Good morning everybody!
Hi everybody! WOW! My Wednesday was super busy! Just one thing after the next. I was glad that I was able to hit the pavement and pelt out a few miles (5.5) to clear my head, and I finished the night with my interview for the PTA Presidency!
I read all of yesterday’s posts, but honestly, I’m overwhelmed to try to respond to each of them. BUT I PROMISE I READ THEM!
As for the Biggest Loser talk…..I want Dan to GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LOL Something about him, flicking his hair out of his face. I can’t wait till the makeover episode so somebody will DO something with that straight LONG hair of his! LOL He made a comment like, “WE’re working hard”….as if to imply the other team is NOT working hard. I really want Brittany to win. Know WHY? Because THAT is how you lose weight….consistently, slowly, patiently.
Today will be a MUCh better day. A little hectic this morning and then it settles down after work/school. I'm driving the kids to the busstop and dropping them there. Then I have to take my car up the street to the garage (it's making a weird noise) and then I'm leaving right from there for my run/workout. The training schedule has be doing 8 miles, with HILL REPEATS today. I'm excited about it too! It works like this: Find a hill that will take you at least two minutes to climb, and mark off a "short" repeat (about halfway from the bottom) and a "long" repeat (all the way to the top). Then do a set of "short" hills: three or four sprints up the short repeat, then a jog back down; a set of "long" hills: three or four loops of a hard run to the top, a jog back to the top of the "short" segment and a sprint to the bottom; then another three or four "short" hills. Adjust the repeats depending on the miles you need; you should be doing two miles of warm-up and cool-down before and after the hills, so the workout should involve three or four miles of work.
SO....I will run, finish at home, quickly stretch. Then it's shower and dress and walk to work! It will be tight with time right there, but after work all we have is basketball practice tonight!
OH.....AND SURVIVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep avoiding the cookies, the cravings, the JUNK food, ladies!
[font color=purple]YOU'RE ALL KICKING BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's make today ANOTHER SUCCESS, SHALL WE????[/font]