BFL Mon. 01/14 New Week Started! Are you ready?


Good Morning,

Just getting this post started...

Welcome Jean! Read your post this morning.:)

What are your goals for this week?

My goal...get in my workouts a little earlier. It seems that if I wait until after my DS goes to school it ends up not getting done.

Snow day here! So I have lots of time to wake up and get moving.:)

Have a great workout this morning. BBL Heidi :D
Good morning, Heidi. No snow day here. I'm disappointed, but my older DS has ski club after school today, so I know he'll be glad the trip is still on! But I would have liked the day off! LOL

My goals this week:
1...get up 10 minutes earlier, in basement by 5:05am.
2...continue to focus on 6 CLEAN meals (all pre-planned)
3...I'd like to add just ONE steady-state run on one of my weight days.

I'm all done with lower body today. I don't know what I ate yesterday, but it SUPER charged me this morning. Even my heaviest weight during my sets didn't max me out! What's with that? lol My max for squats was 105, deadlifts was 105, and leg extensions was 90.75!!! And I STILL could have done an extra rep or 2! Not complaining, I'm just sayin'! lol

OK...time to shower. I'm helping with 1st grade's school store early this morning, so I have to get the kids moving earlier. BBL to chat, after I hit the grocery store to pick up stuff to make more protein pancakes.

Good morning Heidi & Gayle & all to follow.

No snow day here, just a bit of ground cover. WOW Gayle, you are charged today!

Today is Day 47 for me (starting week 7) – upper body – switching back to GS’s this week for a change (though 4DS series is giving me some good results – see below). Today was Chest/Triceps. Oooh – all those push-ups at the beginning . . .

I never made it back yesterday, but I did take the time to check my progress. Here are the 6 week results:

Weight: down 5 #’s to 149 (hey still hanging in there under 150 - that’s awesome for me)
Bodyfat%: down 4% to 34 (from 38%)
Chest: down 1”
Waist: down 1-1/4” (every little bit counts)
Hips: down 1” (wow – I didn’t know they could keep going down!)
Thighs: down 1”
Biceps: no change

Goals are:
1) Under 150 #’s (still there, yeah!)
2) Waist < 30” (just around the corner)
3) Bodyfat < 30% (getting there)
4) Hips < 40” (I can actually see it happening now)

I’m absolutely ecstatic about the change. I’ve haven’t been pristine with the eating, my weight workouts have often been the timesaver premixes, and my pear shape is still getting smaller. Some happy dancin’ goin’ on here! Weight didn’t change much over the past 2 weeks, but lost another 1/2” on almost each measurement. Thanks for your encouragement on the eating. I now realize how much of it is key for me.

So, today will be something like:

M1: protein pancakes (the leftovers from yesterday, really like them even though I’m not a cottage cheese lover – thank you for the recipe)
M2: protein shake
M3: salad, turkey in whole wheat wrap
M4: apple & almonds
M5: grilled chicken salad plus another veggie
M6: protein shake

Read through yesterday’s thread, looks like so many of you were busy, too. Haven’t ordered STS yet, but did order Pyramids (fits the budget better right now). Wanting to finish this challenge strong!

Was going to look through the Clean Eating Cookbook while the kids were at dog training, but ended up helping out. Hey, did any of you see Corey Everson on the cover of Ironman magazine? And she’s 50!

Hope everyone has a great week. We’re here to take it on!
Sherry-AWESOME progress, girl! I LOVE IT! Keep at it! It's WORKING, isn't it???? WOO HOO!

I used to watch Corey Everson years ago, on some channel (can't remember which one) on a program where they worked out on the beach! lol

Kathy-the meatloaf muffins. What size stuffing? I bought an organic 10oz bag and I'm hoping that's not too big.

Here are my planned meals:
M1: 3 egg white quiches, 1 slice w/w toast
M2: vanilla protein pudding
M3: 4 small protein pancakes
M4: Myoplex shake
M5: meatloaf muffins, brown rice, fried cabbage (my FAVE)
M6: ???

OK....I have to get showered and get this day rolling!

Hello gals!

Just popping in real quick! Start of week 3!!!!

Alarm went off at 4:30 -- I JUMPED out of bed. Wow, I think the habit is setting in! :)

I did PLB -- oh my gosh, I can't believe it -- I kept up with CATHE!! I finally did a workout where I matched her weights!! I will be on cloud 9 all day!!

Which will make me over look the 2 pound gain on the scale this morning. Geez!!! Oh well, DH told me twice the weekend that my legs looked muscular! :)

Okay, off to work -- I'll be back later for personals!!

Oh, Michelle, when DH sees the muscles, you KNOW you're making progress! LOL GREAT JOB on everything...getting up early AGAIN, the weight work with Cathe, AND DH's comment!!!

I'm with you on Cloud 9 today. The funky mood I was in last week has completely gone. I think Free Day really frees up my mind! I REALLY need to get the kids up!

good morning ladies,

Today I am starting week 2! I am happy to report I am down 2 pounds! I am so motivated to start a new week! Thanks for all the support and motivation! I love you girls! You girls are the BEST! This is the first time the scale is going down since May 07! I am done with PLB and abs from Body Max!

Heidi** good morning! Have fun with all that snow!

Gayle** great job with your lower body HEAVY weight work today! Thanks you for keeping me on track! I love you!

Sherry**congrats on your weight loss!

Susan** have you checked out Sara Snow? She has a show on discovery channel! Her recipes are very healthy! You also can find her recipes on!

Kathy** we adapted to mutts form the dog shelter! They eat everything they can find! They are like kids! You have to watch them like a hock!

Jennifer** I am glad you enjoyed Power Max! I have to pull that one out this week!

Jean** Hi and Welcome! I am on my second week doing BFL! Technically I would be on week 3 today, but my eating wasn’t good on week one, so I started all over! So far so good!

Michelle** good job on getting up so early and matching Cathe! Have fun at work!

Everyone sounds up beat and ready to get to it this week...ME TOO!

My goals for this week are to eat clean and lose 1-2 pounds.

I did 4DS lb/abs this morning. I have classes this morning so bbl to chat.
oh..I made Rachael Ray's Smokey Sweet Potato Chicken Stoup last night..very good! If anyone wants the recipes let me know.
Have a great day!!
Hi gayle,

Ahhhh no snow for you :( I hope you have a good day anyway. It is really piling up here now. It is a good thing that we have a generator!
Holly C... on that weight workout! How do you get the bar over your head? On the leg extensions do you have a weight machine for this?

I have been doing paperwork this morning and just finished. Have to go to work shortly.

BBL Heidi
Hi Sherry!

Way to go girl on your continued success of keeping the weight down. :) You are just starting to notice the changes in the numbers and with your continued effort you will see more. :7

So far this morning I have had my oatmeal w/soymilk. Several glasses of water. I feel really dehydrated for some reason today. Probably from the dry air.

Have a great day! BBL Heidi
Hi Michelle,

Awesome job in getting in your workout this morning! :) Even better...using or matching Cathe's weights on the PLB workout.

I haven't matched this yet...but within 5#'s of it. Have been using DB's for the most part. I don't have enough BB plates yet to change over quick enough.

As far as the 2# gain...don't worry this too will pass. I seemed to gain a little weight when I first started lifting heavy weights but that is normal. :) (Muscle weighs more than fat!;-) )

Have a great day! BBL Heidi
Hi Belinda,

Good afternoon! (Or close to it by now ;-) )

Great job this morning on your workout.
Happy dance for you too for losing 2#'s! :7

My DS is dancing around right now all excited that there is actually no school today! He is really funny. His older brother doesn't believe me that it is closed. Even funnier! It isn't on the news as being closed but they called me this morning at 5:30am to let me know.
This school system is so unpredictable! They can't seem to get there act together for informing parents about closings or closing when they should have. (Last snowstorm last month for instance)
So for having them call me for the first time was a real shock.

Have a great day! How is your DH doing now that he is back from a different time zone?

Did you download some new iTreads?

BBL Heidi
Hi Susan,

Good Morning to you.:)

Good job today getting in your 4DS weight workout. :)

I would love to have that recipe from Rachael sounds yummy. :9 Plus I love sweet potatoes in anything.

Have a good day. BBL Heidi

Oh..did your DD have school today?
Good Morning Ladies ~ :) HAPPY MONDAY!! Is it Friday yet? :)

Ok, W1 for me. I am going to do this!!
I did stop off at WaWa this morning. I had to get gas, so why not get a coffee :9 Rat droppings and all!!! :9 LOL No donut though ... YAY!!!

Weight~ 123.5 (up almost 5 pds since I started eating crap) :(
Waist ~ 25.75 in.
Hips~ 35 in.
Rt thigh~ 22 in
Lft thigh~ 21.5 in.

Meals for today; Tonight is BBC Arms/Abs!
S~Egg whites w/ Veggie sausage pattie
L~ Chicken Stew
S~Apple/2-boiled egg whites
D~Maybe fish, veggies, brown rice
S~If I get this in, it will be a protein shake

Heidi~ How much snow did you get? We were supposed to get some in PA, but we only got rain :( I should join you on trying to get my workout in, in the morning. I normally feel so much better when I did get it out of the way, but I'm not a morning person! Cardio I can handle in the morning, but weights NO WAY!

Gayle~ I know how you feel, I was disappointed as well. I got up @ 6 a.m. and looked out the window, nothing ... :(
Great goals. You need to rub off some of your energy to me! are nuts, aren't you...LOL Great job on your LBWO. Great #'s!!! WooHoo! :)

Sherry~ You are having great results, keep up the great work! As they say, W8 is magical for most woman! I see that you are pear shaped (same as me)..Do you find lower weight works better for you on your lower half? I tend to get "thicker" if I use to heavy of a weight. Now w/ my knee, I'm going to have to keep it low anyway... Your meals looks great!

Michelle~ Wow, you too...4:30 a.m. Ouch!! LOL Great PLB workout!!

Belinda~ Great workout!! Congrats on #'s lost...!! YAY :):) Have a great day, or should I say Night now....LOL

Better get some work done. Need to get out of here early today to take my son to the SPCA...He is going to be's part of his graduation project!
Have a Great Day!! I probably won't get to later tonight!!
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


Belinda-CONGRATS on your FIRST loss….there will me MORE to follow! Keep at it! You’re doing FANTASTIC!

Susan-please share that recipe. It sounds yummy!!!!! I love Rachel too!

Heidi-For my heavy barbell, I use the dip handles on my Power Tower as a squat rack! As for leg extensions, my weight bench has the piece for leg curls/leg extensions and for chest presses. Enjoy your snow day!

Hi, Jennifer. Good job on fore-going the donut. I heard REALLY nasty things about them this morning! :)

Hi again ladies!

WELCOME JEAN!!! You are going to love it here!!

Heidi - Thanks for all your support! I know muscle weighs more than fat and I know I need to focus on measurements. It's all a mind game, isn't it?? I hear you about getting up earlier. I have tried for YEARS to get my workouts in -- this is the first time I have EVER worked out 6 days in a row -- let me tell you, the mornings are working for me. Anytime you want to join me at 4:30 let me know!! :) Have a great "snow" day!!!

Gayle - Oh my gosh - my jaw is on the floor! I was sooo excited to match Cathe today -- I have NEVER dreamed of going beyond her weights. 105 pounds - what you were lifting? A Car??? Har har. Seriously, you are our inspiration -- I was so glad you posted your weights -- it gives me something to work towards. And here I thought after I matched Cathe today, I had achieved my goal and I could start sleeping in again -- har har har!!! But no, I'll see you tomorrow morning for some cardio!!

Sherry - You rock girl! Keep it up! I LOVE the pyramids, so that was a good purchase!!

Belinda - Okay, so it is YOU that gave me those two pounds today! I was wondering where it came from!!! he he !! I'm proud of you Belinda, keep on working!!

Susan - I LOVE Rachael Ray!!! Way to go on the 4DS!!

Jennifer - Way to go on starting today! This IS IT for you!! I can feel it!! :)

Sorry if I missed anyone -- you all are my motivation!!!

Hi girls,

Heidi** I am so happy that the scale finally going done instead up! I am so excited and motivated for week 2! I picture myself in a bikini! LOL! A girl can dream! I have wanted to wear a white dress for over three years! Your kids are funny! I hope they don’t drive you nuts today! My DH is still a little tired since Saturday! I think in a few days he will be fine! How is your DH doing? No I haven’t downloaded more iTreads! I need to figure out how to transfer from a CD to my MP3 player?

Susan** I love the 4DS lower body! Nice workout! Have fun with your glasses! I love Rachel Ray!

Hi everyone! You all sound so upbeat today. It's AWESOME!!!

Quick post. We are getting dumped on with snow. School's closed so I took the day off. DD is already asking to go outside and play. It's supposed to snow all day. Over a foot is predicted for my area.

I'll post my meals for today since I already have those planned. Tonight is UB. I'm going to do the same workout as my last UB day because it totally fried me!!

M#1: 2 mini egg quiches & sweet potato fries
M#2: beef & barley soup (this will hit the spot after being out in the snow this morning!!)
M#3: salad w/1 can white tuna, 1/4 c beans & veggies
M#4: w/w tortilla w/2oz 93% lean beef, 1T low fat cheddar & 1T salsa
M#5: chicken, 1/2 c brown rice & brocolli
M#6: strawberry-banana protein shake


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