
Anyone else in the storm area here on the east coast? They're predicting 6-12 inches here today in New York! We're used to snow, but not that much! Wow.
Hi, they are predicting 18-24 inches here and it has snowed all day and supposed to snow tomorrow too. Even my boys are tired of snow and my hubby just wants spring to get here. We are in South central PA just above the MD line. Our church service got cancelled and my oldest son has a roller skating party tomorrow evening which I don't think he will make it to.:(

So yes we are in the big storm like everybody else on the East coast.
I live in MI and I am very happy it missed us this time, but sorry you are getting it. The older I get, the more I dislike the snow. I will say though, the temps here are frigid!!!! The snow is very beautiful to watch out your window, so I hope you are able to stay in all day and enjoy the beauty.
Lori S.
here in western new york, the high is 7 degrees and NO snow. im coped up at home with bronchitus, on vacation til feb25, and not able to do ANY cathe videos. i feel like crap because i was doing so good with my goals for the first time. Ive been watching what i eat, alternating between cathes weights and aerobics and then this. fri, sat, and today were my first days not to work out. but even if i decided to do weights, i feel too weak. but i wont give up. geno
We have about 6 inches in Indiana where I am. The main problem is with wind and drifting snow. We are supposed to get more...??

I'm sorry that the snow seems to just dump down in one place on you girls out East. 22 inches is A LOT OF SNOW!!!

Note to Geno: Hurry and get well. But don't worry about your workouts. The first day you get back to it may be a little shaky but your muscles have what they call "muscle memory". You will come back stronger than when you left off.
Congratulate yourself for the positive things you've been doing and let your body heal. :D
Wow Deborah!

My children (including my furry one) wouldn't know what to do, literally, with that much snow -- 2 inches shuts this city down and brings "Storm Team 2003" to all TV channels!

Your pup looks like a trooper -- how does he/she stay warm??

And hey, can you tell me how you posted these pics directly into your message? Kathy S.
Ya know, I used to love the fact that I was a New Englander at heart living south of the mason dixon line(Virginia)...i could laugh when they all said they were cold when it got to 40 degrees or so....but I look out my window and I would SWEAR I was back in New England...hang onto your hats those of you north of me...cause this little storm is a doozy...this is the worst i have seen in my 5 years of living in Virginia. Ugh I would give anything to be up north where they know how to operate a snowplow!! Hoping I do not offend any parttime southern snowplow divers....take care all....Donna.
Yeah, I'm from Long Island and they say were getting up to 18 inches by tomorrow. I am going to shovel
for cardio and then do PUB afterward. I hate this snow. DH and I are planning to move (for a year now) but will
be in the next few months. He is finally finishing up a CD project that took longer than he thought. It's getting
mastered now, and will be in our hands to duplicate by the end of this wk. It's been 4 long years. The point is, I want
to go somewhere warmer, he wants to stay near "mom". I want to go outside of Nashville, and he wants to go
to Pa. I am soooo done with winter. I hope Tn works out. We are still talking about it. We have to decide by March.
I was willing to go to Pa or Ohio until this last storm. (sorry if I was venting a bit)
And still snowing...

They're saying 22 - 32 inches in areas around Philly... second worst storm in area history.

But I'm getting my workout done with the shovel and thank goodness tomorrow's a holiday. ;-)
I live in Germantown MD. We have already gotten about 2 feet of snow. My little Honda Civic is completly covered in snow - you can only see the side mirrors peeking out. My husband took photos, too, as a souvenier! ha-ha!

The flower pots in the front of our townhouse are also completely covered!

Susan G.
LOL! Susan, my car is in the same position... I only know it's my car from the location I parked it in. This is NOT going to be fun... we have parking on both sides of a one way street and after the plows go through... it's twice as hard to dig it out!
How beautiful!

What a wonderland! The dog is a cutie.

I bet lots of you are working on your functional fitness & shoveling snow!
UGH.. we are getting it to in MA.. YUCK we were planning a college road trip tomorrow... looks like it is NOT going to happen - moods around this house are great :(

Did cardiokicks and the punches helped ;)
I'm in Massachusetts. The worst is supposed to come tonight. In my area 18 to 24 inches! I have had enough! My husband & I just bought a tandem'll be July before we get to try it out!!!!!!:(
I am from Virginia. We had total of 17 inches. I got out yesterday and spent four hours digging up our side walk and half way through our two cars. When I got up this morning, I felt intense sore all over my back. I figured I count this as one of my weight training. I am going to finish the rest today and by the time this is over, I will have Hercule's back!! :7 :7

I am only 5'1" and I stayed out and cleared more snow than my two next door male neighbors. My husband was out of town and they offered help but by the time I was done, they were both disappeared and found them inside. I have to credit all this to Cathe for making me Amazon woman!! :)

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