
Active Member
i just read about "body pump"
Cathe sayd she teaches it.
.....Please tell me what is unique or important to know about the work, what kind of results one gets specificly with this workout.

Is there anything significantly different about the Body Pump workout than what i would get on Cathe tapes?
Hello Cinza,

I have only one BodyPump video, and I have never been to a live BodyPump class, so I am by no means a BodyPump Expert, but...I can tell you a bit about the video and the results I've had.

The video I have is actually from The BodyPump originators, and basically the format is high rep overload using heavier weights than you would usually us with a high rep overload type workout.

On this particular video you work each body part for one super set using a barbell. The video came with a barbell set that maxes up to 40lbs. I've just gone from 24lbs, to 30lbs.

Each super set is about 3-5 min. long, and you change tempo at regular intervals, like starting the squats out very slowly, going down for 4 beats and up for 4 beats, then taking it up to tempo for 8 reps, then changing the cadence to down for 2 beats up for 2 beats and so on. The areas hit are the legs and butt, the chest, upper and lower back, biceps, triceps, delts and abs. The music is great, regular top 40 music by the original artist.

If there was one minor problem with this particular BodyPump class, it is that the ab work is way too easy. I actually do moves from Cathe's Power Circuits video for the ab work.

The results I've gotten after using this video for about 9 weeks now, two times a week is: nice definition and better muscular endurance, I've also built a little size in my muscles, but what I like best is how hard my muscles are now. When I flex my biceps, my boyfriend says it feels like I have rocks under my skin now..he means it in a nice way.:)

I know one should change their weight workouts every 8 or so weeks, but I tried to and I really missed the BodyPump workout. Right now, it is one of my favorites...I'm sure that will change when Cathe's new videos come out thought.:)
thank you.
what do you think of the barbell that came with the video?

In what way do you think the results you get from body pump are different than results you get lifting with Cathe?
With Cathe's Pure Strength series, I was able to lift a bit heavier because she broke her routines down into sets so that we could go heavy. I gained size, and well...pure strength. I was hooked on this rotation for about 17 weeks before I went to something new. These are really good tapes, I'm glad Cathe is putting them on DVD.
Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me a little more info/detail about the BodyPump workout. I have a barbell at home, but I dont have the bodypump bar nor do I really know what the Firm barbell is or how these two pieces differ from a regular barbell. Do I need to invest in either of these or would my barbell be sufficient. And, how much plate changing is involved??

Thanks for the info!


One more really important thing I forgot about Cathe's weight training videos, particularly her Pure Strength Workouts. She hits every muscle group from as many different angles as possible, to pull in different muscle fibers with each exercise, or to just work the same muscles a little different. And that is something you simply can't do with one superset for each body part.

The Body Pump video is also only 45 minutes long, and I feel totally worked after it. The Pure Strengh series is more precise, but it will require more time.

Now if you go with Cathe's Cross Training series, you have compact routines, that produce awesome results as well. There is just so much variety you can't go wrong.

One more thing, Cathe answered one of my questions letting me know that one of her new workouts coming soon will have a Body Pump feel to it, so the training choices just keep getting better and better.:)

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