

Could anyone tell me what type of results they have had from using bodymax on a regular basis? It says this tape is for "endurance", does that mean it tones rather than builds muscle? I am confused, please let me know, Thank you, Kim
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-03 AT 06:59PM (Est)[/font][p]I believe it is for cardio endurance. She mentions you will get some toning out of it, but it is mostly for endurance. I tried this one for the first time yesterday and I could only last for about 40 minutes. This is my first Cathe workout I've ever done and I was blown away. I can breeze through FIRM Super Cardio but couldn't make it all the way through this one. I was bummed, but I'm going to keep trying! I felt like I had lost 10 lbs afterwards! :)

I received this tape about about 3 months ago and love it. She says in the tape that though the weight training is for endurance you will see some strength gains as well,especially if you're a beginner. She uses moderate to heavy weight but pretty high reps. I feel I leaned out more by adding this tape to my program. My arms became more defined and my legs a bit more sculpted. Don't know what exactly you're looking for (or if you already have it) but Power Hour is also an excellent total body endurance/toning tape.
Hope this all helps - Susan
I personally don't feel that the lower body work in BodyMax is all that great in terms of building muscle and endurance. It doesn't have any of those awful endurance things like in LL or PH like low-ends. You just go up and down but you go too fast to use really heavy weight IMHO plus the lower body work is between cardio sections. So I'd say that the lower body work is mostly cardio and some leg endurance but not as much as in LL or PH. I really like the upper body section of BM. It's the perfect length IMHO (about 30 minutes) and it feels like it hits all of the muscles. It's more endurance than strength but you could get some strength gains because it's fairly traditional weight training exercises.

My understanding of 'endurance' is not so much that it 'tones' muscles. Endurance as it's been explained to me is about how long you can hold something that is heavy or how long you can do squats, etc. I think Cathe explained it once by saying that strength is what you use to pick up something heavy and endurance is what you use to keep holding the heavy thing. But BodyMax is pretty good workout so it probably will 'tone' because you'll burn calories.
I seem to remember Cathe saying that with endurance work, you tend to lean down more and burn the fat inside the muscle and surrounding it. With pure strength or slower and heavier training, there tends to bo more muscle growth and strength gains made. I hope this helps!
Sara :)
I love Body Max! One thing I do to psyche myself up for this tape is to just say to myself, that this is a 1hr tape (b/c the cardio and circuit part is around 1hr) and just make it through that, then tackle the weights as a "bonus"..I just try to trick my brain into thinking it doesn't have to make my body work hard, so that when I do it, it isn't so bad..does that make sense, maybe it doesn't right now! :)

Body max does have the perfect amount of upper body work I think as well! And I agree that the lower body toning work is more endurance than strength gains..
This tape and MIC really blow me away, I love how tough they are!
Jaime :)
>I love Body Max! One thing
>I do to psyche myself
>up for this tape is
>to just say to myself,
>that this is a 1hr
>tape (b/c the cardio and
>circuit part is around 1hr)
>and just make it through
>that, then tackle the weights
>as a "bonus"..I just try
>to trick my brain into
>thinking it doesn't have to
>make my body work hard,
>so that when I do
>it, it isn't so bad..does
>that make sense>

That makes total sense to me. The first time that you do it, you probably don't do it all the way through, so you don't know what its all about. The first time you make it all the way through, you are still innocent, so you just get through one segment at a time. But once you've kicked your a** doing that, then next time you aren't as eager to take that on - knowing what is to come for the next 90 minutes. I like your tricking approach - I have to try that! My body trembles at the thought of tackling that again! hehe

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