Blessings for a Healthy and Happy New Year!!!!



I am counting my blessings for the year and looking forward to a strong and healthy 2009. Before I say goodbye to 2008, I want to send you a big hug and thank you for teaching me that fitness can be fun. You inspire me to keep pressing on with my fitness journey even when I am losing more battles that I am winning. The war against fat wore me out this year. I lost ground and gained 44 pounds. Thankfully, I have your calendar in my workout area for inspiration and motivation and a great collection of fun workouts. As a result of your fun cardio workouts especially, I discovered the joy of moving my body even when I am not seeing visible results. I visited my doctor for an annual exam a few days before Christmas. Good news! I am healthy aside from having food allergies/sensitivities and being 144 pounds overweight! The scale does not tell the whole story. My total cholesterol is 158, and everything else is great too (including my blood pressure, glucose, and triglycerides). Blessing my body with water, whole foods, and exercise 80 percent of the time is making a difference even if the scale is not cooperating yet! By the grace of God, I have faith that these stubborn fat cells will bow down in submission in 2009 (hopefully with the help of STS). I am being transformed from the inside out in more ways than one.

I have battled food strongholds and my weight since early childhood. A few days before Christmas, my doctor gave up on me and gave me a referral for a lap band. He does not think I can conquer obesity without weight loss surgery. Yes, I can! The gauntlet is on the ground, and I am embracing the challenge. All things are possible for those who believe, and I can rise above food strongholds and obesity and soar on wings like an eagle by God's grace. I am starting this new year at 274 pounds in size 28 jeans. The mountain I am facing is huge, but I can move it by faith! The task ahead of me is never as great as the POWER behind me! By faith, I am smashing the strongholds of my soul and believing God that 2009 is the year of my freedom when obesity and food strongholds lose their grip on me. I believe!

Fitness is about freedom, not a size! Living fit and free is my overall goal. My desire is to eat for the glory of God, exercise as an act of worship, and be strong and healthy (physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally) at any size in 2009. My first fitness goal for the year is to faithfully finish STS and be strong enough for one push-up on my toes by the end of my first rotation. My second fitness goal is to run my first 5K by the end of the year.

I am seriously stepping out of my comfort zone with STS and cannot think of one other trainer or fitness instructor who could inspire me to try something this "serious" and challenging. I told you when you first announced STS last November that it would be my delight to support you through another long presale. I trust you to produce quality workouts, and I know that STS will be no exception. It may even be good for me. LOL! I am still dreaming of fun cardio workouts from you in 2009 after you recover from STS! *wink*

Thank you again for the joy you have added to my journey. Please enjoy a well-deserved vacation after all your hard work on STS this year. Blessings for a healthy and happy 2009! I pray that STS exceeds your dreams and expectations and is an overwhelming success for you. I am looking forward to training hard with you on STS days and having a blast the rest of the time! Happy New Year, Cathe! Hugs! :)

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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Hi Heather! What a heartwarming note. Thank you. You have been through many challenges this past year and I have faith that 2009 is your year to break though many strongholds and plateaus. You are surrounded by much love and support, people who care and will not let you slip behind. Take hold of the strength and let it feed your willpower. You are strong in many ways Heather. I have seen it and I have no doubt you will do great this 2009 not only with STS but with every area of life that has presented stubborn challenges. Your faith will see you through. Take hold and go for it. You can do it Heather!

Happy New Year!

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