

Good morning. I only have a quick minute to post. We've got a busy day, and it starts with getting DS's basketball uniform out of the DRYER!! lol

Up early, after a LATE night with BF. This morning's HIIT was GOING to be an iTread, but I woke up at 5am and IMax was just CALLING my name from the shelf! So I did IMax 2, followed by abs from C&W and PH.

Ready to go for the day. I will NOT be back online until after dinner sometime. I'll check back then.

OH....and I officially have my SKINNY JEANS on and they're not tight anymore. I've got room in the butt, thighs, calves, everywhere! THEY FIT ONCE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Morning, Gayle :)
I don't know how you do it, waking up @ 5a.m. especially on the weekends. WOW! Great job w/ your workout!!
YAY!! Skinny Jeans! Great feeling isn't it. :) Have a Great Busy DAY!! :) Snow's coming! :)

Apple pie calling my name this morning! I am really screwing up these past few days. I know it has to do w/ TOM, but I should have more willpower than this! As others say on BFL Tracker, "Say NO to your INNER COWARD."
I am official back on track RIGHT NOW!! I am going up to rearrange my bedroom (right now also my workout room; only b/c my living room has tile flooring, not good on my knees) and then heading to the mall w/ my DD. My DS has Saturday detention today. This time for not sitting down in class. Don't know what that is all about, but hopefully he will learn from all this! School is TOUGH!

Okay, everyone that owns Turbo Jam ... Should I buy? Please give me pros/cons..It looks like a lot of fun, but like Cathe they don't have many clips that you can preview before buying.

BBL, Have a Great Saturday!!!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Good morning Gayle and Jennifer - Wow you are early birds!!

For the third time I did low impact from 4DS. I made it to the final section -- and just couldn't get the footwork. I think next time I will start with that section!! Then it was shoulder/calves/core. Hopefully my calves won't be a sore as they were last week. :)

Attempted to make a protein shake. Ugh, my blender must not be good enough. Ended up tasting like chocolate milk with chunks of ice. Gross.

It's raining here -- wish it were snowing instead! :)

Hey Michelle ~ GOOD MORNING!! :)

LOL, when I read about your blender I had to laugh, my blender does the same thing. I make protein shakes all the times, and it's like ughh!! Not good! I think to break up the ice chunks I would probably have to blend for 5 minutes :)
Great work on Low Impact! How is it? I haven't tried this one yet. I know I am going to have 2-left feet. I have no patience!
Have a Great Day!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hi Ladies~

Just stopping in before I run out and pick up DS from detention.

I just tried to do Rhythmic Step, and my knee was killing me by the 2nd routine I had to stop :( I think ever since doing GS Legs without my knee brace I flared it up once again.
I thought about selling my Cathe step DVD's, but I would HATE to have to do that. :( The thought of it kills me.
Step workouts just make my knee tender all over again everytime I do them.
Any suggestions?

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hey Jennifer -

See my post in the open forum where I asked for a blender... maybe you need one too. Okay, what was that about $400? I didn't know there was such a thing as a $400 blender. eekk!!!

Sorry about your leg. Hang in there. I don't think you should sell your Cathe step DVDs. I don't know what started your knee problems, but knees take a long time to heal. I hurt my shoulder once, and it was probably a good 9 months before it felt better. So, maybe just stop doing the step workouts, but I wouldn't sell yet. Hey, if anyone should be selling it should be me -- I can't get through a step workout, not because of my knee, but because of my two left feet!! Ha ha!!

Yesterday you posted about itrain. I do have to say -- the prices can't be beat. That's why I gave in so easy. The 20 minute workout I bought was $3.99. Yipee!! :)

Hey Michelle~

YIKES! A $400 blender, WOW! Better come w/ diamonds attached! I'm cheap, I probably wouldn't spend more than $40 on a blender.

I came to the conclusion why I don't do so well on BFL/EFL. I tend to eat the same things over, and over again ... boredom sets in. I am not a cook, I HATE to cook. Maybe I need to learn, huh? Especially if I want to stay in good shape.

How was your day? I just got back from the mall. DD wanted a new Xbox game. Never again, I was lucky to find a parking spot, but once in their your lucky you could move! NUTS!!
I will have to look into the iTrains. Your right $3.99 a workout is Great! I would love to get the ones for the elliptical. I'm not so much a runner.
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hello Gayle, Jennifer and Michelle,

Just checking in with you all now that I have a free moment.

Has been pretty busy here with house work etc. Another day of no exercise for me. But with all these hardwood floors to clean that's a huge project/workout in itself!

Jennifer: Turbo Jam...what and who is this? Never heard of it.

Michelle: I love all my iTreads so far! I joined for a year and get 3 free workouts every month.

Will have to check out the diet/nutrition download too.

Gayle: How did your sons game go?

BBL Heidi DH calling
Hey Heidi - I agree cleaning hardwoods is a workout in itself!! :)

I'll have to check out the diet/nutrition downloads too!!

Jennifer - You are right you can't eat the same thing all the time. When I cook the meals from EFL I do feel like I'm cheating. However, even though I love to cook, sometimes it is hard to get motivated to do it -- and a quick meal out in a restaurant turns into a HUGE cheat meal. I think we all battle with this. Try some of the simple recipes from EFL -- for instance the chicken caesar wrap uses a bag of those grilled chicken breasts and tortilla-- no cooking at all or the chilled grape chicken salad (another no cooking). My husband loves these.

The i-train I bought was also for the elliptical. It was really good and kept me going.

Later -
Hi Heidi~ The cleaning never ends, doesn't it? I have been doing laundry all day! I been meaning to mop our hardwood floors upstairs, but haven't gotten around to doing it. Now our downstairs is all stone tile flooring, that's a project in itself!
Turbo Jam is kickboxing ( I have heard great reviews about it, but am a little iffy about purchasing since it has a more dancy feel to it.

Michelle ~ Which itrain did you purchase, which ones are your favorites? I will have to try the Grape chicken salad, I tried the girlled chicken wraps before and they were really good. Just cooked up a 2 batches of protein pancakes. Will have to go to the store tomorrow to stock up on some food.

Maybe I should try and work up to the C25K program again. Every time I start I only get past the 1st week and then stop.

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Jennifer -- Gayle is the one to ask about i-trains. I just purchased the very first one under ellipticals (i-climbs). It is 20 minutes. Like I said, for the price it was totally worth it. Since I HATE cardio - it at least kept me going for 20 minutes.

What is the C25K program??

I just saw a commerical with Valerie Bertenili (sp?) she has almost lost 40 lbs. already. Even though I like to cook, because of lack of time sometimes I would really like to join one of these weightloss programs where they cook all the food for you. Of course I'm sure it is expensive. Plus, it is not like we need to lose weight, just toning muscles -- which I guess means working out. ha ha! :) If only BFL had totally packaged meals -- that would be perfect!! Of course if I spent $400 on a mixer I'd be broke and ALL my meals would consists of shakes -- ha ha!!!

Take care,
Michelle~ C25K is a running program on, Couch to 5K.
I wouldn't mind starting a running program, my problem is I tend to go ahead and then I injure myself...which I think that is where my bum knee orig started from.

I know Valerie looks great doesn't she. I would join in a minute if I had the money :) My DD always says, "Hey mom can't we get that, you won't have to cook"...LOL :)

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Jennifer-I also say you should sell off your step DVDs. I KNOW it hurts to even think that, lol, but if you’re not going to use them, then turn them into cash for something else.

Michelle-I think the iTread PRICE is what got me hooked over Cardio Coach at first, and after my first iTread workout was complete, I was a DEVOTEE! ENJOY them!

The iTrain diet is indeed a free file. I looked at it when I first got it, but haven’t peeked since! lol As for the iTrain workouts…..I should be a paid spokesperson for iTread! Lol I just LOVE them all. I mostly use iTreads, but I will throw in an iCycle here and there, and I have used iClimbs at the YMCA on occasion. I own a few sculpting workouts that I got free as a promotional package here and there, but I haven’t used any of them YET! The price, honestly, canNOT be beat for a single workout there. And the Resolutions Package (3 free per month) is AWESOME!!!

On the diet/eating topic. I am a creature of habit and actually thrive on routine. So it’s not a huge factor for me to eat the same things each day. I do, however, try to vary things from week to week. I ALWAYS have a homemade soup pre-made and in single serve containers in the fridge. They last all week, most of the time. If you’d all like, maybe we should start posting some of our favorite recipes for the food that keeps up on track for our BFL/EFL challenge??? What do you all think?

Heidi-busy day for you as well? I’d rather drive all around like I did today, than to clean hardwood floors all day like YOU! LOL

OK…I FINALLY have a chance to sit down and breath deeply. We went from DS’s basketball game (our team won by 1 point), straight to BF’s DS’s basketball game about 45 minutes away (his team won as well), then straight back that 45 minute drive to our Dick’s for new bball shoes for DS (hti a great sale), then straight to the grocery store for my normal Saturday run (spent way too much money AGAIN), then straight to my best friend’s son’s Bowling Bday party. We were on the go from 8:30am till we got home at 6pm! I packed a cooler of bottled water, and 4 meals for me…snacks for the kids. I did buy them Burger King for lunch, but I was happy with my tuna wrap. YUM! I stayed on track the entire day, right down to passing up the PEANUT BUTER ICE CREAM CAKE my friend had! Lol I MADE her promise to save me a piece for tomorrow! HA!

I’m tired to say the least. Went straight to my room and changed into jammies. As soon as I hit SEND, I’ll be sitting down to read my book…hoping to finish it this weekend!

TOMORROW IS FREE DAY for me!!! Anybody else??? My treats tomorrow include a bagel (full-size New York bagel), my usual trail/Chex mix, my homemade carrot cake, and a few little extras here and there. I’m hoping (and expecting, quite frankly) another loss at the scale tomorrow morning.

1 WEEK TO GO and my 12 week challenge is over! I forget what week all YOU ARE ON????? Please remind me!

OK…Have an awesome night. I’m sitting down and not planning on getting up until it’s time to tuck the kids in bed!

I’ll be online tomorrow morning!

Hi again,

Gayle: Way to go for your DS's games today!:) Also for you for not giving into that ice cream cake. Sounds yummy!:9

Jennifer: It sounds like your knee has never really healed from the last injury. Take it easy! Knee problems s..k big time. You might want to get it checked out to see if you have a torn muscle or something.

Michelle: I have quite a few iTreads not and love them all. I just downloaded the free diet and body makeover information. My friend and I looked it over together and it is pretty close to "eating clean". All the advice that Mike gives is pretty much what I have been saying all along to my friend.

iTreads I currently have:
Complete Sets:
1,23 & 24

iTreads: #4 Ballet,#6 Outdoors 60min,#13 30min,#19 Tread N Tush,#21 Intervals 30min & 40min

I only have 1 iClimb and use it for the treadmill even though it is for a stepper or elliptical.

Like Gayle...once I tried them I was hooked. :7 I never used the Cardio Coach ones though so I can't say for sure that these are better or not. I just like these ones for how hard they are and the music. The time just flyes by it seems. (I listened to CC on-line and didn't care for the music.)

I hope everyone has a great night. BBT :)

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