BFL Wed - 1/16

I just finished 4DS upper body. That is a great workout. By the time I get to tricep work my arms are fried. I need to work on those dips on the ball and tricep pushups. I believe triceps are my weakest muscle.

Okay - I'm having trouble posting --- what's up with that?

Jean - I wanted something crunchy too -- even though I don't really like vegetables I pulled out some carrot chips (they are carrots sliced with ridges) so they look like wavy potato chips!! For some reason they tasted better than carrots the regular way!! I dipped them in some fat free dressing (just a little) and now I'm totally full and had my crunch fix. I'm so glad I didn't go to down to the vending machine!!

Hi girls,

I made those mini egg quiches today, they are still baking! Do you freeze the quiche? I always thought you can’t refreeze spinach?

Kathy** I really love the 4DS upper body premix too! I am glad I am not the only one that thinks it’s a tough workout! I definitely will do that more often! No, I haven’t figured out about my MP3 player! I have to call my DD today!

Melissa** I love green tea! I hear you on doing the pyramids for 12 weeks straight! I didn’t see a one hour long leg premix? My arms are already on fire!

Susan** hope you enjoy Low Max! Have fun at class! Did your friend have her baby yet?

Michelle** I told you girls I am going through all my DVD’s! This one is a burner! You have to give it a try! Oh. BTW I am not a superwoman here! Remember last week I tried to stay up with Catha I pulled a muscle in my leg! Gayle is the superwoman here!

Have a great day!
Hi Belinda. I made the mini quiches this weekend. I used tomato instead of spinach though so I don't know if you can re-freeze them.

I put mine in the fridge and have been eating 2 or 3 every morning. I noticed this morning that they were getting kind of watery. Thankfully I only have 2 left, which will be gone tomorrow :9 , but I'd love to make a double batch this weekend and try the spinach.

Curious to see if anyone responds regarding re-freezing the spinach.
No, Belinda, they aren't very big at all! :-(

I put them in the microwave for about 1 minute to warm them up and it softens the cheese a little. I could eat the whole batch in one sitting!

I'm going to try baking them in a pie dish next time. I had a really hard time measuring them out evenly into the muffin tin.
Hi all thanks for the "crunchy" suggestions! I found some things in my eating-for-life cookbook that I'm going to try. I also wanted to share what I did for lunch- I sliced a potato very thin and sprinkled some garlic powder on it and put it in the microwave. I keep cooking it until all the pieces turned brown and were crunchy. It's almost like eating chips!!

I finished the upper body wo (took a lot longer than 46 min!!) but didn't get to finish biceps because the baby was tired of watching me lift! Should I just finish them tonight? Would it make a difference?

Michelle- great job not going to the vending machine! What kind of dressing did you use?

Belinda- do you eat yogurt with granola or just yogurt?

Have a great day!
Kathy-yes. I actually switch them up every 2-3 weeks myself. I’ve used the Runner’s World training guide before myself! For my April Half Marathon, I’ll be receiving training schedules each Thursday (I believe) for NEXT week’s schedule; it’s emails directly from the editors (and runners) of Runner’s World (since it’s a RW event, lol). I followed the program last year and did just fine. This year, I’ll be following the “Intermediate” level, where last year I did Beginner.

Melissa-LOOSE pants are a GOOD thing! LOVE IT! It’s not the scale that should be our first sign of progress, and your pants are an example of that!

Jean-how about an apple. A nice CRISP CRUNCHY apple???

Belinda-I usually keep the quiche in my fridge, since I eat them during the week, but I know others have frozen them and they reheated just fine!

OK..........I'm going to preview that 4DS upper body premix tonight!

I agree Gayle - LOOSE pants ARE a good thing!! I'm feeling quite sassy today...;-) .

FLAXSEED ??? - I just ordered more protein powder from and threw in a bag of flaxseed. Does anyone use flaxseed regularly? Does it need to be ground up or just eaten as is??
Gayle** Thanks for the advice! I will try that! I am trying to figure out my weight training for next week, would any of the pemix in Muscle Endurance or Supersets work for weight training as long as I go heavy? The premixes look really good! I was wondering if anybody did them before?

Belinda - THANKS!!! You just reminded me that Push Pull has a great leg premix. You can either do 2 sets of each exercise or 3 sets of each exercise. I'm going to do it tonight. I'll have to check out the premixes on Supersets and Muscle Endurance as well.

I seem to be stuck in a DVD rut!!
Gayle – Which half marathon are you training for? I really liked the schedule the RW site generates.

Belinda – I think I’ve used SuperSets and Push Pull the least of all Cathe’s DVDs. So sorry!

Melissa – Great job on the loose pants! I went to Sports Authority today and bought some weight plates and ANOTHER pair of running shoes..ugh, lol (I’ll have to sneak them in later…:) Ross Dress for Less is right next door and I desperately need new jeans. I tried on a pair of size 6 Levis and they were actually baggy (like I like them, so I snatched them right up!) :)

Kathy G
Melissa -

I use flaxseed oil in my protien shakes. 1 TBSP. You can get it at any GNC.

Congratulations on the loose pants. I'm still waitingx(


How was that for fast shipping?

Melissa - the flaxseed must be ground (can do that in a blender) or you get no benefit. Your digestive system can't break down the shell, so they just pass right through. After they're ground, I keep them refrigerated.

Just had a moment between dinner and homework to rejoice!
Thanks Sherry! YEEHAW on the Pyramids!!!!!!!:7

So my DD is a little under the weather and giving me a MAJOR guilt trip about me wanting to go downstairs and do LB...x( ! She usually tags along, but doesn't feel like it tonight.

Maybe I can do some squats and lunges while holding her. She weighs 53 lbs, probably wouldn't be a bad workout!! And she'd probably get a kick out of it.
Sherry -- How did you get those so fast??!! That's wonderful!! You are going to love them -- and BEWARE the bicep section is a KILLER!!!

Kathy - way to go on the loose size 6!! yahoo!!

Ok, I have a small victory to share. I REALLY struggle with feeding my kids. I eat a lot of easy things -- turkey on whole wheat, etc. and I'm guilty of feeding my kids frozen pizza/mac & cheese or whatever during the week. I LOVE to cook, but I usually only have time on the weekends.

Anyway, looked in the EFL cookbook and decided to make the turkey burgers. You mix the turkey with onion/horseradish/garlic etc. I thought my kids would hate them. So, I put them on whole wheat buns that I had toasted in the oven and cut one in half and told them each to eat at least half. What happened? They LOVED them and my son even asked for more. The burgers were HUGE. I guess the turkey doesn't shrink like beef -- so I was stuffed after just half of it, so I gave my son the other half of mine.

As for the side, I ALMOST pulled out a bag of chips for them, then I thought twice and decided c'mon they can eat a REAL vegetable. I boiled some corn on the cob and they gobbled it up. Now we are ALL FULL, including DH and we don't have to feel guilty about it!!!! :)

Thanks for listening!!!
Hello...just checking in...I know...rather late!

Better late than not at all right?;-)

Managed to get in a workout:
iTread set 1 20min
GS B,S and tri's (Timesaver version)

Have been pretty busy today. I had a lot of paperwork and orders to take care of at work.

Sherry: Great job on GS legs. (I do prefer the standing type too);-)
Yes...DH is the same.:-(

Gayle: Ya! Going up again! What are you up to in your weights now?

Belinda: 4DS upper sounds like it is tough but worth it.;-) Will have to do this one next time around. I got my DVD's today. Yeah!:D
Cardio Kicks,Circuit Max and Cardio Hits. Will give the Circuit Max a try tomorrow.
Oh...I do eat my quiches cold sometimes in a rush. They are good just the same.:) I also freeze them too. I don't think there is anything wrong with re-freezing spinach because it is now cooked.

Michelle: Great job on PUB. Yes this is tough on the biceps. Cathe always makes me matter how many times I have done this one. :)

Melissa: I use Flaxseed in a lot of my baking. Also used in my cereal and protein shakes.

Jennifer: I am not sure about your taking on running or training at this point if you are having knee issues....

Kathy G: Great going on upping your weights!

Susan: What is Low Max like? Great job on sneaking your workout in before your friend had her baby. What did she have?

Carolyn: Like Belinda....great job on 4DS! }(

Hello Jean: How was your workout today? What day or week are you on?

Hello to anyone that I missed. Check back later. Heidi x-ray turned up normal for my wrist. I don't get it...I will go see the ortho doc to see what he has to say about it.

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