Man i hope i can find a good doctor soon. Tthe one i have.. we dont mix well he wants to prescribe pills for everything. Never seems to find out y ..just cover symptoms. I dont like that. As far as hormones he said if i wont want to try reg hormones the bio isnt any better. N he clams up. Im 42 now so im looking around now. I like options.
It's so hard to find a good doctor - I found a wonderful one but she disappeared on me. Something happened in her life and all of her practice got letters saying she would be out for two years

. The man who is subbing for her totally screwed up an out-patient procedure and then told me I would have to do it again but under general anesthesia. Yeah, I jumped on that one, especially when I found out that I had to pay for the screwed up procedure and the one under general if I decided to go that way. And when I went to pick up my records to find another doctor, the nurses were saying that they didn't blame me. Apparently I am not the only unhappy person.
So I went to another doctor on the advice of a co-worker. She didn't even glance at my file before she walked in, then wanted to do an exam on me and that was something I just wasn't expecting. DOH. Then wanted to put me on birth control pills and do the same procedure again that was screwed up before saying that she was 'much better at it'.
I got rid of the BCP's at the next pill turn in in my county and have not been back to any gyn doctor. I was a lab tech and have some understanding of what's going on, so I really do want to get everything resolved, but I also want a doctor to at least listen to me - or to at least glance at my 10 page file before walking in and stop repeating tests.
Sorry for the long post, just a bit frustrated and hormonal today

I do use the doctor reference sites before I go to a doc, however it's like when you research a product. It seems the only people who really post reviews are the ones that had a bad experience.