?Bobbi? Strength training


Hi Bobbi,
I noticed you asked Cathe about Strength and Endurance training. Did you decide to go with Cathe's suggesstion on Strength or the Endurance one?
Are you still doing it and did you have good results?

For over two years I have just alternated my Cathe videos. I feel I'm not getting stronger or building up endurance. Thought I would try the rotation Cathe for strength then later do the endurance one......IF you had good results??? :D
I need to get in shape to do the NEW videos. ;-)
Thanks lots,
Hi, Wanda,

I am currently on hiatus. I am suffering from plantar fasciitis and it is really affecting my ability to do anything. My mother, aunt and sister are coming for a visit for Thanksgiving and my neices's wedding and I have been using getting prepared as an excuse to do nothing. I am very excited about the new workouts and all that strength work. Tomorrow I am going to start back in and I will be emphasizing strength work since it's easiest on my injured foot. I rotate through MIS and Power Hour and into PS and SH. I particularly love PS and I do find that I peak in the strength department with PS. I also love MIS and the body work from Body Max to increase endurance. I like short rotations to keep my muscles guessing what is to come and I get quite strong and toned doing it that way. I hope this helps!

http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule! B http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/petals.gif bbi
Thanks for your response Bobbi. I will put your advice to good use. I've started the PS and SH and will later do the MIS and Power Hour. Since I'm so weak in both areas, it was hard to figure what to do. Like you, I will make it short rotations. Possibly 2-3 week ones.
I'm so very sorry to hear about your foot. I feel for your pain. I could write a book about injury. Seems like I've injured just about everything at one time or another. :D Ah, but once you heal and get going again, your body seems to forget and forgive....until the next set back, right? :D :D Enjoy your visit with family. My neice got married yesterday. Sounds like we are having a similar week.
Again, thanks so much for your reply.
Bobbi, sorry to hear your PF is so bad. That's a bummer for you. What has your DR said about the PF? I always like your post and it's good to see something from you again.

Are your houseguest coming from Michigan? I asked because that's where I'm from and I noticed in the past you posted you had family in Michigan!!

Have a good Thanksgiving

Hi, Edith, I have had two cortisone shots and the second worked temporarily but not long enough. I am thinking surgury but it's not 100% certain it will do what I want. I need to call the doctor and get on it!

My guests are here and this joint is jumping. My mother hasn't been here in about 5 years and I love having her here. It's fun to hang with her baby sister and my own sister but they've brought cold weather as is always the case when visitors come! It's been in the 80's for quite a time now but it's cool and cloudy all of a sudden!

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving! I hope you and all the Catheites enjoy a safe and blessed one!

http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule! B http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/petals.gif bbi
>I am currently on hiatus.
>I am suffering from plantar
>fasciitis and it is really
>affecting my ability to do

Bobbi I am sorry to hear about your plantar fascitis. I suffered from PF and bones spurs in both feet. It is annoying. While I was eliminating impact routines, I was able to get a semi-recumbent bike to keep my cardio up.

It was sooo helpful to be able to keep up some cardio and not feel agonizing pain.

Now, a few years later, I still use the bike for an interval workout to get a really tough workout and give my feet an extra rest day. I just wanted to share this with you.

I wish you a fully recovery ASAP!

Judy Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)

Bobbi- One more thing... My doctor really bugged me about adequate stretching every day! Keep stretching! Stretch more than you think you should.


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
RE: stretching

Hi, Judy,

I have an appointment on December 6 with my handsome podiatrist. I am going to look into surgery since I have done PT and wear orthotics. The sucess rate is 97% but the procedure is controversial. I am desperate at this point! My feet are remarkably flexible and I have managed to maintain that in spite of the new trouble. I ice them too. It is the rear part of the heel and the medial arch that are troubleing me now. I hope to get real results from the surgery and get back on track!

http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule! B http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/petals.gif bbi
RE: stretching

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-02 AT 04:04PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Bobbi:

I would like to make a recommendation BEFORE you consider surgery. I have been dealing with repetitive stress injury in my hands for almost the past year from typing. I thought I was going to have to find other work. Finally I heard about a therapy called the Muscle Release Technique (which is an offshoot of the Stuart Taws method of Soft Tissue Release - either one will do). After one treatment session by a massage therapist trained in this method, I was 95% better!! My hands still get very tired after work, but NO more pain, no more numbness and tingling. I almost wouldn't believe it if I hadn't had it done myself. It's very rigorous stretching and deep tissue work, but it was extremely effective for me. The reason I'm telling you this is b/c it is also supposed to be effective for plantar fasciitis. For the record, I have no other interest in this other than as a consumer. The treatment broke up lots of scar tissue and released my muscles, and now I am on a specific daily stretching schedule, using the Wharton Stretch Book, to relengthen my muscles and keep them from future pain and injury.

Go to this website to check it out: http://www.mrtherapy.com/The_Missing_Link/Article_2/article_2.html

You can also click on "referrals" on the left to see if there is someone listed in your area - that's what I did. Otherwise, I would try calling all the massage therapists in your area and ask if anyone is specifically trained in either of those two techniques named above. It will only take one session to see if it will help, and what do you have to lose, except not having to undergo surgery? It's been 3 solid weeks now that I've been totally out of pain - such a relief!! I can't say enough about it. Hope it helps!

RE: stretching

Hi, Jen! Thanks for the link. My doc is pretty conservative and I will follow his advice. I am so bummed by this that I want it fixed NOW! He taped my foot twice and it was amazing but my taping skills aren't quite as good as his. In fact, I got blisters from the white sports tape. My feet are such a mess! I know these things are temporary if treated properly but mine is recurrent now! I also know that the surgery is iffy and must be as a last resort. Thanks for the advice!

http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule! B http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/petals.gif bbi

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