BFL for Fri Mar 14th 2008

Morning girls!

Belinda,you answered my question from the other thread,lol-your doing LB today...which workout?

Today is B&G's I will try and do all of it!

And CRAP,is what this week sums up to be!!! Crap,crap,crap....what a waisted week x(. I would do good all day then as soon as I put the kids to happens,eating a snack or two when i JUST ATE my sixth snack :-(! So,im not going anywhere near the scale and I will finish off the week with a smile,then put my game face on starting sunday!}( Besides,im sure I didn't gain any weight,just didn't lose:-(

ok,now that-that is off my chest,ANYBODY watch Survivor last night? I thought it was pretty good,i was kinda sorry to see jonathon go the way he did. Then Chet volunteered his way out the door-IMO i think chet should have stuck it out and helped Tracy and the fuzzy headed guy vote out ozzy!Afterall she's the reason he lasted this long! I guess his foot was really hurting him??

Hey to everybody that follows! TGIF!
Good morning Amelia,

My knee is bordering me since yesterday, not sure what I will do today!

Gayle here is one of the recipes! I left all my recipes in the US, I have to wait until Alesia finds time to look in my folder! I do have a good couscous salad recipe?

Orzo with Parsley and Lemon Zest:
1/2 pound orzo
Coarse salt
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
2 large lemons, zested
Black pepper
1/4 cup finely chopped flat leaf parsley, a couple of handfuls
Cook orzo in salted water about 12 minutes, to al dente. Drain orzo well. Do not run under cold water. You want the cooked pasta to remain hot. Transfer pasta to a serving bowl. Drizzle orzo with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Add lemon zest and parsley and toss to combine the flavors with the pasta.

I think this recipe is from Rachel Ray! I love here recipes!

Heidi** do you want pork or beef? I have a hard time picking a recipe! Help!

Hi to everyone that follows today!
Hey guys.

Belinda-thanks for that recipe! I'm loving orzo right now! I'll try that recipe this weekend! And actually, I've NEVER eaten couscous! LOL What's it taste like? Consistancy of it?

Amelia-buck up, camper! It's a brand new day!:) :) :) Forget about yesterday (and the day before THAT). Brand new day. Brand new page in your journal! Today, just take it one meal at a time, and MAKE SURE that you're eating ENOUGH at that last meal to fill you up! workout this morning was BFL upper body. I am at a point on several exercises where I can eek the weights up again. 21.25 on the hammer curls is going to go up a pound next time. And shoulder presses will go up to about 22 as well. For biceps today, I did my pyramid set of Hanging Concentration Curls like in 4DS. I like that move a LOT!

OK....getting the kids on the bus, then hitting the grocery store. I need some clean eats for the fridge for the weekend. Today is the last day of school until after Easter and we're ALL looking forward to the break! Tonight is my book club meeting and since the book is based in the Circus (Water for Elephants), my best friend (who is hosting the meeting) and I are making circus food. Dave (SO) let me borrow his hot dog turner and cotton candy maker. So this afternoon we'll be spinning and bagging some cotton candy. Doesn't that sound like SO MUCH FUN! I can't wait! We're also buying roasted peanuts and I picked up some popcorn bags (the circus-kind) and I'll pop popcorn for them! I'm excited.

OK...need to get going. I'll try to check in again just before I walk to the school later.

Hello and Good Morning to you all,

Belinda: I hope that you can stretch out a little today to relieve any knee issues. Sometimes we have tight quads or hamstrings that can pull on the muscles around the knee area.:) I noticed this myself with tight IT bands.
As for a recipe...Beef? If you have one would be great!

Amelia: I agree totally with Gayle. Just get moving you'll feel better. :)

Gayle: Way to go on those hammer curls! My right bi seems to be a big problem for is my main arm/hand so why is it weaker than my left? I just don't get it.
How are those legs holding out? Today's weather is suppose to be in the 50's....yeah! Might go for a run later this afternoon when DD comes back from college.'s goal:
SH chest and back
KPC abs
itread #9 phase 1&2

Hello to everyone this fine morning. Have a great workout! BBL Heidi c-c-c-c-cold. I woke up cold and checked the thermostat--it's only at 58 right now because apparently the heat's not working. I checked and we have gas on the stove, so it's not that the gas is out. I also checked the pilot light on the boiler and it's on. So I'm out of my range of expertise. Emailing back and forth with DH now about it and I think we're going to have to call a plumber soon. Lucky thing it's going to be a fairly mild day (temps in the 50s). The bummer is Isaac's off school today and the kid gets cold easily. Poor thing.

Hope to BBL but for now my fingers are too cold to type more.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
fitness blog:
dream blog:
If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/f]
Good Morning,

Yesterday's tennis match lasted 2 hrs 45 mins. It felt like a CAthe workout by the time I was done. After all that we ended up losing in the third set. Oh well, I gave it my best.

Unsure about today's workout. Maybe I'll do a total body workout.

Amelia - I hear ya girl. I have been on a binge for almost a week now. The scary part is I don't remember eating anything until I look in the trash can. Who in the h#%ll invented girl scout cookies anyway?? I do great all day long until around 3:00 and then I can't seem to control myself. I did great for the first 9 weeks or so but don't know what has happened. Gayle has a good point - ONE DAY AT A TIME

Belinda - Hope your knee feels better soon.

Gayle- The circus theme sounds like a cute idea. Have fun. We have 3 more weeks until our spring break. Can't wait!!

Hi Heidi and Lainie:+

Morning everyone!
I’m running off to a meeting in a few minutes but wanted to check in. I did a heavy BFL upper body workout this morning and it was tough! I only eeked out 11 reps on my final triceps and shoulder exercises….man they were burning, lol!

I have my 10 mile St. Pat’s Day race tomorrow and they’re predicting rain tonight but clearing in the morning. I’m REALLY hoping it’s not raining during the race, I hate freezing in the rain. The run is along the boardwalk so the ocean breeze will probably turn us into popsicles, lol. Oh well, I’ll still enjoy it…I’m sure. :)

Good morning girlies!!

Belinda - sorry to hear about your knee. I hope it gets better soon. I would also like to know what couscous tastes like..;)

Amelia - your post made me LOL! Ditch the scale this week. I just can't bring myself to weigh in when I know that I've strayed. Wait until you are feeling more in control before you weigh yourself. And I second what Gayle is a new day!

Gayle - ^^^^5's on the weigh increases. 21.25 on hammers..AWESOME! Do you do those alternating? I can do 20 for hammers, but not both arms at the same time. Your book club is going to be so much fun tonight. So, are you going to have any circus food?!?!

Lainie - try and keep warm today!

Carolyn - I am having the same issue. I did great up until Week 9 and then I have no idea why, but I wasn't doing so great. I actually repeated Week 9 so I'm a week behind, but I still don't feel as "together" as I did for the first 9 weeks. And the GS cookies certainly aren't helping!!!

Hi Heidi and all that follow!!

Last night I ended up doing Step Blast w/u, the finished combos and the challenge. I just love the last blast! Tonight is LB for me.

Meals for today:

M#1: 3 protein pancakes
M#2: turkey wrap w/veggies
M#3: salad w/grilled chicken
M#4: veggie chili
M#5: 1/3 whole wheat boboli, 2T cheese & veggies
M#6: strawberry/vanilla protein shake


ETA: Hello Kathy! We must have been posting at the same time. Good luck on your race tomorrow! Someone else has a race tomorrow too if I remember correctly. Is it you, STEPHANIE?
Hey girls...ive got some sad news;( ;( I just hurt my ankle;( I decided to do HST and during the first cardio(fast feet) my left foot came back and i wasn't balanced so i heard it smack~crackle~pop :-:)-( Then I felt a sharp pain on the outside that still hasn't left yet,that can't be good! I may have to call my doc if it starts hurting bad.x(

Ive done this before oddly enough to my right ankle and i was in bed for a week;( ;( ;( ;(


OH NO AMELIA!!!! That's awful! I hope it starts feeling better soon and isn't too serious. Maybe you should have it looked at just in case.

Does anyone know what a good price for hex dumbells is? Isn't is so much per pound? I need a set of 30's. Online they are $39.99 each. That seems high to me.
Okay ladies -- I'm trying to read through your posts -- I'm trying to be serious -- I'm so sorry about your ankle Amelia!

However, I just can't keep reading because ALL I'm thinking about is Gayle borrowing her SO's hot dog turner and cotton candy maker. I'm sorry, why do I find this SOOOOOOO FUNNY??!!!

Sound like a true keeper you got Gayle!! :)

Hi girls,

My DH was out of town the last 2 days! I had to pick him up, since it is raining like crazy! I still haven’t worked out! After his nap, he will help me with my BFL style lower body workout! I am afraid to lift a loaded bb over my head without a squat rack! This way I also can go heavy! I already planed my workout!

Gayle** hope you like the recipe! You can call Alesia in El Paso and she can give you the recipe! Excellent workout this morning and upping your weight! Have fun with your book club meeting!

Heidi** I am stretching my leg a lot today! Did you ever have Roulade?

Carolyn** sounds like you had a good workout yesterday! You are not the only one, I constantly want chocolate lately! Lucky me I don’t have any in the house!

Kathy** fantastic job on your UB workout! I copied some of your leg exercises today! LOL! Good luck with your run tomorrow!

Melissa** thanks for the kind words! Couscous tastes a little nutty to me! It’s really good!

Amelia**Aww, that is awful! Hope you ankle feel better soon! Keep icing it!

I will be back to report my workout!
Belinda - way to go having DH as a personal squat rack!! :)

Melissa - I agree - can we meet somewhere for meal #5 - I haven't had cotton candy in ages!!

Kathy - best of luck with your run tomorrow! I'll be sending thoughts of warm weather and sunshine for you!!

HEY GAYLE check out the post on OD from Liann about a good deal on dumbells. I read the post about you looking for 35 & 40lbers. I've been looking for 30's, but at this price & free shipping, I might replace my rubber-coated 10's and order two 30's. And maybe 35's. I'll need them eventually, right!?
Hi everyone,

Today was lower body so I dug out Cory Eversons Basic Body Sculpting workout. I went heavy on all exercises and did 12 reps. So it was a nice change of pace. I also did K Smith Balance Ball ab workout from tummy trimmers.

We didn't watch Survivor yet as we went to the Red Wing game (yeah we won) so we recorded it and probably will watch it tonight.

I finally got my clean eating mag. I subscribed quite a while ago, January I think. I did get the premiere issue and now finally got the second issue with the pizza on it. I skimmed it and there are a couple recipes I would like to try. I thought they were going to have a bigger section on the pizza. It was only two pages and one page was for a recipe. I was disappointed in that.

Amelia - hope your foot is OK.

Have a great day everyone. It is already in the upper 50s so I have cracked open a couple windows. Nice to get some fresh air in the house.


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