"Body for life"


Hello everybody. I'm wondering if anyone has tried this Body for life thing that is getting so much publicity lately. Are those results real or is it a scam? It seems almost too good to be true, although it isn't anything too faddish or unhealthy, but it is hard to believe some of the results these people get within 12 weeks on 20 minutes a day. Has anybody tried it? EAS is selling alot of their products, so I'm suspicious.
Body I Wish for

I read and followed Body for Life, and didn't find that I got the results I wanted, although I did find it hard to follow the diet part. I find I get better results doing Cathe's Strength tapes and doing cardio inbetween. Maybe if one is really strict with themselves it works, but I tried for 2 months straight and didn't get any dream results.
Body for Life

Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I tried the EAS Transformation Challenge and I got results. Not the dramatic changes you see in those photos they print, otherwise I guess I would have won, right
...but real results nonetheless. I lost 15lb. of fat and gained some muscle. It took me longer than 12 weeks though, more like 20 weeks. That was about 2 years ago and I've maintained the weight loss and I still use some EAS products, too.

It worked for me because (1)It gave me a goal - taking those before photos is a REAL motivator - you do not want to look like that for another picture!! and (2) It helped me totally change my eating habits for the better.

I don't blame you for being a little suspicious. I was, too, at first. But it can work.
EAS Products

Glad to hear Body for life worked for you, I guess I just find it hard to stick to the diet part, what EAS products are you using???
EAS Products

Right now I'm only using the Myoplex Lite shakes. I have at least one a day and sometimes two because I try to eat 4 to 5 small meals a day. The diet is tough to keep up. Now that I'm at a weight I'm happy with, I follow the diet on weekdays and eat what I want on the weekends. It's been manageable for me that way.
body for life

my husband and a good friend both did the
challenge. I have to say they did get great
results, but they were very strict with both
the diet and workout plan. I also use the
Myoplex Lite shakes once a day to add to my
five small meals. I have been able to keep my
body fat below 16% for a year now. I think if
the EAS challenge is going to motivate you to
get in great shape, then it is worth a try. We
have some serious problems with the over-advertising and pushing of all the products. I
think it is best to get most your food from "real
food". Also my sister was eating the protein bars
that EAS sells, and for her they were defenitly
putting on the pounds. They were very high in calories for her activity level.
Protien Bars

I think some of those bars can be misleading, they are sooo good but they do have sugar in them, and I think you can put on the weight.
thanks guys

Thank you for all the responses. I might try a few of their myoplex lite shakes as lunch for awhile, I already do the small meals during the day, but gain weight very easily, so I think I'll skip their protein bars. Thanks!!!!

Dear Seachle! (Since I didn't get your name).

Wow. 16% body fat is very impressive.
I am curious about how you maintain that. I am currently trying a new diet similar to "body for life" (which I am loathe to buy because of all the hype, and I think most of the info in there is stuff we all know already, given the fitness knowledge of the Cathe crowd)..

but anyway, have you drastically reduced carbs? I am trying to limit mine to about 160g per day. It's hard for me to get enough protein...but I try.

I'm just wondering what kind of diet/exercise program you've been following. I feel pretty good about myself, but would like to shake something in my program up to see more changes.

(I have no idea what my body fat is... but I am genetically prone to About 23%....)

THANKS for any advice, and good luck with your training.



Go to the "info" icon at the top of the page and click on it. It will take you to a place to change your profile. Hope this helps!

Hi Laura
I have been able to keep my body fat low thanks to Cathe tapes, running 3 times a week and you
guessed it, low carbs. It was tough at first,
cutting the carbs, but I actually have gotten
used to it. It does require me to eat more often
throughout the day. I eat six small meals, and
do not exceed roughly 120 carbs a day. I don't
worry too much about counting veggies and most fruit. I mostly try to stay away from breads, crackers, cearls and most of all SUGAR! Also, I did find that having one cheat day a week will
curb my cravings. I am usually ready to start back on track after splurging.
Thanks, Michele
one more question

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-00 AT 04:53PM (EST)</font></center>

Dear Seachle,

THanks for your reply!
I am actually currently trying to limit my carbs to b/t 120 and 150 g per day... Have been doing this for a whopping 10 days. And am wondering how long it will take to see results.

I actually haven't cut back my calories much -- just am shifting around the content of my caloric intake. Like you, I am a pretty intense athlete, so that side of the equation is OK.

I'm just wondering how long it will take to see/feel changes. I plan a cheat day on Saturdays... Hopefully, I won't completely lose my persistence!

THANKS for your help.

Take care,


Hi Laura
For me the results were quite quick. I would bet
in 3 to 4 weeks you should see a difference. I
also noticed when I first started restricting the
carb intake, I was a bit spacey at first. It does
take your body a while to adjust to the change in
the type of calories you are consuming. Now, I notice my blood sugars seem to be more steady throughout the day.
Take care

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