Body Max - Step portion


Can anyone out there explain to me why the step workout in Body Max makes me sweat like I've just run three miles? I love the workout but compared to Cathe's other step workouts, including IMAX, it kills me. Is it just me???
I have the same experience! I think it is because it's so fast and Cathe just jumps right into it and I'm trying to keep up!
i totally agree. it is a good sweater. i am hoping cathe will come up with something similar from workouts like step blast,rhythmic step,imax 2 or three,etc.
I agree that it's because the bpm is faster than Cathe's other step workouts. You have to move quickly to keep up and there are no recovery periods!

And the bpm is too fast. This is the only Cathe workout that ever lead me direct to injury. I'm selling mine off.

Take care doing this one Candi,


I'm actually okay doing the moves but I tell you, when I'm done I feel I've just ran five miles...and sweating like it.

I think all of you are right. The bpm does seem faster and there is no rest. It's just go, go, go.
No way it is just you! That one I haven't done in a while and it is because I know how hard it is. When I do it I use a 6" step and I'm thinking how the @#$% are they doing this on an 8 inch?! I keep saying most of Cathe's oldies are extremely hard and it's true. But at the end you end up burning a lot of calories.
I love Body Max too. I love that it is a little faster than some of her newer ones. It works me hard too.

The fast pace is also what I like about Body Max's step portion. I enjoy that for a change of pace. Thanks for reminding me about this one!
Thanks for the reminder how great this w/o is Candi. I did it tonight (just the step and circuit portions). I love how fast the steps are and the intesity of the moves.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Oh, Candi - it's not just you. I did this earlier this week and I thought it would never end. It is definitely a killer - and at 90 minutes, it's a loooong workout!!


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