Bikini waxing

I'm another shave aficionado. For waxing, you have to let the hair grow. What's up with that!

Shaving is quick and painless and if you do it almost daily then you're always smooth as silk. Irritation seems to occur when you let it go.

I'm Greek and I have a reason to know hair removal methods. For that area, the "Brazilian shave" is the way to go! In the shower, no pain, no underwear, no problem! Just a li'l learning curve and baby smooth results. It works for me. (DH doesn't mind either)
RE: I Love Waxing

I do Brazilian and I love it. Does it hurt. Well, of course, but you kind of become desenstized the more you do it. Plus, each time the hair grows in much softer and less dense. Brazilian or bikini, you really need to stick to an every four week schedule in order to help keep the 'pain factor' down. The longer you let it grow, the more hair grows in and the more it hurts.

Shaving is the worst way to do it. Shaving makes the hair grow back in very coarse, whether it is underarm, legs, lips or bikini area. Aksi anyone who gets their legs waxed and they will tell you that their hair grows back mucbh softer than with shaving.

Also, the whole myth that the more you wax/shave, the more hairy you will get is pure bull. You still have the same number of folicles whether you wax or not. I'm just one of those 'lucky' people that has thick hair - 3 hairs to a folicle. Yuck!
If you want them to take everything off, they will. I said to leave some on, but I still felt like a stripper afterwards!A

Again, not every salon takes a lot off. I called around and asked places if they did "hi-cut" or brazilian waxes. If they don't know what you're talking about, they don't do them! It was frustrating since a lot of places didn't do them. Maybe now, since it's more popular, it's more available.

I found Nad's at Ulta, a large beauty supply store. I think it was about $30. I'm sure you can order it online and many drugstores even carry it. I tried it and it just didn't work. It was kinda messy too. Definately didn't work like the infomercials show! I think it's sugar based and not supposed to irritate your skin. I got a waxing kit from Sephora that is great. But no at-home waxing is as good as having a pro do it.
Is it true that with continued waxing, the hair will grow in finer, thiner, and maybe in some spots stop?? I have heard this but about 6 months ago I went for a wax and was told just the opposite by the girl waxing my legs. Now I am confused. She said it is better to shave and shaving will give me the finer, thiner hair.
I use an epilady on my legs and every once in a while will go for a wax. I like the eipilady. I hardly feel the pain at all because I have been doing it so long.
Hi JaneJ

I don't know about anyone else's experience but I can relate mine to you. Waxing for MY legs most definitely did make the hairs grow back in softer and finer. Plus, it did also stop growing in some spots. Actually, I don't think the hair stopped growing permanently but the whole regrowth process has really slowed down. I don't nearly have to have my legs redone as often anymore. I can usually go 2 months before my legs even begin to feel hairy more or less need to be waxed again. But again that is just my experience, it may not work the same for someone else, but its definitely something to strive for. Now if only I weren't too chicken to try a bikini wax more or less a brazilian wax to see if I had it done enough if in fact the hair growth would stop or at least slow down.


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