no joke! Loved the music-especially Got the Power(which I had last night) but not this morning;) Thanks again for a great class and it was extra exciting seeing Deborah there! Isn't she a doll:* Hey Deborah How you feeling? I emailed you the pics!
Cathe~here's the link to the pics we took last night www.picturetrail.com/francigirl
click on demos and scroll down through the pics from the girl scout:+ then voila-You can all see how amazing she looks! And this is after the workout:eek: What a beauty! And how about that Tank top? That will be on the best sellers list for sure! I'm in for a medium~hint Chris~;)
PS remember to save room for apple pie
Enjoy your week and Cya next Monday!:*
Hey Francine! I got the pictures, thanks! I feel great today. I was a little concerned that I would be sore because I was SO feeling my legs last night. But I'm not. I don't know if I should be disappointed or happy about that. I actually was using the same weights that I used at home to do Power Hour on Saturday--but remember I'm doing "weenie weights" right now so I don't reinjure myself. So, 10 lb squats was kicking my butt last night! And those low ends, eye chi wawa (my version of spanish)!

Cathe, it was wonderful to meet you. Thank you for being a gracious host. Maybe when we come out on the 17th we'll gag Francine so you & I can talk! She is hysterical when she's excited, isn't she? I wish I had half her energy. I will bring my box & magic marker to get your autograph, next time. LOL

Didn't you & Chris say the tank top would NOT be available for sale because it was just made for you? I would hate for anyone to get their hopes up that we might be able to buy one. But we will be holding you to your promise of shirts in the future! LOL

Thank you again for a kickin' workout.
Deborah your welcome for the pics! Thanks for pointing that out about the t-shirt, don't want to start any controversy:eek: you know how I stumble onto that unintentionally :p As for you and Cathe catching up, You are in luck, as long as there is food around me, you'll only be hearing moans out of me:9
Enjoy your day everyone:*
Francine my barbell or easy curl bar that is weighs 15lbs on it's own with no plates on it girl!!!

Your not as weenie as you think, huh? LOL

The bars we used at Cathe's aren't weighted like you describe. They are short little hollow bars that weigh about 2 lbs, if that. So, we really were going lite last night! We're just chicken. Cathe really kicks butt in person!
Hi Francine! It was so great to see you again yesterday. You and Deborah made class extra special:) . We all look so happy on those pictures, must mean class was too easy ;-) . Thanks for sharing and see you soon! Cathe

PS. You're other pictures look nice too. I like your orange top.
Hi Deborah (Deb)! It was so nice to meet you yesterday. Thanks for coming. You are funny about "gagging Francine" so that we can talk. Yes, she was/is adorably excited. You both are very sweet.

See you soon!
P.S. glad to hear your back is feeling better too.
Hi Francine! How are you? Again, it was so great to see you Monday. You are so sweet. I would like to give you a quick buzz to tell you something. Would you mind emailing your number. I don't have it here off hand. Thank you!
Take Care,
I am SO jealous of you Francine! Cathe herself giving you a call -- you are so lucky to have a personal friendship her! Makes me wish I lived up north! :) :)

If I ever got a chance to speak with her personally, I would be falling all over myself in my attempts not to gush :p With Cathe, you feel like you know her, just from her videos and then when you read her posts, you really feel like there's a personal connection with her. She is a truly unique and special person, and I would think it would be great to know her personally. :D

Talking to her in person is just like that!!! She hugged me when I got there! I mean this woman didn't know me from Adam & she acted like we were long lost buddies. It was incredible!
That is how I picture her to be!! Thank you for sharing!! Next time you get to attend one of her classes, please tell her that Sara from Vegas said hello!!
Sara :)
You know, if I were in a public place and both Cathe and Julia Roberts were standing side by side, I would be like, "Oh my God, you're Cathe Friedrich!" and ignore Julia. :7

I would love to meet her in person too, as she has always been my video mentor in my fitness career.

Oh, don't even get me started on Julia Roberts -- I lost all respect for her a long time ago; I don't even waste my time watching her movies any longer. There would be no contest between the two of them -- I'd look right through Julia and only see Cathe; she has really inspired me to work even harder than I ever thought possible. And I love it that she is so open and easily accessible to those who admire her work. I also look forward to reading the various tidbits of advice she offers; she's really something . . . :7
Now, I would have a problem on my hands if I had to choose to talk with either Cathe or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Besides just liking and respecting him as a peraon, he was the main reason I began exercising in the first place, long ago in 1989 when I was a senior in high school. Then, I was inspired by Linda Hamilton (T2) to try even harder to obtain a well-sculpted body. I'm still trying, but hopefully with help from people like Cathe and The Firm, maybe I'll make it there . . . or at least enjoy myself in the attempt! :D
Linda Hamilton in T2 just looked amazing! Now THAT was beautiful. When she does the pull-ups? Did she not look FAB?

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