Bloating Remedies


Do any of you have any recommendations for bloating? What normally helps you get rid of that airy feeling in your stomach? I hate it!!
Carbonated beverages, sugar substitutes, and some fibrous veggies such as broccoli can cause gas and bloating. Drink lots of water! You can take products like beano to help with the side effects of veegies. Your body will adjust to the vegetables if your eating a lot of them and aren't yet accustomed to that much at once. Hope this helps! Take Care!

Trust me when I tell you that you are not alone. I have bloating everyday and it's terrrible. I know that leafy (spinach,lettuce,broccoli) vegetables do it to me so I began to take beano but it doesnt help all the time. Other foods also make me bloated but I dont know which one's. It seems like whatever I eat makes me bloated. I'm so sick of it it's gotten to the point where I dont want to eat anything because of it. But that will never happen. LOL I've stopped eating the leafy veggies and just eat other ones like tomatoes cucumbers, red peppers etc. Good luck.
gas x

Works. I like the pill rather than the little wafer/pill that you chew. It has a pleasant minty aftertaste. I read about something called Sassy water in the Flat Belly diet, you might want to check that out. They have a four day anti-bloat plan in that book.

If you are having a digestion issue you might need some enzymes, I like Twin Labs or Trader Joe's enzymes which are from papya. Also, you might need a probiotic. You can get those at a health food store, you want one that is refridgerated because they are living organisms. Also, you can get tested for having food allergies such as dairy or gluten.
I use enzymes also but found that eating 1 container of Activa yogurt p.m really helped. It contains probiotics which I know you can buy in the health food store. I tried some other yogurts with probiotics but did not find them that helpful.

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