Bikini Body 3/16


HI Ladies,
We have been working on this for a while so I am assuming that someone must have their bikini bodies by now!:) Don't count me in.I use to have so much confidence when I was a teen.I still have confidence but not the same kind.I guess it is just a matter of growing up as well.Even if I looked smashing in a bikini,I think that there would always be this part of me thinking...are you sure you want to do this????????;)
I am not sure what the workout will be today.DH is gone for alnight so I may do a workout now and another workout tonight.I am really leaning towards legs and glutes.I also really like push pull but I should save that one for later this week.
Did anyone read my slumber party dilema post?
Well, there is a little girl in my daughters class that she wants to invite to her sleep over and I don't know what to do about it.I don't want to invite her and offend the other little girls in the class.But then my daugther says that she is her bestfriend(she switches bestfriends on a regular basis though;-) )I am leaning towards inviting her and just taking whatever comes my way.I don't think anyone will be really offended but there is a drama queen in her class that likes to blow everything out of proportion.There only 8!:) Anyway,any suggestions?
Well, thats about it for me.I think I should get go'in.I don't know if I should workout now or not hungry yet.
Good morning,

I got up at 5 this morning, and did a 20 minute Pilates upper body weight routine from Jennifer Kries (Pinky, I forgot about that when I was talking to you about Pilates and upper body work), and then a 25 minute Pilates for Abs. I did Baron Baptiste's (I've been spelling his name wrong) sun salutations last night a couple of hours before bed. I was afraid it might rev me up too much, but I slept very well. I think I'll try to do it or some other short yoga workout again this evening.

Lorihart, I think I would invite your daughter's friend. If your daughter and that little girl don't make a big deal out of it (I know that can be a big if), no one else ever has to know.

Pinky, my gosh, you are strong now! Wow! I'm a little scared what it will be like going back to Cathe's workouts since I've taken such a long break. This morning I was thinking I might actually do The Firm this weekend to break myself back in (scary thought, huh?). Anyway, I'm seriously impressed. If you're happy with how you look, maybe you should move to maintenance, or maybe switch things up and focus on endurance for a while.

Tracy, I workout in my bedroom usually, and although it's across the room, sometimes I watch myself in my dresser mirror, to see how my form looks. I think it's a good idea.

Shywolf, Sabine, Elizabeth, Kim, Lorisax, Judy, Brenda and Joy, hello (I hope I got everyone).

Have a great day!
Good Morning,

I did not want to get up this morning. It is rainy and cold and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. Well, it's that "time of the month" and like always I DO NOT want to work out. I had good intentions to workout last night but as the day passed I kept talking myself out of it. I'm not suppossed to start until tomorrow but I am so tired and bummed out that all I want to do is sit on the couch (and that's what I did last night along with eat everything in sight). I do so well for 3 weeks with the food and exercise and then BAM! I go back to my old habits of being lazy (I kind of sounded like Emeril Lagassi there with the BAM :D ). Maybe tonight I'll go to the Body Bar class at the gym (not alot of jumping involved).

Hope everyone has a great day.
Hola Se&#241oritas, finally... a lovely, sunny day out here in Dallas. It's been gray and rainy the last four days. Wonderful to see some sun...

Lori, you might think I'm weird, but I've never worn a bikini in my entire life!:eek: Growing up in the tropics on an island with white-sand beaches, I always wore a tank top and short shorts in the water. The last time I went home, I pushed away my inhibitions and wore a one-piece suit, but only in the water. On the beach, I wore a long, oversized shirt to hide myself. My body has never been this tight, not even in my teens and 20s, so I shouldn't be self-conscious when I'm walking around half-naked, right?:) As for your dilemma regarding your daughter... if she asked her friend to be invited, then invite the girl. The drama queen will just have to deal with it. It's your daughter's birthday, it's her party, it's her decision. Just my 2 cents.

Lisa, I AM strong now. Remember when I told you -- a long time ago, it seems -- that my goal was to bench press 50 lbs.? Well, I've already reached that goal. And even though I lowered yesterday to 45, I know that's still a lot for someone tiny and small-boned like me. I also know that if I go beyond 50, I'll need a spotter or have to work out at the gym. Even for 45 lbs., I have a hard time bringing it up especially when I'm at an incline. I actually have to roll the BB very slowly up to my chest then very slowly push it upward. It's the only way to keep all that weight from doing injury to my shoulders. And I've been focusing so hard on strength since I started last May. I think it's really time to "settle down" and do maintenance work. I'm with you on using the Firms to get yourself back to Cathe's workouts. Maybe for a week or two, until you feel you're ready to get back to your usual weights. I do believe you did your muscles a great service by doing yoga and Pilates for a while.

Kim, I'm kinda like you when it comes to eating. I do so great for a month or two, then BAM!:D Off the wagon. Junk food all over the place.:) Fitness is really so much more a mental thing. I believe Tracy said that to me a few days ago. Can't agree more.

Today I'm doing my Firm floorwork, and if I have time, some kickboxing. Maybe Billy Blanks' butt workout from his Get Ripped series.

Sabine, you asked about my knees a few days back. And they're doing well even after I subjected them to some impact last weekend. I do try to put 3-4 days now between step sessions, maybe more. If I need to do cardio, I do kickboxing and use Tae Bo since it's kinder to my knees. I do suspect I have osteoarthritis in my knees now, after having had it for the last several years in my spine. It's been cold the last few days out here, and my knees have been feeling tight. Not sore or painful, just tight and stiff.

Have a good workout, everyone,
Good Morning all,

Went to bed early last night and had a fabulous sleep. So when the alarm went off this morning to work out, I actually felt ready to get up and not the sense of dread I tend to feel when I really want more sleep.

Today was step cardio and I tried one of my 'virgins', Jay and Kari's Classic Step. What a fun and nice routine! Not too intense with impact yet there was so good choreography that definitely had my attention. I pretty much got it down after this one try and feel wonderful. I love how well both Kari and Jay cue and how they introduce move variations for lots of different levels. A definite thumbs up! Pinky, I rarely do step more than once a week because of the impact to my knees. Sometimes I may go twice a week but I always put at least 2 days between so as to not fry my knees. The rest of the time it's hi/lo or kickboxing.

Kim- 'that time of the month' can really zap your energy and enthusiasm. Maybe you could take that week to do more gentle exercise, like Pilates or yoga, or even less intense workouts than what you're used to. And if you do eat a bit more than usual, try not to stress out! You're only human! I personally think men have it so easy in that they don't have to deal with becoming slaves to hormones on a monthly basis (during my TOM, I will cry at just about anything and everything. It's soooo embarassing).

Lorihart- if your daughter really wants this girl at her party I say let her be invited. Avoiding this situation so the 'drama queen' doesn't get offended only gives this girl more influence to control other people. She will learn to deal!

Lisa- I'm actually thinking of doing a rotation where I alternate between the Firm for a week, then Cathe. I got Maximum Body Shaping and Super Sculpt in a swap a few weeks back and want to fit them into a rotation, as well as some of my other Firms which have taken a back sit to Cathe for the time being. It sounds like a great way to reacclaimate to more intense workouts (although some of the Pilates matwork can kick some serious booty!).

Hellos to Joy, Brenda, Elizabeth, Judy (who I know is on vacation but is she peeking in?), Shywolf, and Tracy (how's the move going?).

Hope I got everyone,
Hi everyone~

Yesterday was MIC and today I ended up doing ME- I forget how much I love that workout! Plus I've moved my routine so I workout in the a.m. when the baby takes her first nap and that frees up my afternoon (and I may need a nap today- STILL SO TIRED) Its so nice to have it over with.

Lori, I would let your daughter have her "best friend" sleep over but just remind them that sometimes its best to keep it between them so no one's feeling get hurt - the drama queen will have to learn to deal. Funny how there is always one in the mix!

Pinky, you're doing 35 lbs on the barbell for biceps? I was trying to finish mine today with 10 lb bells and I was totally fried. When are your knees going to be back up to speed? I miss you not doing the cardio w/me!

Kim, we all know exactly what you mean about eating. If you go through past posts, there is always a slump for one of us at least once a week. I go from being really good to going out of my way to buy chocolate eggs and eating one after another. I actually stopped myself last night when I realized I felt good all day and I wanted to wake up feeling that way again. (one day at a time...)

Tracy, I work out in front of our full length mirror for form and to see what's going on- what needs improvement as well as what looks ok. It's taken a while for me to realize things aren't that bad- Pinky, I feel the same way. I'm very happy with my shoulders/chest/arms right now. The bad thing about working out in front of a mirror is yesterday the lighting was really harsh and my inner thighs seemed to be jiggling terribly!! I was disgusted. It did make me work harder but I was discouraged despite the hard work I've been doing.

Sabine, I KNOW you bought 2 new bikinis! How are they??? I hear everyone about the body image deal. I will wear a bikini w/a matching skirt sometimes but I still feel like I should be wrapped up in a towel. I look around at women that don't seem ashamed at all and can walk around without the best body but it doesn't bother them. I can't imagine what that's like. THEN I have the opposite feeling when I'm in really good shape but I don't want to draw attention to myself. Its a no-win situation.

Hellos to Shywolf, Joy, Elizabeth, Lisa- have a good day!!

Good afternoon. It is cold, wet and miserable herer today and I am having a crappy day. I have been stressed out about all the junk I have to do to get ready to move, my husband is out of town for the entire week and I have been really impatient and crabby with my kids. So I took all that negative energy and did Imax 2 this afternoon.

Now if I could just get Cathe and her crew to come and pack boxes for me.....

Hope everyone else has a better day than me.
Hello to Sabine, Brenda, Pinky, Lisa, Elizabeth, Lori, Shywolf, Kim and Joy (where are you?)
Sorry if I missed anyone.
Hello everyone;
here's hoping everyone is having a good day , I have not read the posts yet ...whoops.

This morning I did SJP once again. The humidity is getting the best of me and I started my workout at 9 am right after dropping my kiddos off at school.

I ended up wearing just my jogging bra and shorts comando was just sooo humid . I had on 2 fans plus all my windows were open and it raining outside.
At one point I actually thought of stopping my workout but didn't. I was having a real hard time breathing and it wasn't SJP as I've done it before but minus the humidity. Any suggestions for dealing with this?
HI Everyone,
HOw did everyones day go? Mine was pretty good but boring at work.Which makes the day alot longer.
I worked out in the a.m and the p.m today.DH is gone (again) so I took advantage of it.I did PushPull in the a.m and I did a 6 mile run tonight.I didn't want to do anything tonight but I made myself.I knew that once I got going I would be o,k and I was.

Kim-Lucky for me,that time of month isn't to bad yet.I get moody but thats about it.No craps,no bloating,no cravings...just mad at the world.It is a cruse though isn't it?
Pinky-I think you need to buy yourself a tiny little thong bikini! That would be a great way to break yourself into being 1/2 naked! :)
Sabine-I wish I could get myself use to some other workouts.Not that I don't enjoy Cathe but I feel like I am not working hard unless I am doing Cathe,then I feel like it as been a totally waste of an hour.I do own Mindy videos,and some other stuff I pull out every mow and then but I don't know them well enough to give them my all.
Tracy- Great way to use up your negitive energy! I bet you were in a better mood after
Shywolf- I can't help ya.My only suggestions would be the fans and you already have those.Have you tried working out really early in the morning?
Anyway,I should go and watch the rest of American Idol
Have a good night, Hello to everyone else...where are you guys???
> Pinky-I think you need to buy yourself a tiny little thong
>bikini! That would be a great way to break yourself into being
>1/2 naked! :)

Lori! I'm shocked! More for the cellulite that's on my butt rather than my overblown modesty.:7 Maybe I'll "practice" in my bathtub, ha-ha! I've been laughing a lot today. Have you checked out that "perfect world" thread? Naughty, naughty...:7


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