Good Morning, Ladies ~
Going to the gym this afternoon to get my workout in. Even though I would love to hit the Treadmill, I am going to stay off of it for right now.
I really need to get a MP3 player, I'm sure this will make the workouts that much more enjoyable!

Kind of boring right now just watching the news and such at the gym. LOL
Got approval to finally put a small microwave up in our small kitchenette here at work. They have one downstairs, but nothing across the hall from us. I love how little things like this put me in a good mood.. LOL

Half the time I hate to eat during the day only b/c I would have to walk all the way downstairs to use the microwave... Yep, I'm lazy...hehe
Now I have to go and purchase a small one!
Sherry~ Enjoy LIS.. I need to preview this workout again. I borrowed the 4DS series from Wendy (6Swans4me) and haven't used them more than 1-2 times. I previewed the leg workout last night. I would think if I keep the weight low, I can modify, so it doesn't hurt my knee...This will help me to really focus on my form more also.
Have a Great Day!!!
Belinda~ I know how you feel without a MP3...I really need to get one. It's get really boring! LOL
Michelle~ Congrats on your weight lose. I know how you feel, I weigh myself every morning, I need to learn to keep the scale hidden. Still working on getting my eating clean, but slowly I am getting there! Have a great workout!
Gayle~ Early morning for you again...You go girl!

Great workout! Did you use any running program when you first started? I would love to start running again, but I know I do to much too soon, and that might be why I don't keep up with it and end of hurting myself. Is C25K a good program to start with? Yikes! 52 Degrees...LOL I probably would of been back under my covers if it was that cold....brrrrrr
Kathy~ Sounds like you had a great workout as well. I really need to get on the ball and catch up with you ladies!

Hope you feel better!
Susan~ Have a great workout, Did you friend have her baby? How exciting..! My friend here at work is due in June, I can't wait...
Ok, intro ~ Jennifer, I'm 36, my b-day is August 11th.... I have 2 children. My DS is 16, will be 17 in April...My DD is 15...(going on 20...LOL)...
I work full-time as a credit analyst at a construction firm. I am living with my boyfriend of 4 years in Exton, PA. I am finally putting my divorce through...Was together w/ my ex for 15 years, married only for 5...before I had enough. He was abusive mentally and physically and it took me awhile to finally come to terms that I didn't need that in my life.
My boyfriend has a son (Nik)...he just turned 15 yesterday. I have 2- dogs... Diesel (American Eskimo & Co-Co ( Jack Russell Terrier ). And,. I have a major problem with JUNK FOOD!!!! I can't get enough...LOL

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"