Good Morning Ladies
Besides my HIIT on the treadmill yesterday, I took the 5:30p.m. yoga class. Wendy was stuck in traffic due to the bad accident on 202. She was unable to make the 5:30 class, but stuck around for the 7:30 class. I would of stayed, but I had to get home incase my BF needed a ride, his car is still in the shop. I thought it was a good workout overall, but I was surprised he didn't approach me to correct my form at all. I have not been doing yoga long enough to be that good... LOL
Gayle~ Congrats on end of W7 .. You are doing great girl...I hope my willpower will be as strong as yours to make it all the way!
I am so with you on the OCD part. I drives me nuts to see stuff laying around... Whatever it is. My supervisor, her office is a mess...some days I just want to go in there and clean everything away! I'll teach her .. LOL That's a great hobby, scrapbooking ... I would never, ever have the patience to do that.
You know, this might be a little late to ask...but do you ever come towards Exton (Target)....I swore I saw you a few months back, but I wasn't sure if it was you, so I didn't approach to say Hi. Where do you take your spinning class? I would love to start taking one. Did you feel out of place when you first took it? I would feel so stupid, b/c I don't know how to work any of that...
Jen~ I am so sorry to here about your injury. Injuries can really put us down and out in more ways than one. Right before the road trip I hurt my knee. Since I was unable to do much cardio or LB ...I started eating like a pig and became very discourged. Finally, I forced myself to get back into the swing of things. It's hard though. Take care!! {{{{HUGS}}}}
How did you doctor's appt go? Hang in there!
Sneabong~ Welcome! I agree w/ Gayle, the more the merrier

Besides, - check out Alot of motivating people over there as well!
Heidi~ Happy washer hunting! What's planned for Thanksgiving dinner? You having a feast? Wow, you do all the cooking...I don't have the patience for anything, let alone cooking. My BF hates when I am in the kitchen, I am a complete mess
Is there anytype of supplement I can take to help me build more muscle? I know I probably have to eat more, and increase my portions. I feel my arms are sticks...I hate looking at pictures of me b/c I have no muscle tone what so ever in my upper body. Any suggestions?
This is end of W2 for me...I can't believe it. The thread is really keeping me in line though, so I have to thank you all for that!

Off to get some work done,
Have a great day!!
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"