BFL TGIF 11/16

Good morning!!!! A few quick personals before I start rambling!

Heidi-I have to tell you that it's AWESOME to have a co-conspirator when it comes to iTread workouts! LOL I love hearing which ones you do, and everytime you post an iTread #, I run to and read the description! LOL Oh, and enjoy 'training' DD! lol

Jen-sorry about the recent blues. An injury can really hurt us in more ways than just physical. I hope it went well with the Doc yesterday???

Colleen-oooooooooooh! LOVE hearing that SOMEbody is enjoying warm sunny weather! lol Your dog in your avatar is just the CUTEST!!!!

Sneabong-ABSOLUTELY you may join us! The more the merrier! Welcome aboard! What are your goals? Do yo uahve the BFL book? If not, you can get all the program details at the website!

OK...onto the rambling!

My scrapbooking is something that keeps my mind settled sometimes. I'm a person whose LIFE can get unorganized or that out-of-control feeling if I SEE CLUTTER....I call it my "visual clutter problem". If there are school papers all over the kitchen table, or if the laundry starts to pile up too high, I start to get that horrible feeling. Call it OCD, if you want, but organizing (either by scrapbooking, or cleaning out the junk drawer, or doing the laundry) just REALLY puts me in an AWESOME mental state!

Last night was my second spin class! The regular instructor was there and I LOVED it! What a great workout! I was dripping with sweat. It's a great workout, in a different way than running. My quads really took it tough, but she said that's what spinning does...running works hammies mostly, and spinning works quads. Sounds like an equal balance, right?

What are your weekend plans, everybody?
Saturday, is quiet. My workout will be HIIT on the TM.
Sunday, I have a 7K race (4.35 mile or something, lol), then quiet the rest of the day. I think Sunday morning I'll be getting up a bit early to do a Rodney Yee yoga to limber up for the race. Free Day, also! I plan on taking FULL advantage (starting after the race, that is).

HOW ARE YOU ALL FEELING???? Some of us are closing out Week 7 this weekend! I can't believe we are BEYOND the halfway mark! It's AMAZING what you can do when you just take it ONE DAY AT A TIME!

ETA! OH!! I forgot to log today's workout! I was up before the alarm! What's up with that? lol PUB was on tap, and I loved it. Just changing the BFL pyramid slightly by doing PUB as produced makes a difference!

Hi and Good Morning to you all,

This day is going to be a long one for me. I have been awake hitting the snooze button since 5am. Just couldn't get up! My DD was suppose to take the 6am but....yes again she changed her plans to taking the 7:38 instead. She was up all last night studying for her Bio Chem exam for today. Ooops...better go and shake her again it is now almost 7am!

Back again..

Today's workout:
SH Bi & Tri
Depending on how this feels I might add in the rest of the SH Shoulders,Back and Chest. I did these on Monday and I didn't feel too fried after.
BM2 abs
Basic Step

Gayle: So what did you think of the description for the iTread #21? Is this tough enough to meet the qualifications for BFL?
I find that because the interval times are longer than BFL, it really tests you on whether you can hold that speed or not. Great for upping your speed threshold.}( The calories burned on these programs range between 350 - 700! If you want to loose fat this is it! :7

Well I guess this weekend will be a trip back to the stores for looking at buying a new washer. My DH and I worked on the washer last night and the conclusion was that the main motor for the spin action needs to be replaced. This is very expensive and not worth getting so we are going to opt for a new washer instead.

Other than that...get the house in order and start planning the meals for Thanksgiving Day. I am doing the cooking and usually do every year.

Well, time to get moving. BBL :D
Good Morning Ladies :)

Besides my HIIT on the treadmill yesterday, I took the 5:30p.m. yoga class. Wendy was stuck in traffic due to the bad accident on 202. She was unable to make the 5:30 class, but stuck around for the 7:30 class. I would of stayed, but I had to get home incase my BF needed a ride, his car is still in the shop. I thought it was a good workout overall, but I was surprised he didn't approach me to correct my form at all. I have not been doing yoga long enough to be that good... LOL :)

Gayle~ Congrats on end of W7 .. You are doing great girl...I hope my willpower will be as strong as yours to make it all the way!
I am so with you on the OCD part. I drives me nuts to see stuff laying around... Whatever it is. My supervisor, her office is a mess...some days I just want to go in there and clean everything away! I'll teach her .. LOL That's a great hobby, scrapbooking ... I would never, ever have the patience to do that.
You know, this might be a little late to ask...but do you ever come towards Exton (Target)....I swore I saw you a few months back, but I wasn't sure if it was you, so I didn't approach to say Hi. Where do you take your spinning class? I would love to start taking one. Did you feel out of place when you first took it? I would feel so stupid, b/c I don't know how to work any of that... :)

Jen~ I am so sorry to here about your injury. Injuries can really put us down and out in more ways than one. Right before the road trip I hurt my knee. Since I was unable to do much cardio or LB ...I started eating like a pig and became very discourged. Finally, I forced myself to get back into the swing of things. It's hard though. Take care!! {{{{HUGS}}}}
How did you doctor's appt go? Hang in there!

Sneabong~ Welcome! I agree w/ Gayle, the more the merrier :) Besides, - check out Alot of motivating people over there as well!

Heidi~ Happy washer hunting! What's planned for Thanksgiving dinner? You having a feast? Wow, you do all the cooking...I don't have the patience for anything, let alone cooking. My BF hates when I am in the kitchen, I am a complete mess :)

Is there anytype of supplement I can take to help me build more muscle? I know I probably have to eat more, and increase my portions. I feel my arms are sticks...I hate looking at pictures of me b/c I have no muscle tone what so ever in my upper body. Any suggestions?

This is end of W2 for me...I can't believe it. The thread is really keeping me in line though, so I have to thank you all for that! :)
Off to get some work done,

Have a great day!!
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hey, Jennifer. That was my twin you saw the other day! If it's not within a 5 mile radius of my house, forget it! LOL As for spinning...YES...I felt like a complete idiot these 2 classes. But last night, the instructor told me I held my own. I told her I was a runner and wanted this for cross-training, and she gave me the evil grin and thanked me for telling her that.....I'm afraid of what she's going to have me do NEXT week! LOL

OK...I hav a friend coming over to scrapbook with me. The kids have a half day today, so neither of us work (we both work as monitors during the lunch periods). We've got 3 solid hours to crank out some good stuff!

Good morning!!

Geesh, you girls are busy today! And very upbeat! :) :)

I'm at work, so I really need to keep this short, but I wanted to thank you all for your well wishes. Sounds like you guys all understand what I'm going through.

I saw the doctor yesterday and he basically said to take it easy for a few days and then start back slow...nothing I didn't know. It was kind of like "Doc, it hurts when I do this" and "Well, don't do that." Anyway, no big deal...I'm definitely seeing improvement. I'm able to move a little easier these past two days. I also wanted to talk to him about the antidepressant I've been on and how I think it's hindering my weight loss (and actually may have caused a gain) and killing my sex drive, and he was more than happy to switch things up for me. So I got a new script that he says should help in both departments. Hopefully it means a lift in mood, a drop of a few pounds, and an increase in activity (which might also help with the weight loss }( ). Sorry if any of that is TMI!

So as far as BFL goes, I'm thinking of just starting over. What the heck, it can't hurt, right? I mean, I've seen virtually no results up to this point, and I'm finishing up my eighth week! But if these new meds do what they say they'll do, I might actually see a normal progression if I start a new round. Tomorrow is my new day 1.

Okay, that wasn't really short, was it? I'll check back later when I get a minute.

Have a great day everyone!

Hey Jen,

So glad that it was nothing serious! Phew...I am sure this is a load off your back...(or hip I should say ;-) )

So....seeing as tomorrow is your new start day what do you think it will be for your workout?

Well, finished my paperwork. I am feeling really spaced out from computer work. Time to get my blood flowing!

Be back after my workout.:7
It’s official…I’m either getting OLD or I am OUT OF SHAPE. I go for option B! It’s the lesser of the evils J First my good foot hurt, then my neck, NOW my lower back is sore…eekgads am I out of shape!! I have, however, lost an inch in my waist and hips and 1.5” in my belly!!! I didn’t really take a day off from working out last week because I didn’t feel I’d hit my 10s all the time but I think my old and out of shape body is telling me something!!! If my lower back is sore, I'll skip my cardio tonight and hit it tomorrow.

I spoke too soon about the weather, rain is coming…wah. We were supposed to start puppy school tomorrow but I think it will be cancelled in the rain. We are going to a fun match for agility on Saturday with one dog and socializing the puppy, going to a Holiday Party for agility on Sunday and socializing the puppy and then meeting with possible puppy buyers at noon on Sunday. So in between now and noon, I need to get my house SPOTLESS ACK! I also have to update my website and Vista is giving me fits at home…grr.

Gayle: Wow, more than halfway through! That’s great!! Great job.

Heidi: I LIVE for the snooze button!!!

Jennifer: I need you and Gayle to come fix my office. It’s even untolerable for me and I’m a “messy marvin” kind of person. Piles and stacks of papers.

Jen: Glad to hear it isn’t serious and hoping the new meds work better for you!!!

Colleen, rest days are imperative. GREAT JOB on the inches lost. WooHoo!! How many weeks are you into this now?

Heidi, I need something that's kind of gentle on the body. Maybe I'll do cardio and try LoMax. What do you think?
Hey Jenn,

Hi Colleen! Have a good workout tomorrow. Do some stretching for your back muscles. This will loosen them up and feel great!

Jenn: I was sort of thinking for your to do the Basic Step. This is pretty low key. I like this or the LIS for after upper body and lower body weight days. Maybe like Colleen some nice easy stretching too. No...not power yoga! ;-)
I haven't done LoMax or haven't done this in awhile. I can't remember how intense this is for jumping around and so forth.

Take it easy both of you! It is ok to let your body recover from a powerful full-week of strength training if you haven't done this sort of workout in awhile. Better to listen to your body than to really get an injury and be out of it for months! :7

Still working on cleaning up the house. So mad about the washer! This is throwing everything off for me. It will take days for me to catch up.

My son and I made a Apple Pumpkin Bread this morning before he went off to school. This was a health project for him to bring something in that was healthy and good for you. I hope the teacher likes it.:D

I just finished making another one for us and a low-fat,low calorie banana cream pie. This is my oldest sons favorite. He is coming to visit this afternoon. Unfortunately I think he wants to do some laundry too. :(

Alright...back to cleaning up. I still have my workout to do too.
Hi Heidi,

I don't have the workouts you suggest. There are only a few of Cathe's I don't have, and unfortunately those are two of them. however, Lomax is a low impact interval workout, similar in format to the Imaxes, but without the jumping. Cardiovascularly, it's a killer. I may do that.

Boo, I love power yoga! :-( But I fear you are probably right. Duly noted ;)

Jen: I'm 3 weeks into working out, 2 weeks tomorrow total BFL.

Heidi: Somwhere I have a Yoga Zone video that is great for my neck and back. I do have allk inds of "aids" at home from the physical threpiast. One is about a 4 foot long styrofoam "roll" looks like a pillow roll. You can lay on it parallel to your spine and roll sideways. And you can turn it perpendicular and roll it that way. I did both the last few days to keep myself loose.

Hey guys. Just a quick post as I finish off dinner! Yummy!

Jen-I hope you'll be seeing a light at the end of your tunnel. Lay low and listen to Doc's orders!

Sorry, no other personals. We're heading out the door for a quick errand. I'm buying a scale. I've NEVER owned one. I've been using my friend's every Friday morning, but this morning I'm glad I called before I just stopped by....her DH was working from home. Imagine me walking in with him sitting at the PC in his undies, chatting on his Blue Tooth headphone (or whatever it's called). lol ANYWAY! If I don't buy one, then I won't be able to really get to hers till Monday, and that's the day AFTER free day, and weighing after Free Day is a BIG BIG BIG No No! lol to buy one of my own.!

I've been scrapbooking

Started when the kids went to school. A friend came over and we scrapped till 11:30, when the kids got home. I had my friend's 2 kids till 5ish, and all the kids were occupied, so I just kept on scrapping. Got TONS done and my Mental Clutter Issue is appeased for now!


Headed out the door!

Have a great night!

Hey Colleen,

When I was going to the PT I experienced this "pillow" for myself.
This really gives a great stretch in your back and also stretches out your chest at the sametime. I wish I had one of my own!
I had to go to the PT recently back in Feb from a car accident that caused me to have a WhipLash injury to the back of my head and neck. I suffered from bad headaches for weeks without end. They still can't figure out what happened. Nerve damage or a pinched disk in my neck... don't know.

Well I hope you and Jenn feel better soon. :)

Going to play pool now.

Check-in tomorrow. Have a great night everyone!

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