>Yeah, I do the full 12 reps. It bugs me when reps are

I do all twelve too! She also does one or two fewer reps during Slow and Heavy Chest and Back. I think it's for the chest press--but don't quote me on that. You can see Cedie and Rhonda look at each other and Rhonda has this look on her face like "is it just me, or was there supposed to be one more?" and Cedie nods.

I may be way off base here but I SWEAR that's what it looks like!! :D

I like when they leave some of the mistaken words in makes them seem human I mean don't get me wrong I do not want to see incorrect form or anything like that I remember one exercise video I rented It may have been Mindy Mylrea (not 100% sure) but the girl in the background was rolling around and fell off her ball and I have seen some with incorrect form. I love that Cathe and her crew are so professional and professional looking. I make enough mistakes for everyone.

I like the Behind the Scenes them just being people I am glad they posted some of the breaks in the blog (Oh they do take breaks) kwim?


"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Also, on 4DS the first round of calf exercises Cathe says to 'turn your toes out', for the 2nd set of exercises she inadvertently says 'turn your toes out' (she really meant to say 'turn your heels out') but in the video she changes her feet with toes turned in & heels pointed out.

You KNOWWW there are loads of bloopers:) . You bet I want to see them!

I know during Gym Styles Cathe inadvertently says "set" when she means "rep" and has to come up with something when she then has to say "set" when she really means set ("...on the next... ROUND..."). But what I REALLY want to see is how many times it took Cathe to push her behind up in the air with her feet on the stability ball and her hands on the floor during filming of STS Ab circuit. I saw the blog photo and about passed out. You know how, in Gym Style Legs there's that floor move when you do the ball roll out with one foot while the other leg is in the air? I STILL have to keep BOTH feet on the ball. I STILL can't balance well enough to do the move as it's supposed to be done so all the STS blog photos have me going "Uh oh..."

With STS, especially, I would REALLY love to see the bloopers because they're bound to be hysterical.
it would be cool,

bloopers and behind the scenes would be great! :D , if not on the dvd posting on the website would be great too!
This is a great idea...I would love to see both, bloopers and behind the scenes. I would love to see footage of them practicing. If they made a DVD for that, I would buy it!! Or they could just put it on youtube....
FWIW, I posted this question to Cathe a couple of years ago, I think after the 4DS series.

She didn't seem too excited to put bloopers out there, but said that they would consider it for future workouts.
So maybe this post will light a fire!

I don't think anyone wants to see them to be mean spirited at all. I think it's more about reassurance that these super human woman we see on our TVs each morning are, in fact, human! :)

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