Bloating each month


I;m wondering how women out there deal with this each month? x(
Is there something that can be taken to alleviate this?
I get so frustrated cuz I workout faithfully but yet once a month for a couple of days I look awful which in turn makes me feel awful.
The problems us women have to go through. :(
I pack on about 5 pounds of water weight (all in the gut) once a month. I've read that cutting down on salt and drinking lots of water can help. I just reach for my "bloaty pants".

Yes, bloating due to hormonal changes is well, it sucks! Actually, I gain a few pounds and bloat at the time I ovlulate, not before my period. I have done that for at least 20 years now. At least I know what it is from and that it is temporary.

But let me tell you - I still hate it and obsess about it. I work out hard and watch what I eat and I love my flat stomach so when it is no longer flat I hate it. When it goes back down, then I appreciate it much more!

I have often wondered does Cathe get any kind of bloating? I cannot imagine her with even a little bit of a belly sticking out, can you?

Oh well, at least we have company in our misery over the bloat, which I can't stand the fact that men do not have to go through that at all. But who said life was fair?


lots of us here understand you!!!

I can bloat anywhere from between one week to two and it will not start to go down until my period begins.

I go up a whole dress size around the hips, stomach and tops of thighs. It gets so bad that by the end of the day I look 4 or 5 months pregnant. I show my belly to my husband to prove that I am not imagining it and he is always horrified that my body can do this. I tell him he takes for granted the fact that his body will hormonally remain on an even keel all month long. It makes me depressed and I feel ugly at these times.

I am trying to understand that it is not me, that it doesn't mean I have permanently swelled, that it does go down and does not lead to any weight gain ever. And this is true. I try to keep my eating normal but with a gut like that, who wants to eat a bean burrito? I try and keep it light, lentil soups, loads of fruit, etc. I force myself to keep going with my exercise routine at these moments even though I don't look at my belly while I'm doing it!

I have one set of clothes that I use for my normal two weeks and the other, less attractive togs for the horrid bloaty days, featuring such style necessities as the elasticated waist and the oversize pants, or pants with alternative button settings, so that I can breathe.

I try and wear heels during these times because they make me feel leaner and I pay attention to my hair and some nice jewelery to attract attention away from my body.

What can you take to alleviate this? Well, depending on how bad the emotional symptoms are that come with this (i.e. it's not just PMS, the three day blues each month, but PMDD, a full blown emotional turmoil that interferes with your social and working/productive life), you can be prescribed an SSRI (newer type anti-depressant) such as Clexa and Sarafem and I can tell you that they work. Celexa did fabulous things for me and my period would come upon me and take me by surpise because I was expecting the big bloat and the emotional upset first, that never arrived. For some reason this drug worked for me physically as well as emotionally.

Talk to your doctor about this one. Warm baths, snuggling in your dressing gown in the evening, + watching a fun movie also work to take your mind of it , as does good amounts of sleep!

Oh yes! I have this about 1-2 weeks prior to my period. It drives me crazy! Actually I was thinking about how much I hate PMS before I logged on here!;-) I am having a very BAD day today, the cravings,the mood swings,the bloating,fatigue.... I have taken Midol PMS and it does help. I just try to drink plenty of water and continue exercising. Susan
Honestly? Nudism. I can't bear how clothes feel against my skin
when I am bloated. I rip my clothes off as soon as I'm inside my apartment, and don't put them on again until I have to go back out. If only I didn't have to go back out, everything would be fine. Unfortunately, I ALWAYS have to go back out. Sigh. :-(

P.S. No, I'm not nude in the avatar picture. I swear I was wearing a strapless wedding gown.;)
Almost every woman I know has a "bloating" problem each month. To help elleviate this drink about 1 gallon to 1 1/2 gallons of water a day and try to keep your sodium levels from 1500 to 1800 milligrams a day. This is easily done by eating as "clean" as possible and avoiding foods like celery and yes unfortunately limiting your consuption of diet colas (Dietrite has 0 milligrams of sodium in it and tastes great!). Keep your consumption of processed and packaged foods to a minimum -- in other words keep it simple! And try to avoid fat-free versions of foods as they contain more sodium than low-fat foods. Vitamin B6 (100 to 200 milligrams) is also useful in flushing out water weight gain. Remember: if it swims, flies comes out of the ground or off a tree you can have it. It's that's simple and oh yeh keep up the cardio and weight training!:)

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