Jennifer-I also say you should sell off your step DVDs. I KNOW it hurts to even think that, lol, but if you’re not going to use them, then turn them into cash for something else.
Michelle-I think the iTread PRICE is what got me hooked over Cardio Coach at first, and after my first iTread workout was complete, I was a DEVOTEE! ENJOY them!
The iTrain diet is indeed a free file. I looked at it when I first got it, but haven’t peeked since! lol As for the iTrain workouts…..I should be a paid spokesperson for iTread! Lol I just LOVE them all. I mostly use iTreads, but I will throw in an iCycle here and there, and I have used iClimbs at the YMCA on occasion. I own a few sculpting workouts that I got free as a promotional package here and there, but I haven’t used any of them YET! The price, honestly, canNOT be beat for a single workout there. And the Resolutions Package (3 free per month) is AWESOME!!!
On the diet/eating topic. I am a creature of habit and actually thrive on routine. So it’s not a huge factor for me to eat the same things each day. I do, however, try to vary things from week to week. I ALWAYS have a homemade soup pre-made and in single serve containers in the fridge. They last all week, most of the time. If you’d all like, maybe we should start posting some of our favorite recipes for the food that keeps up on track for our BFL/EFL challenge??? What do you all think?
Heidi-busy day for you as well? I’d rather drive all around like I did today, than to clean hardwood floors all day like YOU! LOL
OK…I FINALLY have a chance to sit down and breath deeply. We went from DS’s basketball game (our team won by 1 point), straight to BF’s DS’s basketball game about 45 minutes away (his team won as well), then straight back that 45 minute drive to our Dick’s for new bball shoes for DS (hti a great sale), then straight to the grocery store for my normal Saturday run (spent way too much money AGAIN), then straight to my best friend’s son’s Bowling Bday party. We were on the go from 8:30am till we got home at 6pm! I packed a cooler of bottled water, and 4 meals for me…snacks for the kids. I did buy them Burger King for lunch, but I was happy with my tuna wrap. YUM! I stayed on track the entire day, right down to passing up the PEANUT BUTER ICE CREAM CAKE my friend had! Lol I MADE her promise to save me a piece for tomorrow! HA!
I’m tired to say the least. Went straight to my room and changed into jammies. As soon as I hit SEND, I’ll be sitting down to read my book…hoping to finish it this weekend!
TOMORROW IS FREE DAY for me!!! Anybody else??? My treats tomorrow include a bagel (full-size New York bagel), my usual trail/Chex mix, my homemade carrot cake, and a few little extras here and there. I’m hoping (and expecting, quite frankly) another loss at the scale tomorrow morning.
1 WEEK TO GO and my 12 week challenge is over! I forget what week all YOU ARE ON????? Please remind me!
OK…Have an awesome night. I’m sitting down and not planning on getting up until it’s time to tuck the kids in bed!
I’ll be online tomorrow morning!