Bladder Control Question


I can't seem to do any high impact moves without leaking urine - no jumping jacks, kickboxing jumps, etc. - even after I've just emptied my bladder. I had my second baby six months ago and I def had issues with coughing, sneezing, high impact but I thought it would be better by now. I talked to the nurse practitioner at my ob's office and she said it would take a long time and may never completely go away. I also got the impression from her that surgery wouldn't necessarily correct this problem. I just hate it.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so, how have you dealt with it. :-(
Well not millions, and probably not as many as many as I should, but yes, I am doing them. I guess I probably should be better about doing them more often.
They truly do work wonders. Just get into the habit of doing them whenever you find yourself standing or sitting for a moment - in the car, grocery line-up, making dinner, folding laundry.:)
My OBGYN also suggested that you make an effort to stop your urine flow when you are nearly finished every time you go to the bathroom. This helps you in the same way Kegels do. It has worked for me.

I have done tons of Kegels without much improvement but I have also had 4 children.

It is so frustrating and embarrassing.

I use Poise pads for high-impact days. The sneezing and couging don't cause a problem anymore but laughing hard does. It's been almost 2 years since I had my last baby.

I would give it some more time. I hope you recover completely!
Oh yes, three children, lots of leaks. Just have to wear a pad on those jumpin days. I just think of those marathon runners who pee themselves and chuckle. . . Just a minor problem many "athletes" encounter!!!
I'm sorry to have to tell you that is gets worse with age too. My youngest baby is 19 yo, and only within the last 2 years have I had problems during any kind of jumping jacks. I guess I should be kegeling, something I gave up a long time ago.
I had that problem when I got my urban rebounder, and it took about 3 weeks, but I tell ya jummping on that thing really built up those muscles that hold up your bladder.... Btw I have 4 children to][/URL]:D[/IMG
Yup, join the club. My gyn says Kegels but I'm not good at remembering to do them. I found that when I work out FIRST thing in the am, before drinking any water, I have less problems with leaking during high impact. If I do have problems I improvise jumping jacks with plyo jacks (just as cardio effective for me, not as high impact) and I modify the other moves in ways to keep the heart rate up and bladder leaks to a min.

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige

I think everyone here has offered some great suggestions; Kegals and stopping your urine flow are great. You are only 6 months post baby, it takes 6 + weeks just to recover from delivery.. I would just give it some more time. I am wondering if your delivery was a rough one, did you have an episiotomy or a 3rd-4th degree laceration?

I have the same problem that you do, even after I empty my bladder urine still seems to leak out.

If I am going to be doing plyometerics I always wear a peri-pad for protection.
I have some issues since having my son who is now 15 months old. I mostly feel it during Rebounder work outs. I can't wear GOOD clothing because even if I've just emptied my bladder, I tend to leak a bit during the work outs. :eek: (Sorry if that is TMI!LOL) I seem to be okay during other work outs...even running, which surprises me.

I haven't read the other responses so I don't know if anyone mentioned this already but I do believe that doing kegel exercises every day can help tighten up those muscles again!

Thanks all for the suggestions. I guess this is a pretty common problem. I was wondering if I made it worse by working out during pregnancy - I never went all out high impact but I did do jacks and such.

I didn't have rough deliveries but did 4th degree lacerations with each. My doc says my anatomy is "short" down there. :)

Wendy - I don't get it when I run either. That's weird. Also, if I am laughing really hard I BETTER be near a bathroom or I am in trouble. Well I guess I better just put the pad on and not worry about it.
Susan -

What type of bottoms do you wear when you workout? I find if I wear looser shorts as opposed to something more fitted, I have more of an issue. I also ditto the use of kegels and "stops and starts" while urinating.


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