Big Dummy!!!


Okay I just had a nice four-day weekend for the holiday and do y'all want to know what I did today? I got up bright and early for work, walked in and promptly discovered I was scheduled off. Uggghhhh!!!!x( x( x( So, I had turn around and clock out & enjoy another 30 minutes of traffic.

Marlax( x( x(

LOL Marla, that's funny:7

sorry you had to endure the traffic but look at it this way you're home now and you have the whole day ahead of you:)
I'm sure your employer is impressed by your dedication! I've done the exact opposite--failed to go in because I was sure it was my day off. Talk about a rude awakening;( :eek:

Marla, Marla, Marla! :p Well, at least the good news is you have the day off. I'd be happy to be sent home right about now! :7
Since I live for sleeping in, that was a real drag for me. I am now going to give this house a real good once-over, especially since no one is here to get in my way. Happy cleaning to me.


LOL you are not the only one to do that. but at least you have time for "clean-max". dh is still home today and is up my butt. he is reading me typing right now. LOL


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I completely understand....I woke up 5:30AM Sunday in a panic thinking I had to work when I could have slept in....urgh!!!!x(


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