body for life



A friend of mine who is toying with trying BFL wanted me to ask if anyone here is doing BFL and using Cathe tapes as well. She thinks the Pure Strength Series might be perfect for this.......any thoughts?
Also a question from me.........I know BFL has people doing 20 min. workouts 3x per week. How would you work in an hour class like spinning if you are doing BFL? I am thinking of trying BFL myself so any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Cut down the 45 minutes to 20 or you could come up with your own spinning routine based on his intensity. It would be fun to do that, you can pick your own music and use the studio when no one is using it for the class, spinning is amazing when you do intervals anyway. Buy the way, those BFLers have done more than just 12 weeks (some of them) and I hear supplements really give you a hand in that program, though some say you don't really need to use any. I tried it for awhile but hated waking up that early...the way he set up the split is real nice though, you are in and out of the gym in half the time.
I tried it too for a while - even though I knew better as a fitness instructor but I was so curious about what so many members in my gym were doing. The supplement thing is a requirement for EAS (the company that does BFL) to be eligible for the prize money and "official" participation in general. I think it's to promote their line of supplement.

The guy does give suggestions for bike workouts but I think the 45 minute alternative at a lower intensity will achieve the same results - but alas, more gym time.

As a fitness professional, I am concerned about the early workouts on an empty stomach...
I have been doing a BFL Challenge, using Cathe tapes. I have been working each bodypart twice per week, and doing cardio 5 times per week. If you read exercise routines that alot of the past champions used, they all worked out to their own routine. I guess I am mainly following the food portion, but it is still a Challenge to me. If you want some added info on it, go to It is a board of people who mainly follow BFL. There is alot of great info there.
Lori S.
Also is a great BFL website. I think that the S&H series is more like the BFL method and I plan to start on Monday with interval cardio tapes 3 Xwk. I'm not officially entering the challenge, but I've read the book and followed the program last spring for about 9 weeks (without my videos and I got bored to death!!!) and had good results. Well, I lost wt. anyway. Just my $.02. Robin.
I'm not trying to be a smart alec, but you cannot do the "Body For Life workout plan" using Cathe tapes.

Bill Phillips says to pyramid your weights. For the strength part, you start with a weight that leaves you struggling at the 12th rep, increase it and do 10 reps, increase again and do 8, increase and do 6, lower the weight a bit and do a few more. Then you do 1 set of another exercise for the same muscle group. You do the same thing for the entire upper or lower bosy. And you do 20 minutes of rather intense cardio on your cardio days. That's not how Cathe's workouts are designed and set up. You can still use her workouts instead of what Bill Phillips recommends, but then it's not "the Body For Life program." The program is the pyramid workout he designed (along w/the eating plan.)
Thanks for the replies....I'll let my friend know. I think she's more interested in the food part anyway as I would be. For me,I am not willing to give up spin so that screws me up for the cardio part of BFL. I also do 35 min. mostly high intensity/interval type workouts unless I am doing a Cathe tape, which of course is longer. I try to total about 110-120 mins. of cardio per week.
Yeah I saw the weight log sheets for BFL yesterday. Only 2 exercises per bodypart is not enough for me. And pyramiding is nothing new as I incorporate it quite often in my weight work. The difference is I pyramid up then back down for a complete burn.
I am interested in the food part of BFL however so I may check that out.
Thanks again for the opinions, etc. Cathe's group proves once again they are the "educated crowd"!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
I'm afraid LaBelleRebelle is correct...

You really can't use Cathe's tapes in the manner Bill has designed the whole workout. Also, someone mentioned doing each body part twice a week, but the BFL program is set up to where you're supposed to lift only three times a week, alternating your upper and lower...i.e. upper, lower, upper one week, then the next week, lower, upper, lower, etc... And yes, it's serious, intense pyramid style, and Cathe's weight tapes are not set up the way he suggests working out. Anyway, I'm not trying to be a party pooper either..... :-rollen

Hi Trevor....

The eating part is nothing new or's just REALLY clean eating..cut out refined product, white flour, sugar, etc... Eat 6 small meals a day (Bill advocates lots of his supplements, which are great, actually). Lots of lean protein with veggies...same 'ole, same 'ole....Probably how you already eat!! Nothing new under the sun.... :)

RE: I'm afraid LaBelleRebelle is correct...

It's a low calorie diet. I read a favorable review of it in a magazine. I could not, would not give up my hour long runs and Cathe step classes! I believe Cathe posted her next strength series would be pyramid style and someone answered that it could be adapted to BFL. How would any of you who've tried BFL rate it for variety?

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: I'm afraid LaBelleRebelle is correct...

I know I am not following his workout plan. But, I am following his food plan, and what I am doing is a Challenge to me. I do intervals for my cardio, I do the 20 min. aerobic solution sometimes, I did treadmill intervals today. That is the exercise routine he recommends, you do not have to follow it to the letter. Alot of people work 2 bodyparts per day, and so on. Regardless, it is Lori's BFL Challenge, and I have done his workout routines for many attempts. I completed one Challenge as is in 2000, and it worked ok. I did do UB, and LB both twice per week. I just have greater muscle gains using Cathe tapes for my weight workouts. I also like to do her Step and Intervals for cardio.
Hi, Bobbi!!

:) When I did his workout, I definitely felt that 20 min., three times a week, even though it was "intense" in spurts, was just not enough aerobics for me. Also, I actually felt like I got BIGGER with his style of weight lifting. I am short, 5'1", and VERY muscular to begin with. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to lift weights, especially HEAVY!! However, I get big quite easily. I have been noticing recently, since acquiring numerous Cathe tapes, that my body seems to be getting more "compact" -- just by sticking with mostly Cathe step, strength, and a few other's step tapes. I can also tell that I'm getting stronger! asked me about BFL, huh?? Sorry. :D Anyway, I think it IS a great program, just not REALLY GREAT for me. :)

RE: Hi, Bobbi!!

I have to agree interval work is amazingly effective and I can see how 20 minutes of intense interval training would do the trick. The article I read, which featured people doing BFL, stated that the caloric intake for a 150 pound woman was about 1500 calories (at least the one featured in the article). That's low for me even though I am 125 pounds but I do 20 miles per week running plus at least two step workouts so that might compensate for a higher caloric intake? Sounds interesting but I tend to have a runner's love of carbs and do the 25/15/60 ratio.

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
Body For Life Rules And Regulations

I got out my Challenge Packet tonight and read the rules and regulations. On the question and answer page the question is: Do I have to follow a special program??? The answer is: "You can follow whatever type of training and nutrition program you want during the course of this Challenge, but the Body-For-Life program, as it is laid out in it's entirety in Bill Phillip's best-selling book, Body-For-Life, is highly recommended. Again, the EAS Personal Fitness Guide, the Official Transformation Kit and are all excellent sources of information." I have tried to use his weight program, and it is way boring. I like Cathe's Strength Tapes much better.
RE: Body For Life Rules And Regulations

Lori's right, although B4L is recommended the way it is designed you can follow whatever program you want as long as you use EAS supplements. On Hussman's page he interviewed many of the champions, and found many of them "tweaked" the program. Women general did more cardio (but only 3 -20 mins of HIIT). Some went for 30 -40 mins with the additional time they worked at a lower intensity. Some did more cardio activites besides the 3 -20 mins HIIT. Many of the men did less and some no cardio. I believe I have read in champion stories that some divided up the
weight workouts differently too. The key point was to work them to exhaustion, which you can definately do with CATHE! It's a great program intended to teach people how to workout smarter, but as Cathe often says...your an educated crowd!

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