body bar


New Member
Would the body bar be an alternative to using barbells. I am out of shape so what would be a good wt. for body bar to buy. 12 or 15 or 18 lb.
Instead of the body bar...why don't you try the soft stick? I personally haven't used this yet. But I am definately thinking about it. That way you don't have to purchase separate bars for different exercises.

Just scroll down until you see soft stick and you will see what I am talking about.

RE: body bar-thanks

Thanks alot. This is exactly what I was looking for! The weights are ajustable and is isn't that exspensive.
Thanks! I was looking for something like this, too. My only question is, how soon are we going to outgrow the 24 pound maximum weight? Since I haven't been exercising with a bar at all I have no idea how much weight I'm gonna need soon. Anyone? - Kath
I guess you could always get the one from Cathe's site.

I believe this is the one that she uses in her videos. I can't make up my mind either on which to purchase. I am just getting started. So I have been looking at lots of different equipment out there and saving it to my favorites until I make my mind up.

hi there, i also have a 15lb body bar and to add more weights i use ankle weights- the kind that wrap around-- and i can add 20lbs no problem. it works for me and may be a temporary solution for you.
RE: body bar-thanks

So? Has anyone tried using the soft stick? I just ordered my first Cathe DVD ever - Pure Strength. It hasn't even arrived yet. I enjoyed the Firm videos, but my lower back was always hurting and I wasn't sure that the Firm really put enough emphasis on form and safety. I read so many great things about Cathe, I had to check out her videos. I got the sense that she puts more emphasis on correct form than any other trainer, and I think correct form is important for avoiding back (or any other types of) injuries. I thought I would wait and try the videos a few times before purchasing barbells. I would be very interested to know about the option of using the soft stick if anyone has tried that.
If the it's price that you're concerned about, I bought my 55 pound barbell set at Target for $30. It has the spring release collars. I also bought a couple of 1/2 lb. plates to go with it for $1.25 each. I've been using this for a year and am very happy with it.
Hi Nancy!

My opinion would be to get a barbell instead just because you have the big advantage of putting on as much or as little weight as you want. If you go with the bodybars, you will need a great variety of sizes to be able to progress with your training. I do have bodybars and use them, but I can't imagine not having a barbell. One disadvantage to the bodybars is the diameter of them. Sometimes I feel they are too big to grasp my fingers around them to hold them comfortably for upper body work & deadlifts. They work very well for lower body work when rested on shoulders. Just my opinion but if you can pick up a barbell for a good price, I'd recommend that. Let us know what you decide.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Nancy!

Thanks, Deb. You convinced me. After I view the DVDs I'll buy the Troy lite barbell set. The price appears to be quite reasonable. Your profile indicates that you've been working with the Cathe videos for some time. Do you agree with my impression that Cathe pays the proper amount of attention to form? Can't wait to get my new DVDs!
Great, Nancy!

You're going to love that barbell. I've heard great raves about it. I wish I had gotten that style myself. ABSOLUTELY, you're impression is right on as far as Cathe giving great attention to form. It's funny, I TRY to be as perfect as possible with my form but every now & then, I'll catch myself maybe leaning forward too far and there Cathe is staring at me saying, "Be sure your shoulders are back or those knees aren't shooting out past your toes." You will find her cueing the BEST in the business. Sooo glad to hear you are going the DVD route. Just you wait. You are in for a real treat. Keep us posted after you get your new workouts!!!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Great, Nancy!


You said "keep us posted after you get your new workouts" so here goes. I love the fact that all three strength workouts come on a single DVD. I have other workouts that would package these as a boxed set that would take up more room just to let us know that we're getting more. But then you have to change DVDs to go to the next workout. In and of itself, this feature makes the workout more stream-lined and therefore more fun. As I mentioned before, this is my first Cathe DVD EVER, and I confirm everything I have ever heard. Cathe is a wonderful, motivating instructor and her emphasis on form is very important to me. I love the two upper body workouts. As for the lower body workout, I don't yet have the hang of the backward lunges. I keep wobbling and losing my balance and they are just no fun, even though I love forward lunges and what they do for me and have no problem with them. Does anyone have any comments on this? Perhaps I should add that I am completely challenged by the lower body workout without any weight whatsoever and I think it will be a long time before I need weights to be challenged. Perhaps the weights provide some balance? Anyway, I'm enjoying myself and the time seems to whiz by!
RE: Great, Nancy!


Oh, I forgot to mention that I have not ordered any barbells because I really don't seem to need them yet. I look forward to the day when I need a barbell to be challenged by these workouts! I don't think that beginners should be afraid of these videos, though, because you can go as light as you want to on the weights. I am not ashamed to admit that I reach complete muscle fatigue using mostly 5-lb. dumbbells for the upper body workouts! You have to start somewhere. :-shy
I am fairly develped... (my abs ahh umm.. need more work).. I use only Free weights.. i like the feel of them... that is another option
RE: Hi Nancy!

I have the 18lb body bar, i have 6 lb adjustable ankle weights that I put on the body bar to add up to 12 extra lbs. I find the body bar alot easier to handle than barbells because of the grip size. Karen
GREAT, Nancy!

I KNEW you'd love the PS Series and be totally happy with Cathe! Aren't DVD's great? As far as the backward lunges, maybe try going down just a bit, not too deep until you learn your balance on them. They are my hardest exercise to have complete control with also. I REALLY have to concentrate. You WILL learn better balance the more you do them. If it is totally frustrating you, then just do front lunges. No loss there! Also, I think using no weight is a good idea because you are still challenged. You have lots of time to grow with this series and 5#ers are a great start for upper body! Keep up the great work and enjoy your new tapes. FUN, FUN!!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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