I'm just curious as to what body fat %...say some one in as good as shape as Cathe, would have.
I would also put her in the catagory as the women in a Ms. Fitness competition. What avereage body fat % do they have.
I got my body fat % done by one of those higher quality Tanita scales(not sure the accuracy).
It came out as 16.2 %. (I'm 5'5", 116lbs) They tell me that is low. I'm confused as I have alot more fat draping my body then say, someone like Cathe. I'm not over weight, but I'm definitly not as firm as I want to be.
I would like to know what a safe low body fat %, for an athletic female is.
Thanks, sunnyside
I would also put her in the catagory as the women in a Ms. Fitness competition. What avereage body fat % do they have.
I got my body fat % done by one of those higher quality Tanita scales(not sure the accuracy).
It came out as 16.2 %. (I'm 5'5", 116lbs) They tell me that is low. I'm confused as I have alot more fat draping my body then say, someone like Cathe. I'm not over weight, but I'm definitly not as firm as I want to be.
I would like to know what a safe low body fat %, for an athletic female is.
Thanks, sunnyside