BM2 Boot Camp


Has anybody done this premix yet. I can't believe I've had the workout this long and never attempted it. It's my new favorite, right next to Drill Max. I think BM2 BC is a little tougher, or maybe I just need to do it more than once before I can judge it. It has me wondering if I missing some other premix. So I guess my question is, what is everybody's favorite premix in the new series? It may take me months to figure it out on my own.
Hi there!

I haven't done the BM2 BC workout yet, I'll have to put it on my list. I love the Scrambled Eggs premix and Cardio Premix (62 min one) on BM2.

I also love the Leg Blast Premix on B&G.

I haven't done much of LIC yet.

Great topic, would love to see what others think of the premixes!

Have a great night!
I love bm2 boot camp and cardio& weights premix so much fun. I also like many of the premixes on butts and gutts, and I like the upper body circuit and total body sculpt on LIC.

The new series is fun fun fun. :)

I am with Jenn, the Bootcamp and the Cardio and Weights premixes are really great. Definitely challenging!
I love Mix and Max on Cardio Fusion. When you're done you are DONE!!!! I've done it several times and it really pushes you!!!
>I love Mix and Max on Cardio Fusion. When you're done you are
>DONE!!!! I've done it several times and it really pushes

I also forgot that one. I did it once and you are worked out
;-) but I put the drill max section in the middle so I could end with LIC.

Here's the breakdown:

Boot Camp 78 minutes

Warm up
Power circuit segment #1 (step, blast, leg ex- lunges)
Back work
Abs- rockets shoots/thrusts
Power circuit #2 (step, blast, leg ex- squats)
Chest work
Abs- reverse crunch
Power circuit #3 (step, blast, leg ex- plie squats)
Abs- oblique crunch
Power circuit #4 (step, blast, leg static lunges)
Bicep work
Abs- side plank to balancing snow angels
Bonus cardio (step, leg ex- squats)
Tricep work
Abs- crunches

Thank you so much, Marcy. I meant to preview the premix, but haven't gotten around to it yet. In trying to decide what to do today and after reading this thread I think this is what I want to do when I get home today.

Thanks again.

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