BFL for Fri Mar 14th 2008

Rhonda - I just picked up the Clean Eating mag at the drug store. Last one!! Yay for me! There are alot of good-looking recipes in there that I want to try.

Heidi - I meant to tell you that I went home and the first thing I did was look in my Tosca book for that banana applesauce bread! Once my bananas get a little riper, I'm gonna give it a try.

Liann-I saw the deal on the DBs....will check that out later when I have more time!

NO CIRCUS FOOD MORE ME! I'm actually planning on taking my own Gala apple and 3 string cheese WITH ME! That's my Meal 6 and I'M STICKING TO IT!

And yes.....SO is turning into a KEEPER! As for the hot dog turner and cotton candy machine....Dave is a gadget geek and has every possible info-mercial item out there. Remember The Flobbie (however you spell that thing...the thing you attach to your vaccuum and cut your hair?)....YUP...he's got it and USES IT TOO! LOL (shhhhhhh...have I told you ladies that I REALLY LIKE THIS GUY? LOL)

Amelia-SOOOOOO SORRY about your ankle! Take care of it!, ice, compress, what's the EEEEE? LOL Elevate???? lol (sorry, drew a blank).

Headed to the busstop!

Hi girls,

I am very busy talking on the phone for the last 2 hours! I did my BFL style LB! I went heavy with my weights! I am glad DH helped!

Have a great evening! I will be back in the A.M.
Hey guys! I have another 5 minutes. I wanted to fill you in on a little 'game' I'm playing with my Free Day this week! LOL I have an Amish Friendship Bread starter bag. Do any of you do those? It's handed to you by a friend (hence the name FRIENDSHIP). The gallon-size ziplock has about 1 cup of a starter batter and it comes with directions for what to do with this mixture for the next 10 days! LOL You knead it and let extra built-up air out everyday for the first 5 days. Day 6, you add 1C flour, 1C sugar, 1C milk and mix it well. Then you knead and 'burp' it for 4 more days. Then on day 10, you add 1 1/2C flour, sugar and milk. THEN you divide it up into 6 1C starter bags to either freeze, use or hand out to MORE friends! The directions have a recipe that uses 2 C of your day 10 batter (so you then have 4 to do whatever you want with). The baked 'bread' is more like a cake when baked in a 9x13 and is OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH so yummy (but not all that healthy since it calls for 1 full cup of can sub applesauce too though). ANYWAY............I got a starter bag on Sunday (day 1) and today was day 6. Day 10 will be Tuesday and I'm trying to WAIT till Tuesday to enjoy the baked cake/bread that is OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so yummy! If/WHEN I get to Tuesday, it will have been 8-9 days since my last Free Day (which was Sunday). Make sense? Just a little FUN GAME I'm playing with myself to wait just 1 or 2 extra days for Free Day.

Anything to keep it interesting, right? LOL

Oh my...."I'm" building up with gas just reading your description, lol. Did I tell you all I have a wheat intolerance? I normally ignore it, eat wheat and suffer (or should I say my family :p

I've been "wheat free" since Tuesday and I feel GREAT! The bloating and feeling like I have to go bathroom has ceased (yeah, I know TMI)...ha, ha.

Seriously, your plan sounds great Gayle. And what a great idea that is! Did this start as a tradition or something? :)

Kathy-my best friend who also lives across the street from me actually introduced me to this Amish Friendship Bread about a month ago. I took a bag from her back then and baked it, then froze some starter batches. Then she handed ANOTHER bag to another neighbor/friend who in turn handed ME one back! LOL I baked a bread/cake last weekend for the kids (which I enjoyed also on Sunday) and have my own 2 bags on the counter (put 2 others in the freezer). I'm planning on baking both batches...keeping one for us and giving the other cake to my grandmother!

Funny.....Dave (SO) will NOT EAT ANY of the baked product, because he knows how the starter mix just sits at room temp for 10 days! And MULTIPLIES! LOL Too funny!

(I couldn't edit my previous post)

OK...I'm not confused about the Clean Eating Magazine anymore! LOL I just found the other issue I KNEW was in my house somewhere! Here's the deal: Early this past Winter, I went to the book store and BOUGHT off the racks Oxygen Collector's Issue: Clean Eating For the Active Lifestyle. The date by the bar code is Winter 2007. On the cover is Chicken Fettucini Alfredo. This is also the issue with the Cajun Shrimp Stir Fry in it.

Now....I then went and subscribed to the Clean Eating Magazine. The issue I received in the MAIL was dated Winter 2008 by the bar code. This has a picture of the Quinoa on the cover. It is also called "Premier Issue" in the top right corner of the cover page!

I KNEW I had another CE magazine around here! So....I'm PATIENTLY waiting for my Spring Issue. Is this the one with the pizza on the cover???

Hi just a quick peek,

Great job everyone!

Amelia: OUch!!!! Hope your ok!

Belinda: I have not ever had Roulade. What is this like?
Are you going to be making those Cayman dishes this weekend?Note: I would use canola oil or Olivio instead of margarine in one of those recipes for this is what I did.:)

Gayle: Mmmm Friendship bread sounds great!

Melissa: I hope that you enjoy that Banana Applesauce bread.:9

Lainie: How did you do today? I am still not feeling all that great from this time change. I guess it will take a week or so to sink in.

Carolyn: Wow that is a long workout! Great job! Who one the match?

Kathy: Have a great race tomorrow! I will be cheering you on!
Keeping my fingers crossed that the rain holds off.

I got in my workout this morning.
SH Legs
SH Chest/Back which had planks for ab work so I skipped the KPC abs.:)
iTread interval w/hills

Have a guest over oldest son is also visiting. So I better go. BBL Heidi

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