Kathy G
Oh my! You ladies have just been posting away this morning, lol!
I got up and did a BFL Upper body workout and totally maxed out on shoulders and biceps (couldn’t get that last rep up!) I may be hallucinating but I feel like I see changes, everything seems a little tighter. I’ll take 3 week progress pics this weekend. Oh, and I tacked on the core segment of KS Tummy Trimmers (hate that title, lol!)
Heidi – That is so funny about your DS dancing around for snow day! I think I would be too….maybe you should send some of that snow up to NJ.
Gayle – Great job on the workout this morning! Are you using a squat rack or a smith machine (attached to a pulley?) I can usually heavy up A LOT on the smith machine but have to lower it a bit for free standing squats. I think it’s the motion of stepping out of the rack that’s the toughest with free weight squats. Oh, and I used the smaller package of stuffing mix. Dang, I looked for the whole grain version but could only find the regular stuff (and thought the cornbread was the best choice). HTH.
Sherry – YAY!!! That is some awesome results! You’re body fat going down is super, the scale will eventually follow. Good job! I’ll have to check out Corey Everson’s pic when I go grocery shopping this week. Oh, which reminds me….there are some really good soup recipes in this month’s “Fitness” magazine. I’m going to try the pumpkin soup that’s in there this week, yum.
Michelle – Woohoo, great job on matching Cathe’s weights! You KNOW there’s changes happening if your DH notices. My DH doesn’t notice much unless it’s a huge difference, lol.
Belinda – YAY!!! Congratulations on the loss this week, that is so GREAT! I just love our pooch, he’s such a character. He has his own personality just like the kids….me and DH laugh about it all the time. What kind of dogs did you get? Are they small house dogs or bigger ones?
Susan – I would love the sweet potato soup recipe! Sweet potatoes and yams are my favorite starchy vegetable.
Melissa – Enjoy your snow day! Your food looks really good.
Kathy G
Oh my! You ladies have just been posting away this morning, lol!
I got up and did a BFL Upper body workout and totally maxed out on shoulders and biceps (couldn’t get that last rep up!) I may be hallucinating but I feel like I see changes, everything seems a little tighter. I’ll take 3 week progress pics this weekend. Oh, and I tacked on the core segment of KS Tummy Trimmers (hate that title, lol!)
Heidi – That is so funny about your DS dancing around for snow day! I think I would be too….maybe you should send some of that snow up to NJ.
Gayle – Great job on the workout this morning! Are you using a squat rack or a smith machine (attached to a pulley?) I can usually heavy up A LOT on the smith machine but have to lower it a bit for free standing squats. I think it’s the motion of stepping out of the rack that’s the toughest with free weight squats. Oh, and I used the smaller package of stuffing mix. Dang, I looked for the whole grain version but could only find the regular stuff (and thought the cornbread was the best choice). HTH.
Sherry – YAY!!! That is some awesome results! You’re body fat going down is super, the scale will eventually follow. Good job! I’ll have to check out Corey Everson’s pic when I go grocery shopping this week. Oh, which reminds me….there are some really good soup recipes in this month’s “Fitness” magazine. I’m going to try the pumpkin soup that’s in there this week, yum.
Michelle – Woohoo, great job on matching Cathe’s weights! You KNOW there’s changes happening if your DH notices. My DH doesn’t notice much unless it’s a huge difference, lol.
Belinda – YAY!!! Congratulations on the loss this week, that is so GREAT! I just love our pooch, he’s such a character. He has his own personality just like the kids….me and DH laugh about it all the time. What kind of dogs did you get? Are they small house dogs or bigger ones?
Susan – I would love the sweet potato soup recipe! Sweet potatoes and yams are my favorite starchy vegetable.
Melissa – Enjoy your snow day! Your food looks really good.
Kathy G