Birthday money coming--S&H or PS?


It's time for what we're best at--spending money on Cathe workouts.

Every year my dear in-laws give me money for my birthday which I use mainly for workout stuff.

I'm kind of getting off a cardio kick into a strength emphasis. I have the Pyramids, the GS series, PH, MIS, and ME. I didn't get Supersets or Push-Pull because of the easier rankings. I was planning on getting S&H next. I wasn't really considering the Pure Strength series. Is it worth getting? Am I right in getting Slow & Heavy first?

Thanks for your input.

Carol F
IMHO, given what you have already, then yes, Slow and Heavy is your best bet. I'm not saying Pure Strength isn't a good series - it is - but the very distinctive method of liftiing, including variable counts up and down, make Slow and Heavy a very different and valuable body-shocker. Also, the core work in the Slow And Heavy series is somewhat more innovative and variable (including prone and supine planks as well as supermans for the low back) than Pure Strength, AND S&H has wrist curl drills that are very valuable for serious weight-lifters.

Most posters who have discussed S&H seem to use it for shorter rotations because it really is quite intensive and takes a lot of focus. But a lot of times in weight lifting as in other meaningful areas of life, less is more.

A-Jock, thanks for your reply. I know I'm not the only one that values your "humble opinion"--even if we can only dream of keeping up with you!}( ;)

There is an evil little spender-devil on my left shoulder that's whispering that I might as well get both series and save on shipping and add variety. Sigh . . . he usually wins. Of course, I'm not putting up much of a fight.;) Sadly enough, one of my greatest talents seems to be justification--especially when money is involved. Let's see...if I take $10 a week out of the food budget . . . .
I vote for S&H, too. I need to get this series on DVD myself. I taped it off of FitTV, but I want the DVD now. I used to supplement my PUB with the S&H series, and I got a killer burn! It was great.

I think you've inspired me to get this DVD next. :)
Here's another vote for S&H. PS kind of reminds me of the Gym Styles (only much shorter and not quite as much fun), so you probably wouldn't be getting anything that much different than you already have. S&H, on the other had, is different than any of other Cathe's series and would nicely complement you current collection.

However, PS is a great series to split up and use in a CTX-like fashion. I often tack on a PS body part or two to a cardio workout.

Heck, "borrow" the funds from your grocery budget and get both!
Take Care,
Carol - trust me - you have plenty of variety right now, if you go with Slow and Heavy. Again, I'm not saying Pure Strength isn't a good series, but if you're watching your pennies (and who isn't these days?) Pure Strength can wait. You know I'm very good at spending other people's money for them, but on this one, patience is a virtue.

If I had to choose between the 2, I'd choose S&H. I absolutely love this series.


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