Bill O'Reilly Rant

True, many talk shows on Fox are indeed on the right, but I don't find their general news reporting to be one-sided. I think they give equal weight to both sides when they report general news, esp. Sam Shepard (who's my fave;-) ). I also prefer Greta to the likes of Nancy Grace. Nancy is as annoying as nails on a chalkboard.
OMG I miss ED Hill so much! It took awhile, but Gretchen finally grew on me. She did the local news in our area years ago and I about died when I saw her on FOX!

We listen to NPR once in awhile, but we've all but stopped watching the "mainstream" networks. I always get a big kick out of it when people accuse FOX of bias. Like CNN, MSNBC, NPR, CBS, ABC, CBS, and MOST newspapers aren't? OMG -- before FOX and talk radio, there were NO options for people with a conservative point of view. Every other news outlet leans liberal, and MSNBC is outrageously to the left.
I agree that some shows on MSNBC are liberal-slanted, like Countdown with Keith Oberman Maybe that's why I adore MSNBC ;-) ...

But other people on the channel are right-leaning, like Tucker Carlson, Joe Scarborough (a former Republican congressman) and Pat Buchannon ... So, indeed it's a great mix that inspires discourse (in my opinion).

As far as I'm concerned, CNN is the most balanced of all the news channels, thus pretty boring to me. I think the MOST objective of all of the political reporters is Tim Russert. I used to be a newspaper journalist, so I really have a discerning eye when it comes to this.

But talk radio is mostly filled with right-leaning talk shows (except for Air America -- which you can't even get in the south).

All of this is just my opinion. I think it's neat to see how protective people are of their news sources. I'm totally the same way. :)
Bill O'Reilly and all the other talking heads whether they are conservative or liberal are not journalists they are entertainers.

Fox Network chose to be one sided towards the conservative because the market was already saturated towards the liberal side. By choosing the conservative side they had a lock on a niche and thus higher Arbitron and Neilsen ratings from the conservative minded people who flock to the network because they can't stand the liberal bias that is aired on the other networks. They make more $ from advertisers that want to reach conservatives. If the story is juicy or sensational, more people will watch, advertisers will pay more. They are no more evil than the liberal biased stations. Insert the Don Henley song, "Dirty Laundry" here.

You were all born with brains, you were all given the power to determine right from wrong, to choose good or evil or somewhere in between. Why do you need a multi-million dollar entertainer to tell you the news? Why do you need an editor to endorse a particular politician? This stuff is important, educate yourself past the evening news, make your own choices

As for me I'll choose another double espresso
Wow. That was quite a rant. Yes, I have a brain, and I enjoy watching certain political shows that actually do challenge my thinking while entertaining me. This does not mean I'm a mindless follower of these "entertainers" as you call them. The people I admire and watch are journalists, and some are more in the department of editorializing. I also think it's important to know when to decipher between straight reporting and editorializing. I think that everyone has a favorite station or publication they lean toward because they enjoy a little of both. Nothing wrong with that.

Oh, and I assure you, I'm highly educated. Just a political news (and editorial) junkie.

And Dave, please, ease off the espresso ;-) .
I wasn't implying that you don't have a brain, I was not trying to insult anyone as a group or in particular. I was "soapboxing". i watch quite a few of these "entertainers" myself. I am an internet news junkie. At slack times I've been known to read international websites to get a different read on the news. I try to stay away from news blogs however, hard to validate.

I just work around too many people that live for Rush, Ann Coulter and the others (I'm not picking on conservatives, those two come instantly to mind.) They get to the point that they can't form their own opinions without being given the "official line"

I can be liberal on education and health care, wildly conservative about things like personal freedoms and gun ownership. I am not defined by a party or a label

definition of a die hard liberal: a conservative that has been laid off

definition of a die hard conservative: a liberal thats been mugged

Jeez my coffee cup is empty again....
<You were all born with brains, you were all given the power to determine right from wrong, to choose good or evil or somewhere in between. Why do you need a multi-million dollar entertainer to tell you the news? Why do you need an editor to endorse a particular politician? This stuff is important, educate yourself past the evening news, make your own choices>

That's how I look at it (and I don't intend any insult either) I look at a wide variety of news sources and thanks to the "internets" that's possible. BTW, I love Dave's definitions. LMAO!
><You were all born with brains, you were all given the power
>to determine right from wrong, to choose good or evil or
>somewhere in between. Why do you need a multi-million dollar
>entertainer to tell you the news? Why do you need an editor to
>endorse a particular politician? This stuff is important,
>educate yourself past the evening news, make your own
>That's how I look at it (and I don't intend any insult either)
> I look at a wide variety of news sources and thanks to the
>"internets" that's possible. BTW, I love Dave's definitions.

Totally agree with Beavs and Dave. I think the most important thing in being an informed person is to seek out opinions and points of view that don't go hand in hand with our own thoughts on matters. This is not always easy, cause we're all only human and there are some folks you just want to slap hell out of while shrieking, "WAKE UP YOU MORON!" :p :D


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
I totally agree with both Dave and Beavs here.

I just don't like Bill O'Reilly's personality, that is what my rant was about.:p Blech.
He is an egomaniacal weinie-breath if you ask me. }(

SO likes to watch him - it's definitely "infotainment".

I like the body language chick.

ITA with Dave and Beavs about the whole thing.

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