Bikini waxing


Since I am on my way to a better body and am starting to see some changes. Next summer I might be able to put on a bikini. I am wondering on if any of you have had bikini waxes or that other wax jog....Brazilion or something....Did it hurt? Do you take your underwear off? Cost? and where do you go to get these done?.....Thank you for your input......
Hi Krista!

In answer to your question, a Brazilian wax does involves the waxing of everything, including where your underwear would regularly be. I have never had a Brazilian wax as I have found the regular wax to be quite painful enough. In fact, a few months ago I was told by my manicurist that in my particular spa there have been more than several occasions where someone has stopped after only half a Brazilian wax because of pain. Hope this helps!
Lucky for me... waxing is my lively hood..:-rollen. Not totally but it is part of what I do.I wax my bikini line myself and a little bit more, only b/c I do it myself.I think if I were to go to someone else I would only get the main area waxed.I wax off myself, as much as I can handle.I also get my underarms and legs done.
I haven't had anyone take their underwear off but they have come pretty close.It all depends on how comfortable you feel with the person who is doing it and if you have been going to them for a while.
Of course it hurts but nothing we can't handle.Whatever the pain ,it is well worth it.I always find that it hurts more just before I am going to start my period.And it would help if you took a some tylenol or something before you go.
Hope I helped,
How does one go about to start waxing themselves.....What kind of wax to buy....etc..........Should one shave first to get the hairs shorter or whatever you would advise......I love this forumn....I learn to much from you all.........
I've had laser hair removal and it HURTS! The dr. has given me numbing cream, but if you miss a spot ouch!! I've had 6 treatments and probably need to go back a few more times to get it finished. I am happy with the results, but not the pain.

I have had one professional wax job. It was good to see some technique and all. It hurts at first cause there is so much hair. You're hair grows in stages and now when I wax there are just a few hairs growing back.

When I did it professional I went to a JCPenney hair salon that also did bikini waxes. Just call around. Lots of beauty salons do waxing too.

I kept my undies on, but she said to just do whatever was most comfortable. She even gave me a towel skirt to put on.

At home I use the cold wax strips. Nair and Sally Hansen both make them. I've never been able to get anything else to work right. You have to let the hair grow to an inch or so.

IMO it is MUCH better than shaving. To me shaving hurts like the dickens. I can't shave my pits either. I use an electric razor for those.

You might buy some Bikini Zone to help keep out ingrown hairs. I've also heard putting solid deoderant on the waxed area every day keeps ingrowns away.

Oh, and a Brazilian wax is EVERYTHING. Bum and all. Never had one of those done.

I use the salon wax.When I am not busy at work I just go in and do it myself.I would much rather do it myself b/c for me it doesn't hurt as much but some people would probably find it worse.
You should trim the hair but don't shave it.It needs to be probably about the length of your eyebrow hairs for the wax to get it.If it is to short then it won't work.Around a weeks worth of growth or maybe a little bit more.
I did mine on Saturday and everything is still nice and tidy :7.I did my underarms today but they weren't very long.I am taking yoga classes now so I needed to get it done before tomorrow.
Hi Krista,

I really would avoid a Brazillian wax, not only will it hurt like hell, but imagine all the scratchy regrowth (Ooo :eek:) and in some instances, waxing can cause ingrowing hairs, imagine those on your privates, not nice ! I would stick to a nice bikini tidy, go a little higher at the front, if you want, depending on the cut of your bikini bottoms/swimsuit. And avoid TTOTM ! I wouldn't say it hurts, but everyone's pain threshold is different. The results are fantastic though. Wear some old knickers for the bikini wax, just in case any wax gets on your knickers. To have a bikini wax, just check out your local Beauty Salon, and ask them in advance if they cleanse the skin before hand (they should do, using some kind of pre-wax lotion, or tea tree oil), the usual sanitary checks, etc.
You really do want to keep it up though, and not limit bikini waxing to the Summer. Starting now in the Autumn/Winter, is the best time to start waxing, so that by next Summer, the growth of the hairs will be more consistent.

Anna :)
Hi Krista,

To go about waxing at home, you will need to pop down to your local beauty wholesalers, but be careful, some wholesalers require certification of waxing before they will sell.
You will need to invest in a wax heater (which is thermastatically controlled, important as you can burn yourself very easily), a pot of warm honey wax, a pack of wooden sticks (no metal spatulas as you can burn yourself with them), a pack of fabric strips, pre-wax cleanser, and soothing after wax lotion.

The warm wax should be applied to clean, dry skin (no oil or grease, or the wax won't adhere), using a wooden stick, holding the stick at a 45 degree angle. Apply the wax in a thin layer, in the direction of the hair growth. Press firmly a fabric strip over the area, and rip off aginst the growth, keeping the fabric strip as close to the skin as possible. Try not to rip off in an upward direction or else you will just snap the hairs at the skins surface, instead of pulling out by the root. Once finished, apply some soothing after-wax lotion to the area, and avoid things such as sunbathing, sunbeds, and baths for 24-48 hours after waxing, along with self tan, perfumed body products, etc.

Waxing can work out expensive at home - in the UK, a starter waxing kit including the heater can cost around £55 (about $90s). And you also have to know what you are doing, so I would recommend having salon waxing done first, and watching a Professional do the treatment before attempting to at home.
The roller waxing kits are a pain in the butt, because the roller heads always get so sticky. And don't bother with rubbishy cold wax strips you can purchase from the Chemist (drugstore), as you need heat to open the hair follicles to allow the hair to come out by its root. The cold strips just snap the hair at the skins surface, so you may as well just shave.

Hope this was of some use Krista !

Anna :)
Cold Wax

I have to disagree that the cold wax strips don't work. That's all I use, with great results. You warm the wax by rubbing the strip between your hands (or holding it in front of the heater in the winter for me :)). I don't know if that is the right temp or not, but they pull my hair out by the roots.

I think everyone may be different in this area too. Otherwise they wouldn't make all the other hair removal products that seem useless to me.

RE: Cold Wax

Hi Andrea,

If you are warming your cold wax strips then you will get good results, as the hairs will come out by the roots, and you will get a good time lapse in between re-growth. But some are specifically used cold and if there is no warmth, the hair follicles don't open.

I should imagine that in the US, you get a much better cold wax strip choice than the UK, as you have a much bigger market. The cold wax strips in the UK are dreadful. How much do they retail at in the States ? Here, you pay £7 - £8 for a pack of 10 (equivalent thereabouts dollar price $10-$12).

But it is all swings and roundabouts, as with most things, what works for one, may not work for others.

Anna :)
I've gotten bikini waxes for years. When I first started going, it hurt a lot, but you get used to it. Some "waxers" aren't as good as others, so it hurts more. I definately like it since you avoid ingrowns and bumps (although you can get some- just exfoliate lightly and use Tendskin).

Some places don't do Brazilian (or high-cut) waxes. Some say it's not safe. I go to one place owned by these foreign women who have no shame! They'll do anything! Last time, I decided to try Brazilian. They give you little paper panties (you keep your own undies on for regular waxes) and you cannot be embarrassed because the panties offer little coverage! They have you sticking your leg in the air and all. Let me just say it HURT! It was awful- I don't think certain areas should be waxed. I was sore afterwards, itched like crazy for a week, it was not fun. I felt like I was injured since it was uncomfortable to even take a spinning class! I will stick to the regular wax!

If you want one done, try nicer salons first. Some don't take off that much, some do more, depends. Prices around her (Philly suburb) are $20-35, depending on the type of wax.

I also have waxed at home with wax you heat up on the stove. It works pretty well (Nads didn't work for me), but it can be a hassle. I'd get pro waxes first before doing this.

Good luck!
Hi 123,

OMG, you brave, brave Lady :eek: - I take my hat off to you :D I would rather be tatooed all over my body than go through a Brazillian !
And did they take 'everything' off ? Sorry, I know that is a personal question, I will understand if you don't answer that.

I have wondered about Nads, how did you find it ? Nads is taken off in a big way here in the UK, it is sugar based, isn't it ?

$20-$35 for a bikini wax :-wow :-wow, that is pricey ! Where I live, you can have your bikini line waxed for £7 (about $10-$12 equivalent). It would though be more expensive in the major UK cities however.

anna :)
Love waxing

My husband says I am addicted to being waxed but he LOVES it too. I wax my underarms, my bikini and have just recently gotten my first Brazilian (yes they take everything front to back). The results are phenomenal, no little red bumps as the hair grows back in like you get from shaving.

Although it hurts, the pain passes really quickly, just like when you tweeze your eyebrows. Ouch then relief.

I go to a full-service salon that offers waxing. Finding a bikini wax is pretty easy, Brazilians take a little more searching.

Also from experience ... the first time you go to someone for a wax, have them do your eyebrows or somewhere relatively public so you can judge if you feel comfortable with them and to make sure you think they have good waxing form.

I recently had this young girl (20-ish) wax my underarms and it was terrible, she yanked the wrong way. The woman who does my Brazilian is 60 and has been doing waxes for 15 years, a PRO.

Sorry if this is too much information.

I Love Waxing

My husband says I am addicted to being waxed but he LOVES it too. I wax my underarms, my bikini and have just recently gotten my first Brazilian (yes they take everything front to back). The results are phenomenal, no little red bumps as the hair grows back in like you get from shaving.

Although it hurts, the pain passes really quickly, just like when you tweeze your eyebrows. Ouch then relief. I exfoliate daily in the shower which is good for my skin anyway and have had no problems with ingrowns.

I go to a full-service salon that offers waxing. Finding a bikini wax is pretty easy, Brazilians take a little more searching.

Also from experience ... the first time you go to someone for a wax, have them do your eyebrows or somewhere relatively public so you can judge if you feel comfortable with them and to make sure you think they have good waxing form.

I recently had this young girl (20-ish) wax my underarms and it was terrible, she yanked the wrong way. The woman who does my Brazilian is 60 and has been doing waxes for 15 years, a PRO.

Sorry if this is too much information.


Cold wax in the states is about half that price, but it sounds like pro jobs are more than twice as much here! And then of course you have to tip...

Andrea (who also came to this board about 3 years ago to get bikini wax advice!)
RE: Bernard

Hi Andrea,

OMG, I forgot about the tipping !! Soon adds up, doesn't it ? Here in the UK, you can either tip if you want to or not if you don't feel like it or you had a rotten wax job !
If you have been bikini waxing for 3 years, I will bet you had brilliant results, waxing is very rewarding over time, isn't it ? I have been waxing my underarms now for 14 years, legs and bikini line for 11 years (legs become very patchy) :D
Do salons in the US still use the old fashioned toffee-like Hot Waxing ? We were taught this at college, as well as warm, honey waxing, though colleges aren't allowed to teach this method now in the UK, as it is deemed too unhygenic.

Anna :)

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