Body Blast Rotation Variation...


Hi everyone! Okay, I didn't know whether to post here, or in the rotation section, but I decided to post here because I have a question. I started the body blast rotation this week and want to do it for at least 4 weeks, but I know that next week I have to take two days off in a row and they don't coincide with the day off scheduled in the rotation. So I came up with a variation on the rotation and I wanted to see what other people thought of it.

Boot Camp
cardio (any Cathe step video)
Muscle Endurance
IMax 2
Time Saver Step from cardio+weights and the combo(upper and
lower) from the pyramid DVD.

I hate having to take 2 days off in a row, but it can't be helped. I tried to cram as much in for the 5 days I have and I hope it will continue my body blast results. Does anyone have any suggestions to improve this or make it more efficient? Thank you for any suggestions!


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