BFL Mon. 01/14 New Week Started! Are you ready?

Oh my! You ladies have just been posting away this morning, lol!

I got up and did a BFL Upper body workout and totally maxed out on shoulders and biceps (couldn’t get that last rep up!) I may be hallucinating but I feel like I see changes, everything seems a little tighter. I’ll take 3 week progress pics this weekend. Oh, and I tacked on the core segment of KS Tummy Trimmers (hate that title, lol!)

Heidi – That is so funny about your DS dancing around for snow day! I think I would be too….maybe you should send some of that snow up to NJ.

Gayle – Great job on the workout this morning! Are you using a squat rack or a smith machine (attached to a pulley?) I can usually heavy up A LOT on the smith machine but have to lower it a bit for free standing squats. I think it’s the motion of stepping out of the rack that’s the toughest with free weight squats. Oh, and I used the smaller package of stuffing mix. Dang, I looked for the whole grain version but could only find the regular stuff (and thought the cornbread was the best choice). HTH.

Sherry – YAY!!! That is some awesome results! You’re body fat going down is super, the scale will eventually follow. Good job! I’ll have to check out Corey Everson’s pic when I go grocery shopping this week. Oh, which reminds me….there are some really good soup recipes in this month’s “Fitness” magazine. I’m going to try the pumpkin soup that’s in there this week, yum.

Michelle – Woohoo, great job on matching Cathe’s weights! You KNOW there’s changes happening if your DH notices. My DH doesn’t notice much unless it’s a huge difference, lol.

Belinda – YAY!!! Congratulations on the loss this week, that is so GREAT! I just love our pooch, he’s such a character. He has his own personality just like the kids….me and DH laugh about it all the time. What kind of dogs did you get? Are they small house dogs or bigger ones?

Susan – I would love the sweet potato soup recipe! Sweet potatoes and yams are my favorite starchy vegetable.

Melissa – Enjoy your snow day! Your food looks really good.

Kathy G
Hi everyone!
Gayle here is the recipe..its really good and kinda different.,,FOOD_9936_36597,00.html

DD is at school and Im about to head out to class. I hope there are more oldies in there! Last semester in chemistry I was almost the youngest!! One lady was 65! BTW Im taking pre-reqs in hopes of getting in dental hygiene school. Before we moved here I was a dental assitant...always wanted to go into hygiene, there is a school in Little we'll see. I have to take all my sciences over since it's been so long.

Oh and Gayle to answer your question from yesterday..I was born and raisied in Mississippi and recently (August) relocated or Arkansas for dh's job.

Jenn-sooo glad you are feeling good and motivated!

I will bbl!
Hi all- wow talk about an upbeat positive group!! No wonder you are all so successful!

Can anyone give the recipe for the protein pancakes? Thanks!

Also, I know we are supposed to workout in the am but does anyone do it in the evening? Are the results the same? I won't be able to fit it in the mornings!

Thanks to all for the warm welcome and have a great day!
Michelle, YES….I forgot to mention that I am indeed lifting my car in the garage for all my squats, lunges and leg extensions! And NEVER think you’ve reached your ULTIMATE goal. These goals you’re hitting….they are all intermediate to get you to the BIG GOAL, girl! LOL I LOVE your enthusiasm! I feel like a proud Big Sister right now with you! LOL OK….tomorrow morning. YOU TELL ME what time to meet you in the cyber gym, and I’ll be there! ON TIME! Without one single snooze!

Kathy-did you say the other day, about the new iTread set 26, that it would be a good tempo run? I’m looking for a nice even-paced (slowly increasing speed) to tack on the end of tomorrow’s HIIT. I’m planning on doing the BFL HIIT as prescribed, but I’d like to go further and longer. Was it iTread 26? As for my weights….I just have my barbell propped up on my dip handle bars. That’s it…no pulleys. I’m pretty much fine throughout the whole squatting process, but I DO worry about not being able to get back up from the ‘seated’ position with 110+# on my neck/back! LOL As for the stuffing, when you say ‘small bag’….how small? I’m afraid of using this whole 10oz bag when the recipe really calls for 5 or 6oz. AND GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see the NEW YOU!!!!!!!!

Melissa-enjoy your snow day. How do you make your sweet potato fries? I just picked up 2 sweet pot’s this AM and would love to make something yummy (although I love them just naturally baked too!)

Susan-thanks for that recipe. It looks all BFL-friendly (with just a question about the white wine, but we can overlook that, right? lol). YUMMO!

Jean-here’s the protein pancake recipe:

Protein Pancakes

1 C oats
1 C cottage cheese
6 egg whites
2 packs Splenda (I omit this)
¼ tsp vanilla
¼ tsp cinnamon

· Process all ingredients in a food processor or blender, until smooth.
· Allow to sit a few minutes to let the oats absorb some of the liquid.
· On a preheated skillet, cook pancakes slowly over low-medium heat. It will take longer than normal pancakes for the centers to cook thru.

· This makes 2 servings, each a LARGE pancake. What I like to do is use my Pampered Chef muffin-sized scoop (don’t know the measurement of that) and make small pancakes.
· These freeze extremely well, and I LOVE these reheated in the TOASTER!!!!

OK….I have to stop PLAYING and get out the door. I’m going to be late for work!

[font color=red font size=+3]ROCK IT, ladies![/font]

Hi Jean and welcome!

I work out in the evening. It's the only time that I can be consistent. And I am getting great results.

Here is my protein pancake recipe:

1/2 cup oatmeal (old fashioned)
1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese
4 egg whites
cinammom (I don't measure this, I just sprinkle it in)
dash of vanilla extract

Mix all in a blender until it's pancake consistency. Let sit for a few minutes. Cook on skillet on low heat until golden brown.
Hi Gayle. I just cut the sweet potato in half, then into strips that look like fries. I put them in a small frying pan with some olive oil. cover, and let them cook until golden brown. You have to flip them a few times.

I have also tried doing them in the oven with chili powder, but I don't like them as much. I have also tried using spray olive oil and they burnt. x(

I made two last night, once they cooled I put them in a ziplock bag and I just grabbed about 5 and popped them in the microwave with the mini quiches. DELISH!!
Gayle – I used the 6 oz. box (I had to look it up on the Kraft website, lol). I think iTread 26 would be a great Tempo run (or even iTread 20 – 30 minutes). I haven’t done iTread 26 yet but from listening, it’s more intense than iTread 26 in that your base pace is higher). I’ll make you a deal, I’ll give it a shot tomorrow if you do….of course, I’ll be following the jogger cues and not the runner (like you!) :)

Big Welcome to Jean!

Real quick ladies, I made these last night and they’re awesome! I used them as a carb (instead of oatmeal with my egg whites this morning). They’re very portable and easy to eat on the run (just add some boiled egg whites and you got a meal). I made 8 cookies and froze half in the freezer for later, and refrigerated the rest for this week. Let me know what you think, I didn’t taste the Splenda in these at all.

Big Breakfast Cookie
Ingredients for a batch of 4 BIG Cookies (or 8 medium size):
Note: These cookies are huge and filling. You might even want to bake them as 8 smaller cookies.

1 1/4 cups oatmeal
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup flour
1 1/2 cups fat-free dry milk
1 cup applesauce (no-sugar added)
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 cup Splenda


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a LARGE cookie sheet with Pam or use two smaller cookie sheets. Mix all ingredients together and spoon 4 large mounds or 8 smaller mounds on sheet. Bake for 20 minutes for 4 – 15 minutes for 8.

(You can even freeze a whole batch of these and then eat them throughout the week! Just thaw them to room temperature, or nuke in the microwave for 30 seconds, before serving.)
Nutritional Info (for 8 cookies batch – double for 4 cookies): (per cookie, made with Splenda): 134 calories (72%carb/22% protein/6% fat)

Note: These cookies are huge and filling. I use them as a carb (in place of oatmeal) so you’ll have to also have a protein with them to balance it out. Enjoy!
Hi girls,

Gayle** I am so pumped for this week! I almost gave up on myself! I am trying to eat 6 small meals a day this week! Thank you!

Heidi** I am so happy that the scale finally is going down, instead up! I am so excited and motivated for week 2! I picture myself in a bikini! LOL! A girl can dream! Your kids are funny! I hope they don’t drive you nuts today! My DH is still a little tired since Saturday! I think in a few days he will be fine! How is your DH doing? No I haven’t downloaded more iTreads! I need to figure out how to transfer iTreads from a CD to my MP3 player?

Susan** I love the 4DS lower body! Nice workout! Have fun with your glasses!

Jean** I don’t workout in the AM, more like when I feel like it!

Susan** thanks for the recipe! I put it in my recipe box! Do you know Sara Snow! She got really heathy recipes on dicovery/

Melissa** I use one egg white, chili powder, garlic powder and pepper mix everything in a bowl and bake! (I found this one on It’s pretty good! Now you are making me hungry!

Kathy** your Breakfast Cookie look delish! I just made some protein pancakes!

That eggwhite recipe looks good, I'll have to try it. :9

Ooops, Gayle - I meant to say iTread 26 is more intense than iTread 20 in my previous post (I couldn't edit it).

Okay time for lunch, be back this evening. :)

OK, guys. Just a quick second. I hit the grocery store and am all stocked up to make a huge HUGE batch of protein pancakes (I like to freeze them, then reheat in the toaster).

Kathy-I'm downloading sets 20 and 26 as we speak! LOL I'm planning on this tomorrow (Michelle....what time am I meeting you tomorrow?):

BFL HIIT intervals (20 minute aerobic that what it's called? lol)
iTread 26 (Kathy...are you challenging ME?)
abs from something or other (IF I can still breath by that point!)

Sound good???

Hi girls,

I never had a MP3 player before! My DD just down loaded music on it! Can I put iTrain on that same MP3 player without erasing my music ! If the answer is yes, how do that?

P.S. Maybe I will meet you Michelle and Gayle? I am not challenging you!! I just want to try my new toy out!

Jean-Welcome! You'll get a lot of support here.

Belinda-I saw Sara Snow on Jon and Kate Plus 8 a couple months ago and have now watch her show..she is so cute!

I made it through class..I don't think I am the oldest in there..but in the top 2! The teach seems really nice and I feel I will learn a lot in there.

I had the sweet potato stoup for lunch today..I love it!!
Belinda – It shouldn’t erase your music if you put it on your player as a separate file name. HTH.

Susan – I love Jon & Kate + 8, those kids are so cute!

Gayle – Hmmmm…..guess it was *kind of* thrown out there as a challenge, lol. I definitely can’t keep up with your speed but I’ll catch the breeze behind ya at the jogger speed. How does that sound? ;)

Kathy G
Hi - another quick question- I seem to remember reading somewhere that the 20min of HIIT was not enough for women and that women should do at least 30 min. Any truth to that? Do you all just do the 20 min?

Jean-I know the 20 minutes of TRUE, all-out, give-it-everything-ya-got HIIT WORKED FOR ME! It's not always how much TIME you spend doing something, rather HOW HARD YOU WORK! And believe ME...I'm a true cardio junkie all the way and I still did the 20 minutes. TRY IT! Give all you've got and IT WILL WORK!

I have a batch of the meatloaf muffins in the oven now and they smell like HEAVEN! I 'beefed' them up a bit by adding in some green pepper and shredded carrot. I used a bit less than 1/2 the 10oz bag of stuffing (when I added water to the stuffing, it just seemed like so much stuffing, even with just HALF the bag, lol). I'll be having them for dinner with a tossed salad. I'll let you know how they turned out, but if they taste as good as they smell....I'm in for a real treat!

Belinda-mp3 players are pretty much all the same. Plug it into your computer and some software will automatically locate and synch your music/iTreads. You might have a box pop up on your screen, prompting you to use a specific software to add the iTreads, so follow the directions on the screen. And can add iTread workouts without erasing your music! Sorry if that doesn't help you much!

OK...time to check dinner!

I think we're all doing our own version of BFL cardio. I started training for another marathon so my cardio will be alot longer than the prescribed 20 minutes (and mostly running).

I think Gayle got great results using HIIT her first challenge (but I'll let her tell you about it.) ;-)

Kathy I love JOn and Kate too....its a show dd and I love to watch together..and I know its safe for her..ya know. It cracks me up.
Just a quick post...

Susan - DD and I love to watch Jon & Kate plus 8 too. She already reminded me today that it is on tonight!! It's our Monday-night thing!!
Hiya Girls :)

I can't believe it's Monday afternoon. Where did the day go? Being busy is a good thing though :)

I start my day at 5am. I call it MY TIME. Oh ok-- it's GIVE ME COFFEE OR RISK INJURY TIME :) :) I only have two cups but its enough to get me going.

I did 6miles this morning at the gym. Worked ABs there and did shoulders from ME and PUB. I can't believe how my endurance has improved for my runs. I'm liking this training.

My meals are always right on time. I feel if I miss one or think Im not hungry it may only lead to me inhaling crap later on in the day :)

I too only weigh myself once a week. I weighed myself last week (Sunday) and again yesterday where I was down 2 pounds. Not bad. I hate to be a slave to the scale. I kinda go by how my clothes fit etc.

Ok Ill check back in after dinner.

Have a great afternoon everyone.

Kath :)


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