Body Max

Yes, I have other tapes:

Power Max
All Step
Cardio and Weights
Cardio Kicks (not my favorite at all!!)
Step Works
Step Fit
Circuit Max
IMax2 (one of the easiest I've done of hers)
Rhythmic Step

I don't have too many of her weight lifting tapes because I build muscles easily and I used to be a personal trainer when I was younger so I prefer to do my own. Some of Cathe's moves I don't find good for you but you all like her lifting moves so I'm not going to say anything. I also prefer Gin Miller over Cathe with some things but Miller doesn't have as many tapes out as Cathe which sucks a bit. I think Cathe is GREAT but some of her moves are tiring a bit because she has the same ones in all of her videos she made. I know they're her trademark moves. I get bored easily with tapes anyway even with Miller. But the bright side to Cathe is I'm losing weight with Cathe more than anyone I've ever done. I haven't hit the plateau in a month and a half. I've only been doing Cathe for a month and a half. I have not put on a pound since doing her and I eat more now. Now I only have 20 more pounds of baby fat to go then I'm back to my normal weight. I thank God I'm 6 feet tall because it doesn't look that obvious with the jingly fat on my stomach women get after they have the baby. I HATE that. :eek:) Plus, I used to be over 100 pounds overweight when I was 14-15 yrs old. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Maverick! I believe you & I live very close to one another. I live in Oceanside, NY. I too lift differently than Cathe's tapes; though I do the same exercises but add on more sets & reps than she does. I'd be interested to know what exercises your doing that's different from Cathe? If you wish to email me off the board my address is: [email protected]. BTW I always HATED BodyMax. Sorry ladies but Cathe always scared me (talking about her physique); her bodyfat must've been 5% at that time; just can't look at her!!:( Kathy
>It is easy to like Body Max if you only have
>two or three.....

It's also easy to like Body Max if you have ALL Cathe's DVDs. This is a great workout. :)

You know what I mean though in the sense that her older tapes seem "dated" and tend to not have as pumping of music (although Body Max is an exception in that area!).

Kathy..I am suprised at your reaction to Cathe in BodyMax. I don't seem to notice she looks especially lean. She looks like she had more muscle mass then though, probably with the same bodyfat. But to be honest, I think she looks leaner in IMAX 2, than Body Max. To me, during the Body Max stage, it looks like she was bulking up. Very muscular. Do you think??


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