Thank you for your support, you really don't know how much it means to me

Our finance problems all started when we decided to sell my BF's Pizza shop. Since then, it's been worse and worse!

The mortgage is not in my name, so that it least saves my credit (maybe we have something). But w/ both our credits being poor rated, it's really hard to get anything. It's horrible how nobody wants to help anymore!! It's sad!

On top of all things, my ex is still not paying me a dime for child support. I got $100 in 3- years. He has promised to mail me money, but still nothing. I spoke to him yesterday to confirm that he received the date for our Child Support Case, and he said, Yes, but believe me I am pulling out the custody papers, that I have full custody of our son." He said, he going to tell them that I took our son one weekend and never brought him back. Okay, they are going to believe that, he has been living with me for 3 years!!! What he doesn't know is, Domestic Relations is fully aware that he has full-custody of our son, and I of our daughter, but OUR SON choose to live w/ me and my BF. He's still crying b/c I left him 4 years ago..BOOHOO!! He just doesn't like the idea of putting money in my account b/c he is afraid it is going to go for other things. I told him, "what, do you think the kids live for free?" He doesn't think of all the bills, Electric,Cable,Phone,Etc...
Okay, sorry to vent! Thanks!!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"