GOODNESS GRACIOUS! Okay, I did Drill Max 2 last week, twice. I was surprised when I saw how it "ranked" on the Cathe site- 9.1 intensity/5.3 difficulty.
Today I took on Body Max 2. my defense before I continue.......because of child related stuff today, I ate my PB eng. muff. at 8 am and worked out, with only a Kashi TLC in between, at 11:15. That's just the way it had to be.
THIS WORKOUT KICKED MY GLUTES! BOTH OF THEM! I just looked and it is a 9 intensity/7.2 difficulty. Okay, maybe that's the problem- I was totally wiped out just from scrambling to the right side of the step after one of her combinations! GEEZ...what a dork I was!
I made it through the cardio section and was SWEATING like I have NEVER sweat wtih the FIRM. I only made it through two of the drills before I did a few abs, stretched and HAD TO go eat.
I'll try this again only withing 30 minutes of a full meal...and only after watching some of the patterns again.
Today I took on Body Max 2. my defense before I continue.......because of child related stuff today, I ate my PB eng. muff. at 8 am and worked out, with only a Kashi TLC in between, at 11:15. That's just the way it had to be.
THIS WORKOUT KICKED MY GLUTES! BOTH OF THEM! I just looked and it is a 9 intensity/7.2 difficulty. Okay, maybe that's the problem- I was totally wiped out just from scrambling to the right side of the step after one of her combinations! GEEZ...what a dork I was!
I made it through the cardio section and was SWEATING like I have NEVER sweat wtih the FIRM. I only made it through two of the drills before I did a few abs, stretched and HAD TO go eat.
I'll try this again only withing 30 minutes of a full meal...and only after watching some of the patterns again.