BFL Mon. 11/19


Hello and Good Morning,

Hope everyone got in a good nights rest!

I did get in my cardio around 4pm yesterday. Ended up doing LIS. Then went for a 3.5mi walk with my DD. She is gearing up for another round of exhausting studying and tests. Hopefully by Weds. she will be able to relax a little over the Thanksgiving break.

What is on your plate today?

Plan for today:
SH Legs
Abs from LIC
Maybe some sort of easy step workout or run. Depends on how my legs feel after the workout.

Gayle: How are those legs today?!

Endless paperwork!
Pick up DS and DD this afternoon.
Meet employee to for training this evening.

B:Oh-My-Goash Omelet w/WH W toast and orange
S: Protein Shake
L: Tuna Salad
S: Pineapple w/cottage ch
D: Beef Soup

I hope everyone has a great day!


Heidi~ Thanks for starting us out this morning!!
Hopefully your DD will be able to relax a little bit, it seems like she is always on the move and studying! Seems like a busy day for you as well! :)

Weekend was hectic. Sorry I didn't have a chance to get on the computer at all. I will have to go back and play catch up w/ personals! :)

My knees are feeling it this morning. I don't know if it's from the little bit of snow we got, or just too much, too soon.
I met Wendy (6Swans4me) for a afternoon yoga class on Saturday. I think that class did my knees in.

Feeling a little discourged w/ my weight lose. I know I shouldn't look at that darn scale, but it's addictive! Plus, it's TOM, and day after Free Day, I should know better :)
I can see a difference, my pants however only feel slightly looser! I guess I am a little discourged b/c I thought before when doing BFL I got results more quickly...but I was exercising all the time...this time I came off a 3-month break :)
My grandmother tells me NOT to loose any more weight ... I'm currently at 120 @ 5'6"...

W3 for me...and 100% clean. Yesterday's free day wasn't too bad. I think for me, it's a time to give myself a break from packing meals and such. I did have 2-slices of pizza last night for dinner :9

Ok, enough of my babbling...How was everyone's weekend.

Gayle~ Did you get rained out yesterday?

Take Care,

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hi Jennifer,

On my way to get my workout in. Of course I just have to check to see who has been on recently!

Don't get too discouraged about your weight loss. I think your grandmother is right on not over doing it. Sometimes we think we need to loose more but actually we just need more definition. If you are currently 5'6 and 120 you are currently at the lowest end of your healthy weight right now. This is a good thing but I am concerned that you might be trying to go too low. Be Careful! I have delt with many women going to far and getting sick with Anorexia. It is just a scary thing to watch and not be able to help them. When they get to that point they have to want to get healthy again for themselves.
If you have a daughter and she is watching you (which they do) she might end up trying to do the same thing. I had a friend like this growing up and she almost died. I see her now and she has done well to recover and keep in shape the healthy way. She now has 2 children of her own and one of which is a daughter. I think she is more careful now about her thoughts on eating and exercise. To be able to show her daughter what is a good healthy weight and eating style is a great thing to see.

Check this out for more information on a healthy weight for you and more:

All right...I don't want this to be a lecture but you might want to look closely at what you really want to see a change in.

Thinking of you! :)
Good morning, ladies!

Jennifer-what are your goals??? At your weight and height, you'd blow away in the wind. lol But seriously, what are your goals? As for my race, I ran anyway. The conditions were cold, wet and wintery...a challenge to say the least, but I DID IT and I beat my goal. Timed in at 35:40 and won 2nd place in my bracket! YEAH!

Heidi-I think next week, I'm going to follow your lead and add S&H into my leg rotation.

Yesterday's Free Day was fun, but yucky. lol I didn't eat anything too bad, just TOO MUCH. I woke up around 4am and thought I was going to vomit! lol I slept it off, but I woke up with cotton mouth and just that yucky feeling. I WILL BE CLEANING UP FREE DAY, starting THIS SUNDAY! LOL

I did get up early and got in PLB (with Bulgarian Squats in place of the static lunges and added a pyramid set of leg extensions). LOVE IT!

Today I'm in and out of the school, as I arranged for food and beverages for the staff for the entire day. SO....I won't be back on line till tonight probably!


Heidi~ Thanks, I will look into that.

Gayle ~ Congrats, that's great timing!! Did you get much snow?
My goals are to mainly achieve more definition and muscle. I know deep down I would never be able to do this if I continue to lose weight. I guess I am just addicted to the scale. :)


"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hey, Jenn! The snow is still coming down. It's been over 24 hours, but since it's so wet, it hasn't covered the roads...just the grass. The roads WERE slippery this morning and I personally think the schools should have closed today. ANYWAY.....

As for the scale. It's hard to get your mindset away from it, isn't it? I personally use the scale right now because I KNOW my body responds very well to exercise/clean eating, so I knew that the weight would come off of me (not to mention that I actually HAD some weight to lose), PLUS the decrease in inches with the tape measure. HOWEVER, once I'm at goal, and I find the effective way to maintain it, I will try to stay away from it. Does that make sense? I'm trying to say, I think, that since YOU don't have any weight to lose (your goal is definition), the scale should only be used to make sure you STAY at your weight. Hey, even going UP in weight is okay, as long as you're 100% SURE that you're eating cleanly and working out properly. The small weight gains would be expected of somebody of your CURRENT weight/height.

AM I MAKING ANY SENSE AT ALL? I feel like I'm talking in circles. lol

Thanks Gayle! You totally make sense, Thank you! :)

I know w/ my body type (ECTO) I have to lift heavy. I think I am more Ecto (UB), than lower. I know I'm a pear shape, if that means anything at all.
I would like to use the pyramids, but they bore me to tears.
Do you think I should alternate 1-week Heavy/less reps (S&H/GS Series) and then 1-Week High Rep/Low Weight (BBC)?
Do you think this would work for me?

I did notice alot of school were either closed or a 2-hr delay. We didn't get anything here, so the kids had school. It's still doing something out there, feels like a mixture.

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hello again,:)

Back to see who else checked in to the Forum today.

Missing alot of people this weekend and today!

I am getting my workout schedule put into order for next months routine. Adding in other types of cardio workouts and Total Body workouts. This is what it looks like so far:

11/19: SH Legs, LIC-abs and stretch
/20: Boot Camp
/21: GS Chest,Shoulders & Back, CoreM 3
/22: iTread #21, BM2-abs and stretch HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
/23: GS Legs + Bi&Tri, SJP-abs and stretch
/24: Cardio Fusion, CW-abs and stretch
/25: Sunday off or easy OD Run

/26: PUB, ME-abs and stretch
/27: KPC
/28: PLB, KPC-abs, iTread Set 1 20min, and stretch
/29: IMAX 2
/30: GS Chest, Shoulders, Back, MIS-abs and stretch
12/01: MIC
/02: Sunday Day Off for sure!

/03: GS Legs, CoreM #2 and stretch
/04: Drill Max
/05: GS Bi-Tri, MM-abs and stretch
/06: iTread #24, LIC-abs and stretch
/07: SH Legs, Leg Drills from KM, CoreM 1 and stretch
/08: Step Blast
/09: Sunday Day off or 50min walk/= to 3.5min.

/10: SH Bi-Tri, B&G-abs and stretch
/11: SJP
/12: PLB, CoreM 3 and stretch
/13: iTread #23, KPC-abs and stretch
/14: SH Chest,Shoulders,Back, MM-abs and stretch
/15: IMAX2
/16: Sunday Rest Day!

/17: PUB, BM2-abs and stretch
/18: Low Max
/19: GS Legs, Shoulders, B&G-abs and stretch
/20: iTread (Due 3 new ones so this remains to be written in)
/21: GS Bi-Tri,chest & back, MIC-abs and stretch (Happy Birdie To ME!)
/22: LIC
/23: Sunday Day Off!

/24: SH Legs, CoreM 2 and stretch
/25: Boot Camp MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (Get to open new 4-Day Split Series! Yeah }(
/26: SH Bi-Tri, SJP-abs and stretch
/27: iTread (New to be determined) Abs
/28: PLB, Abs
/29: KPC
/30: Sunday Day off or walk 3.5miles


So...What do you think Gayle and Jennifer? :7
Hi Jennifer,

Have to make this quick...but did you check out the open discussion for any recommendations for exercises if you are Pear Shaped? Or maybe on Rotations? I came across an article entry somewhere for this and it recommended more HIIT cardio sessions.

Have to run!
Quick check-in today. Well, I really did something to my lower back. It still hurts pretty bad. Dh said I moaned in my sleep all night. It is getting a tad better but boy is it sore. I'll give it a few days and if no progess, then go to the Dr. I'm already on sleeping pill, pain meds, anti-inflammatory AND muscle relaxant for my neck and carpal not only do I NOT want any more meds, but I don't think they want to prescribe any more. I was hoping to get some cardio in today but my logical side of me says that is just crazy talk. I sure wish this wasn't happening over the holidy when I tend not to do great anyway, but it is, what it is. I'll just make all my meals count!

Colleen~ I hope you feel better. I wouldn't do any cardio, if you feel up to it, maybe walking. I'm sure if your diet stays clean you will be fine. Take care of yourself! {{{HUGS}}}

Heidi~ The rotation looks great. I was looking over some rotations also today. I think I might alternate some S&H and GS...and actually stick to it this time...Mix this w/ my Yoga & cardio and hopefully it will work well for my body type. Tonight is S&H Chest.

Question~ When you do S&H or GS, do you normally do 2-body parts a day or just 1..which is better?

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hello Jennifer and Colleen:

Colleen: I hope your back gets better soon. many things going on at the same time. Try to take it easy and avoid lifting if at all possible. Walk if it does not bother your back. Try some easy stretching exercises for your back this should help. Did your Doc give any suggestions for this?

Jennifer: As for SH and GS I usually do something like what I have in my schedule above. I would do upper body, an easy cardio run or step workout and add abs and stretch at the end. Cardio days are just that. Cardio at a HIIT level and abs w/stretching after. This way my muscles don't get too tight after the cardio. I do have to say that doing the abs after my cardio is really difficult at times! }(

Going to cook dinner...BBL

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