Howdy ya' BFLers! How goes it? Hope ya' all are doing fab!
I had a rough day today. I was feeling really week. I have realized I haven't been eating enough. After doing some research I too am going to up my carbs and even protein. I haven't been eating large enough portions. My energy was just zapped today. I can also tell my body is burning muscle for energy! ;( Sooo... tonight I did somewhat of a healthy carb load... kind of a free meal. I just had pork chop, brown rice, potato and salad. More carbs than I should have but I could tell my body needed it and felt so much better afterward.
I also need to quit forgetting meals. I think it is killing me! It is sometimes just so hard to get use to eating this much. It seems so weird! Oh well. Back to piggin' out again it is for me.
Today I did Mindy's Extreme Intervals. Love that one! LoriH you should try the hi/lo on the end of that one if you have it. It is really easy and gets your heart rate way up there! Lots of fun music. I totally understand though about not trying new things in the morning. My brain doesn't turn on until 10:00 a.m. some days. It is hard when you have to think so hard that early!
Tomorrow is LB for me. I think I am going to add in some arms too. I can tell I need some extra wt. training after this tout of under eating x(
I think I might try PowerHour and then add some extra leg extensions and presses on my machine. I am excited as I haven't done PowerHour in a LONG time! Yeah!!!!!!!
Friday for Cardio I am either doing Gauntlet cardio or Imax2! I am definitely needing a Cathe cardio fix. Haven't done one in over a week.
LoriSax - I agree with LoriH! Don't worry about the empty stomach and cardio. I think it is more important you hit your 10's and are able to give it your most! Don't sweat it!
Gotta get to bed so I can get up at 4:45 in the morning. I have to be to work at 7:50 for a meeting (b/c I have to have enough time to go to the cafeteria and get my oatmeal :9 ) I have to leave by 7:00 to make it there on time!
Anyway, have a happy Wed. night... Thursday morning... whatever it is when you finally read this!
Night Night
I had a rough day today. I was feeling really week. I have realized I haven't been eating enough. After doing some research I too am going to up my carbs and even protein. I haven't been eating large enough portions. My energy was just zapped today. I can also tell my body is burning muscle for energy! ;( Sooo... tonight I did somewhat of a healthy carb load... kind of a free meal. I just had pork chop, brown rice, potato and salad. More carbs than I should have but I could tell my body needed it and felt so much better afterward.
I also need to quit forgetting meals. I think it is killing me! It is sometimes just so hard to get use to eating this much. It seems so weird! Oh well. Back to piggin' out again it is for me.
Today I did Mindy's Extreme Intervals. Love that one! LoriH you should try the hi/lo on the end of that one if you have it. It is really easy and gets your heart rate way up there! Lots of fun music. I totally understand though about not trying new things in the morning. My brain doesn't turn on until 10:00 a.m. some days. It is hard when you have to think so hard that early!
Tomorrow is LB for me. I think I am going to add in some arms too. I can tell I need some extra wt. training after this tout of under eating x(
I think I might try PowerHour and then add some extra leg extensions and presses on my machine. I am excited as I haven't done PowerHour in a LONG time! Yeah!!!!!!!
Friday for Cardio I am either doing Gauntlet cardio or Imax2! I am definitely needing a Cathe cardio fix. Haven't done one in over a week.
LoriSax - I agree with LoriH! Don't worry about the empty stomach and cardio. I think it is more important you hit your 10's and are able to give it your most! Don't sweat it!
Gotta get to bed so I can get up at 4:45 in the morning. I have to be to work at 7:50 for a meeting (b/c I have to have enough time to go to the cafeteria and get my oatmeal :9 ) I have to leave by 7:00 to make it there on time!
Anyway, have a happy Wed. night... Thursday morning... whatever it is when you finally read this!
Night Night