BFL Check-in Wk 5...

Howdy ya' BFLers! How goes it? Hope ya' all are doing fab!

I had a rough day today. I was feeling really week. I have realized I haven't been eating enough. After doing some research I too am going to up my carbs and even protein. I haven't been eating large enough portions. My energy was just zapped today. I can also tell my body is burning muscle for energy! ;( Sooo... tonight I did somewhat of a healthy carb load... kind of a free meal. I just had pork chop, brown rice, potato and salad. More carbs than I should have but I could tell my body needed it and felt so much better afterward.

I also need to quit forgetting meals. I think it is killing me! It is sometimes just so hard to get use to eating this much. It seems so weird! Oh well. Back to piggin' out again it is for me.

Today I did Mindy's Extreme Intervals. Love that one! LoriH you should try the hi/lo on the end of that one if you have it. It is really easy and gets your heart rate way up there! Lots of fun music. I totally understand though about not trying new things in the morning. My brain doesn't turn on until 10:00 a.m. some days. It is hard when you have to think so hard that early!

Tomorrow is LB for me. I think I am going to add in some arms too. I can tell I need some extra wt. training after this tout of under eating x(

I think I might try PowerHour and then add some extra leg extensions and presses on my machine. I am excited as I haven't done PowerHour in a LONG time! Yeah!!!!!!!

Friday for Cardio I am either doing Gauntlet cardio or Imax2! I am definitely needing a Cathe cardio fix. Haven't done one in over a week.

LoriSax - I agree with LoriH! Don't worry about the empty stomach and cardio. I think it is more important you hit your 10's and are able to give it your most! Don't sweat it!

Gotta get to bed so I can get up at 4:45 in the morning. I have to be to work at 7:50 for a meeting (b/c I have to have enough time to go to the cafeteria and get my oatmeal :9 ) I have to leave by 7:00 to make it there on time!

Anyway, have a happy Wed. night... Thursday morning... whatever it is when you finally read this!

Night Night :eek:
Good Morning ladies,I didn't know that we had a cowgirl in our presents:)
Everything here is going good.I am starting to LOVE getting up this early in the morning.I wake up at 5:16(first) then I wake up at 5:47,then I get up.The last few mornings thats what I have been doing.
Well,I offically won my Tim Hortons bike yesterday.He called last night with a skill testing question.He asked me what was 6x7-10+8.I had 5 min to answer it.That was pretty simple.So, I should have a new bike in 6-8 weeks.I really can't see me using it much before that anyway.
I have cardio today and I think I will do the Gaulant.
Fitnut-I have extreme intervals and interval express.I have only done interval express once but I have owned the other one for a while.I could probably do that one in the morning b/c I am use to it.I think it just comes natural to grab a Cathe workout.When I did interval express it knocked the wind out of me.I think it even made me a little sick.Then that ball topped it all off:eek: But I can't figure out why I haven't done it since? Makes no sence to me.I think I will plan to do it on Sunday.
I hear ya on the not eating enough.I try to get my shakes in there.They always seem to be alot easier to get down when you are in a hurry but never fill the hole.
I am trying to figure out when I want my cheat day and what meal do I want? Last week I felt my need for nachos and cheesecake.Then on Sunday I had pizza.I am not craving anything yet.Mainly b/c I don't eat those three things very often anyways so I probably had my fill for 3 monthes.Hope everyone else is doing good.
Lori( I need to find that d*m$ measuring tape):p
Oh, I forgot.My mom was here yesterday and they went to Kentucky Fried Chicken before they came to my house.I didn't have 1 fry which is amazing for me.The tweak master.
She said to me,Lori ann,are you still trying to lose weight? Your getting some skinny...oh my! And she shook her head.Now to her I may look smaller then what I am, plus I had black pants on.I just said "no" and went back to eating my egg and toast:) None the less, she wasn't very happy with me.Don't get the wrong impression,I am not that small ,that was just my mother! She likes to exagerate..but I love her:7 I just wanted to share that with you guys.
Lori Hart- Is your middle name Ann??? Mine is too!!!! I am sorry, I do not really like the name Lori just sounds so boring. But, that name belongs to good people, so I must be wrong??!!

Today is UB for me. I am time-crunched today so I am going to do UB from ME. I did that last week, and my chest and biceps were sore for 2 days. Next week I will try to do more strength workouts. I have not odne the Pyramids in about 3 weeks. I ran on the treadmill yesterday for 30 mins. plus warm-up and cool down, and I can feel it in my legs today. I will probably do that again tomorrow, it was a nice change.

Rhonda or Angie- I can't remember which one of you live in MI??? We should meet after we are done??!!! Wouldn't that be fun?? We could just meet half way, somewhere.

Well, I am off to scour my other hot spots. Hope everyone has a good day. Talk to you tomorrow!!!!

FitNut- YES!!!!! Def Leppard really had me back in high school. They received an awesome write-up in last night's paper. My best friend loves them too, of course, I had to rub her nose in it just a little.
Lori S.
Ann is part of my first name.Lori-Ann, is the way it is spelled.Some people call me lori, while most people call me Lori ann.Thats crazy that our names are the same! I hates my name growing up, but who didn't?
Hi Lori!

Well, it must be Rhonda because I live in Illinios, about 15 minutes from downtown St. Louis (just in case there are any Missourians in this buch in my area :))

Last night I did PUB. Not a bad workout although I think during the dumbbell rows I need to switch to single arm so that I can get a greater range of motion. Or maybe I should just wait it out until I can hoist the 20's to the point where my elbows are slightly above my back. Right now when I lift those my elbows are about with my back/ side of the body.

I'm taking to day as my cheat day since we're having potluck here in the office. Since baseball season has started we're going with the theme "take me out to the ball game". I cheated with breakfast, will cheat with lunch, but my a.m/p.m snacks will be protein shakes and 1/2 mrp bar and dinner will be healthy.

Tonight I am going to squeeze in Leaner Legs and some cardio. Most likely I will just hop on the stairstepper while watching CSI. I hope to get in at least 30 minutes.

And I've been really good about doing ab work, every evening. Not the same exercises night after night but 5 minutes of abs or core work after my workout. It's been great! I might earn that dumbbell (1- 25 lb.) I promised myself as a reward for fulfilling my goals this week. I won't do this every week but when I find myself not working out as hard as I know I could be, then I'll use this as motivation. My biggest motivator right now is our approaching client conference. the dinner theme will be a hawaiian luau! Should be loads of fun, we're having dancers brought in.

Guess I'll get to work. Not much to do around here today though. It's pretty quiet and it's not even Friday yet! :7 Will definitely bring my book tomorrow and get loads of reading done! :)

Will stop by later,
Good morning girlies! I am no cowgirl just was in a crazy mood lastnight! Working from home with multiple conference calls with a sick 2 year old can sure get ya' a little delerious! hee hee

LoriH - great job on turning down the KFC! I don't know I would have done the same. You should be proud! I can totally relate to you and your mom. My mom is the same way and has swore since I was 13 that I have an eating disorder. Every time she sees me all she ever says is... "how are you losing weight? How many pills are you taking?" Drives me nuts.

This morning I did Leaner Legs + PLB stability ball + leg extensions/presses on my machine + abs on ball. It feels great! I can tell I got a great lower body workout :+

Tomorrow is cardio but I am going to add in some arms (always do on Fridays). I think I am going to do the Viper but skip the lower body weights. I can not wait! Should be FUN!

LoriSax - I hear ya' on the strength! Next week I am thinking of incorporating S&H or something totally different. I am getting somewhat tired of PUB and think my muscles are starting to adapt to the exercises as I am not seeing huge changes in my muscles like I was before. Or I guess I could just use it as a guide and then do different exercises but in the same timeframe and format as her. I have been doing that on somedays for some of the exercises already.

I am thinking of getting a treadmill. LoriSax - what kind do you have?

I am really going to work on eating ALL my meals today! I am going to eat more carbs, eat more protein and hopefully not miss one single meal!

Hope you all have a happy, healthy BFL day :7 Chat with ya' later!
Okay, so I have been mulling it over and I think I'm going to join your group (if the invitation still stands). I'm going to buy the book tomorrow, and I will read it over the weekend - hopefully I'll be geared up to start on Monday. I am going away on vacation over the holiday, but I think I should be able to stick with the plan since I'm just visiting family.
I have a few questions, but before that I figured I would introduce myself a little bit since we will be supporting each other. I am 33 years old, have been married for almost 10 years (in August) and have 3 kids (all girls) 4, 2 and 4 months. My sister introduced me to Cathe videos after the birth of my 2nd kid (she gave me PS series and MIC). I now have the CTX DVD and Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks. I am dying to get the Intensity series, but I have to time it so my husband doesn't see the credit card bill! (After doing taxes he always gets really uptight about spending money, but it usually only lasts for 1 or 2 months).
I know that many of you are using the Pyramid tapes for your weightlifting - have any of you tried using PS? Does it fit in with the program? I have been reading a bit on the BFL website, and I checked out that Hussman site, which was very informative.
I am so excited to try this program out. Did you all take pictures of yourself before starting?
Thanks for letting me join in.
The more the merrier!:) Well, I took a pitcure of myself but it was with my husbands digital camera and I never did see the pitcure but I guess he will print it off for me when I am ready.I think Fitnut had her pitcure taken.
I just use the pyramid system.Mainly b/c it fit right in with BFL and they were new.I did Upper Body twice this week, so on Monday I did use CTX Upper Body for a change.I figured that my muscles needed a change.I may up my weight tomorrow morning but I am going to use PUB.
MOst of switch around our cardio.I don't know if anyone strictly does the 20 min run.I don't have a treadmill and it is almost to cold to go outside yet.So, I use Imax2,Imax extreme,run when I can,and the gaulant(cardio only).I do more then what they call for b/c it is not quit as hard as the run.I hope I am burning just as much fat by going longer.It is hard to push yourself on those intervals at 7 in the morning.
Just let us know if you have any questions.All of us are doing something a little different.SOme are taking supplements, while others aren't.And we are all doing different workouts.SOme in the morning, while others wait until later in the day.Depends on what best suits your schedule.
Happy Reading!:7
Hi friends :+ Hope everyone had a great BFL day!

Tracy - I am so glad you are going to formally join us! You won't be sorry! BFL is a great program! Definitely take your pics! They are my #1 motivating factor. I just look at my big ol' ugly butt and it sure isn't too hard to get up at 5:00 a.m.

The #1 pointer I have is simply PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. I find the days I don't plan are the days I don't do so good. Shootin' from the hip is definitely not for this program. I also sware by the success journal. It is so motivating and really helps you keep track of everything you ahve done RIGHT, helps you set goals and helps the planning process.

For workouts I am doing similar to what LoriH explained. For weights I mostly use the pyramid series. Although once a week I usually do something different like PS, MIS, Leaner Legs etc. I also do different exercises than Cathe does in PUB sometimes. Sometimes I will just throw a different exercise in there, particularly for the HIT sets. I follow along with her but when she goes down in weight going back down the pyramid on the 10 set,,, I increase the weight and do the 6 reps bfl calls for. It works like a charm! Then, she finishes at 12 reps and that's where I do the BFL HIT set but I don't decrease the wt like her.

For cardio I mostly do Cathe and have recently started doing Mindy Mrylea. For Cathe I do same as Lori, Gauntlet Cardio, Imax2, Imax extreme, etc. Mindy is great too. She whoops my butt and does it in a different way than Cathe. She is definitely faster moves, uses the medicine ball even in cardio. Hard sometimes mentally though b/c you have to concentrate too much. But she has some killer workouts. I can tell she is taking me out of this plateau I am in:)

Also, once a week - usually on Friday's I do an extra day of UB and do endurance style. Sat is my free day so it usually works out great and haven't felt as though I am over training. So, tomorrow I am doing the Viper which will hit my cardio HIT and UB endurance! I can't wait!

Also, last Sat. I didn't even take a free day from workout. On Sat. I did 40 minutes of cardio. The Hussman site says it is alright to do this once in awhile if your goal is fat loss... which mine is. So every other week I am going to add in an extra day of cardio. I also never do the 20 minutes. I usually do between 30-40. I also go to the gym 1 night a week for a killer step class!

The other thing to watch is your diet and portions. I just learned the past week I actually wasn't eating enough and was starting to feel flabby. I think my body was starting to eat muscle for energy ; I increased my portions the past few days and feel soooooo much better. Some of my pals on the BFL winner site helped me figure it out. Also, make sur you are getting enough good carbs. I had cut down too far and was starting to be zapped for energy. I guess the key is just to listen to your body. I now am going to eat more potatoes and rice since they are more filling. I am also going to start eating more wheat bread early in the day.

Anyway.. sorry for the long ramble. Hope this helps a bit. Please feel free to e-mail me if you want to chat:)

Good Morning Ladies,
Fitnut-I did half of Interval Express last night.I had already done the gaulant in the A.M so I figured I would try to get use to the other videos.I had to give up b/c more poor ankles were gonna give out.I don't know why they are so sore.I guess when I do cardio, it's a high intensity one.I stopped the video when we turned the step,plus it was 9:30 at night,I needed to get some shut eye.
Today is upper body.I am difffently going to push myself a little harder today.My dumbbells only go up to 20 lbs.I think I need to get some 25's.I guess I could just use my barbell for chest and back and pile that weight on. :eek: Looking for ways to tortue myself in the morning.I may do a CTX cardio to, if I have the time and the energy.
Hows everyone else doing? I have no plans for this weekend either,which is wonderful.I don't have to bother with that.Just go to work and come home.:) Have a good day...
Hi everyone.

Lori S. - I am in MI. I live in Stockbridge which is about 20 minutes north of Chelsea. Where are you?

I did lower body this morning. tomorrow is cardio. I also need to weigh and measure. I am hoping to see changes. I will be done with week four tomorrow.

When have you all really seen changes? I hear people say they really start seeing changes during weeks 6-8. I was hoping sooner but if I have to wait a couple more weeks or so I guess I can.

Hi everyone!! I've missed you guys! I have been so busy and the weather has been so nice so I haven't had much time to check in. It sounds like everyone is doing awesome!! I wish that I could say that I have been sticking with the diet as much as I should, but I kind-of fell off track a little bit. I have been doing well on the workout front, though. I'm glad that I checked in today, though, you guys are so motivating!! I love reading about all of your great results and hearing about how well you are progressing!! Keep up the awesome work!!!! I WILL be getting back on track now!!!
Rhonda- I live in Wayland, which is between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids. We will have to try to meet, that would be fun!!!

I am taking my free day today. No workouts, a little less structured eating. I will do Pyramid LB tomorrow. I am going to get some more weight plates today for my Rocker.

I can not believe I have done this for almost 5 full weeks and not given up yet. Usually, I will go 3 weeks and quit. I am going to finish this time, I already know it. I like the way my pants are feeling. My arms and shoulders look more muscular, but I do not see HUGE changes yet. I am so looking forward to week 8 and beyond. Hope everyone has a good day.
Lori S.
Can I just tell you that I hate PMS! I feel soooo yucky today. IT is the end of my 4th week today. I should be happy I made it this far but I am sad :-( I feel bloated, flabby and gross. I really am hoping it is just PMS.

However, this whole week I felt that my muscles have lose some mass. Do you guys feel that way? I think I am going to have to do something to increase my intensity of wt training?? Or maybe increase my frequency? I am thinking of incorporating S&H. Have any of you been doing that? If so, how?

I don't know really though if it is loss of muscle or just that extra skin that is making me feel gross. I have lost inches and definitely have some extra skin hanging around. Also, I called EAS and they said as long as I haven't loss strengh and the fact that my strength has INCREASED he said it really is impossible I lost muscle mass? It is all so confusing! He said it is probably all in my mind?? Maybe it is just pms?

Yesterday I ended up taking a free day for food. I had french fries at lunch and then pizza for dinner. It was so yummy. I hadn't had pizza since before I started BFL! So today I need to be good. Today is my official free day but I did workout this morning. I just really needed to based on how yucky I feel ;( I did Gauntlet w/only cardio and lower body. I decided to give myself an extra day of lower body (but only 1/2 cuz I don't think it really counted as a "real" LB day.) Anyway, it was a great workout! I did the abs from C&W. Those are killer!

Lori S - I also can't believe I haven't given up yet. YEsterday, I was thinking about it with how flabby I feel. I thought maybe this just isn't working. But we have to just keep going. I too wish I was in week 8!

For bkfst I am going to eat my fav omelette. For lunch we are taking my 2 year old to Chucky Cheese. I'll probably have salad and whatever healthy stuff they have. Then, for dinner I think we are grilling some type of steak or something?

The weather is beautiful here in Colorado but a bit chilly today. I would love to go on a nice long walk this afternoon.

Well thanks for listening today! My DH won't! He just doesn't understand. I am so glad I have you guys to lean on!

I hope you have a wonderful day of BFL or free day or whatever you are doing.

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