BFL Check-in Wk 5...


Hi gals! Figured I would start a new thread since the other was getting long and we are now officially starting another week. What week are all of you officially on? I am officially starting week 4:)

**Tracy** - Glad you can join us:) I agree with Lori, don't worry about the supplements if you are breastfeeding. You should have good results regardless. Definitely read the book. It will help you tons. I also LOVE the success journal. I got it at Borders Bookstore. Also, to answer the question, the 10's are the intensity BFL recommends you hit when doing cardio/wts. He rates intensity on a scale of 1-10. You should also check out the hussman site at: He has a lot of great info. on BFL and general nutrition/exercise. We are definitely using Cathe workouts with BFL. I mostly use the PLB, PUB, PS, MIS, LL etc. I also use the cardio from the new series. I have even used the CTX workouts some. The key with BFL cardio is shorter and more intense. Intensity for 20 min. is what it specifies. Some of us are doing 30-40. I usually do 20-30 of intense and then 10 of moderate. Feel free to e-mail me if you ever want to chat or have questions.

**Sara** - I don't have action packed fr Mindy. I have Awesome Intervlas, Interval Express, Extreme Intervals/Pump Party, and Bootcamp. So far I have only done Awesome Interv and Extreme Intervals. They are both a blast.

Today was LB for me. I did ME and PLB stability, then I did abs from PUB. I also did the UB in ME. Like I said I am going to work an UB endurance in on Sundays on top of my LB:) It felt good.

I was pretty good on eating today. For breakfast I had my shanny cakes, lunch had small portions of Chipotle and for dinner I had Pork Tenderloin, corn and salad. Plus a couple shakes. I had my free day yesterday and enjoyed a great italian lunch (bread, olive oil/garlic noodles etc.) Plus I had like 4 Nestle Toll House cookies I made for my toddler.... so... I got my sweet tooth craving satisfied. They were so yummy :9 It made me feel so gross after all that food though. I was ready to get back on the plan today.

Tomorrow I am doing cardio at the gym again. I luv the Mon and Thurs night classes they have there. They are a blast! Last week they had a sub though. Sure hope it is the usual instructor this week.

**LoriHart** - how is the job thing going? Did you have your 2 hr interview yet?
**Rhonda** - where have you been?
**LoriSax** - did you ever give in to buying your supplements? Maybe you gut is telling you not to for some reason??

My goals for this week are to eat more and to eat more of the right stuff. I skipped a couple meals last week due to being so slammed at work. This week I am going to plan... and stick to my PLAN! I am also going to eat more veggies, less protein bars and more real food! Plus I am going to hit my workouts REALLY HARD and give them my 110%!!

How about you gals? What are your week goals?

Hope you all had a great weekend! Happy BFL to you:)
Good Morning Everyone,
I was hoping someone else was going to start the trend.I had started it the last couple of times so I figured it was someone elses turn:) I went to bed last night at 10.Feels good to get a good nights sleep.
I did the Viper yesterday.It was nice to do something different for a change.Then we had pizza and dessert for dinner last night.Today was sort of my cheat day considering that I already had about 3 cheat days last week:eek: I had actually look into this week and see NOTHING going on.I knew last week that I was going to be socializing a couple of times so I knew I could be in for a hard week.This week, I think I will start turning invitations down.Pretend that I have something else to horrible, one of these days I won't have any friends left,just me and Bill Philps:+
No, I haven't went to the other part of my interview yet.That is a week from tomorrow,april 8th.I get a bad stomach everytime I think about it.I don't think it would be so bad if I knew it wasn't going to be 2 hours long.I'm not into being put on the spot and drilled with questions about what I would do in certain situations.I can't think off the top of my head like that.I can handle situations when I get to them but don't ask me,What I would do if?????

Lori Sax-You measure and weigh today? Good luck.....
Fitnut-Glad to hear about your weight loss.I haven't moved in the last couple of weeks but I am pretty sure I know why.I hear ya, on eating more actual food.I wish I could eat something else instead of those protein bars and shakes.Shakes don't fill me up and even the best of protein bars taste checmically and have ALOT of sugar in them.
Sara- I own action packed by MIndy, but I haven't done it yet!I just don't have the time to learn all these new moves.Someday when I am really bored.I like interval workouts b/c it doesn't take long to learn.I should of kept the wrapper on it and gave it to my sister for her birthday.She loves doing new videos.
I think I might do CTX upper body today.I find that one pretty hard and I think that it is time for a change.I may do PUB on Friday though.Hopefully I will fit some cardio in there somewhere.It seems like the day after I have cheated(most times) it is weight lifting days and I feel guilty b/c I am not doing cardio to burn off that extra food.Anyone else feel like that?
It's fun being a women isn't it?Oh,I think my husband might start working out now.He said,not at 6 in the morning with you though.He eats alot healthier when he works out so it makes it a bit easier for me.He is a skinny little man :7 so he doesn't need the cardio, just weights.I think even he wants to look good on the beach down south.:+ Not just women.....Have a good day everyone.I am sure I will be checking in later today.
Hi everyone,
This past weekend hubby and I went and bought a new digital scale with the body fat %. I know the body fat % isn't totally accurate but if I see it going down then I am doing something right.

This is the start of my fourth week.
Did LB this morning. I had a shake with half an english muffin for breakfast. Not a huge breakfast. For a snack I am having a piece of cheese and some peaches. Lunch is soup and crackers. Snack, if I get out will be one of those Detour bars (they are really the only ones I can stomach). Dinner not quite sure yet.

My hubby compared the Detour Bars to Meso Tech PB and the Detour bars seemed to be healthier. Detour was lower carbs, lower sugar and if I am not mistaken lower calories and more protein.

Hubby is still working out and eating healthy. The things that gets me is he gives himself the whole weekend to eat what he wants (not over doing) and then does the program M-F and he has lost 5 pounds in two weeks. Boy I wish I could lose that fast. I have lost 4 pounds in three weeks. Yes, hubby is a week behind me. This week I am determined to lose more and hopefully lose some body fat.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Well, I weighed and measured today. I am happy. I have lost 3 lbs. of scale weight, and 2 3/4 inches. I lost 3/4 inch off of each thigh. I love my Bun and Thigh Rocker!!! I didn't lose any from my hips, but that is ok, they will move. I might go get the fat burner today. I have to go into Grand Rapids where the store is at. They do not have them in Wayland where I live. I am going to do The Gauntlet cardio today.
Lori S.
WOW! That Hussman site is great! Now, I just need the time to read all of it!
I admire you guys for sticking to this so well.

Good Luck!
Good mornin' girls! Hope you all are doin' great!

**Lori**-congrats on the measurements! Sounds like all your hard work is paying off. You also have to remember you are gaining muscle! Great job!
**Rhonda** - where did you get your scale? How much was it? I need a new one so bad. Mine doesn't even work. I always have to use the club scales.
**Kittycat** - join us! You can do it!
**Lorihart** - that is cool your DH is doing it too. That should help. My DH somewhat is. Although lastnight he was eating a big bowl of ice cream. He seems to be slowly falling off the wagon. However,he LOVES all the good cookin' he is getting with my new BFL recipes and meals!

I am doing cardio tonight at the club:) Can NOT wait! I luv the class soooo much and it kicks my butt. This morning I ate eggs/wheat muffin. Then, I had oatmeal mid-morning. For lunch I will have a salad and cx:) For dinner it is my favorite BFL mexican meal:)

Hope you guys have a great day! Catch ya' later.
Fitnut-Got my scale at Bed,Bath and Beyond for $39.99. It is a Tanita Ultimate. They also had one for $79.99 by Tanita. As I said I don't know how accurate the fat % is but if it goes down then I know I am doing something right. All it asks for is M/F and height, not too detailed. The $39.99 doesn't keep that info stored so I have to enter it each time, the $79.99 does keep it stored for two people.

Hope this helps
Hope everyone had a great day! My day went perfect! No cravings ,followed the plan,I am starving to death, but will fool my stomach with some water:p NO, I am not really that hungry.Just joking.
I did CTX upper body today and wanted to do some cardio but didn't have time.That video is LONG.I forgot how long it was.Then I planned to go for a run when I got off of work but it is really windy.I hate running in the wind b/c it feels like I am not moving.SO, I MIGHT do some cardio tonight.
Great news on the inches LoriSax.I never did take my measurements.I should look for my measuring tape tomorrow.I really need to dig this place out.Maybe I will find it.I haven't weighed myself in a while either.Only b/c I wasn't sticking to the plan like I should of been so I new there was no need.
Anyway,off I go again.I will be here tomorrow morning,ready to start my cardio.
No one is around so I guess I will have to reply to myself.I think we are diffently calming down on the post.Our last couple of trends weren't as big as some of the others.
Its cardio for me today.I am up and not quit sure which one I want to do.I don't like trying Mindy in the morning b/c I am not that use to her and I can't be learning new things and trying to move my feet at the sametime:p Could be a recipe for disaster.
My husband is going out of town today(for work) and I thought he was going to be taking the computer but he went and got his other one and has it all hooked up for me.He can go but he has to make sure he leaves me something to play with:7
I will check in later...
Hi everyone,
This morning was cardio. Had a great workout.
Hubby cracks me up, he weighed himself this morning (I think he likes the new scale) and lost 2.5 lbs since Sunday. I mentioned to him that he shouldn't way so frequently, but maybe once the new-ness of the scale wears off he won't.

I wasn't happy because the pounds don't melt off me like that. That is OK I only get on it once a week.

I was having a bad craving after dinner last night. It is almost TTOM and I get cravings but I didn't have anything. I brushed my teeth and told myself I only had a couple hours before bed. So I went to bed and didn't fulfill my craving. Does anyone else get bad cravings (chocolate or salty food) before, during TTOM. How do you handle it while on BFL?

Hi Everyone!

Well, I've read and re-read your posts! Glad everyone is doing great! Yesterday I tried four times unsuccessfully posting to this thread and any others at this site and every message was lost. I'd click post message and would get returned to the log on page. I eventually gave up and went to lunch.

So let's see my goals for this week are to eat at the scheduled times on the weekends (This is the worst for me. I eitehr for get to eat or I'm so busy that time gets away from and I miss my mini meal times. No wonder I can't gain any muscle!)x( Eat at the scheduled times, focus more on abs (they are not leaning out like before x(), keep up with the creatine and add paltes to the barbell (stop being wimpy basically :)).

Rhonda - thanks for the tip on where to find a bodyfat scale. I have one of those small hand held ones and really want a floor scale. The hand held is not 100% accurate so I just record what's there and note the changes.

Hopefully I will be able to post today or you guys will think I've gone AWOL! :)

Will check in again later!
YES!! It worked! I'm back in business! :7 So happy to be able to chat with everyone. Ahhh, the little pleasures! :)
Hi girlies! LoriH - I agree with you in that it has been slower posting lately. I have been soooo busy and so tired lately. I am PMSing this week so I always get more tired. Lastnight I fell asleep on the couch again.

This morning I did PUB and it kicked my butt. My wts are getting so much heavier it is hard! I guess this BFL thing really makes us work. If it wasn't for BFL I probably would have took it easier this morning. But it sure does push me to work my hardest and focus on intensity. I had a shake for breakfst and am eating my oatmeal for mid-morning. Oatmeal always tastes so good and helps me stay full all day. **Rhonda** you might want to try it if you are having bad cravings being almost TTOM. I hear ya'. I get bad cravings too. Usually salt and only sometimes sweet. For the most part I am just hungrier. I am bloated today and am going to pick up some midol over lunch.

I am feeling a little down today. I don't know why. PMS I guess. Also, I have lost some wt so my skin is loose again. It just feels so gross. I really hope it gets tighter soon. It is really loose on my arms, torso, belly and even around my chest. My hubby even noticed it and told me to hang in there. I am drinking tons of water. Wonder what else might help? I guess I should be happy knowing I have lost inches. However, it just feels gross ;(

Rhonda - I am going over lunch today to pick up a new scale. Mine is going in the trash.

For lunch today I am going to have salad and cx breast I think or else a sandwich and salad? We'll see.

I also picked up some EAS Carb Sense bars yesterday. They are alright. The good thing is they have better carbs and less sugar. EAS recommends them if your goals are fat loss etc.

I can't wait to do cardio tomorrow morning. I am going to do Mindy again as she kicks my butt! LoriH- did you ever try her again? Come on girlfriend! Try her again. I think you will like the change.

Well gotta get back to work. I promise to check back in tonight:)

Have a happy Tuesday:)
Hi Girlies,

Fitnut- I will try her again but I need to do it in the evening when I can pay closer attention to whats go'in on.When I do aerobics early in the morning,I like to know what I am doing and I don't have to stare at the t.v all the time.I did Imax 2 today,I am always lazy when I start off but the hormones must go mad after I am half way through cause I perk right up! But I am still happy when it is over.My husband is gone away so maybe I will try a MIndy video tonight, even though I already worked out once today.We will see how tired I am.Don't be blue;( Just think of all the new pants you bought last week:7 That would cheer me up.
Well, I went and wasted money on a pregnacy test today.I am 2 days late but my periods have been all over the place lately.I started spotting about 2 weeks ago for a couple of days.Not sure what that meant.Maybe that was a early period or just enough to drive my period off for another week.I thought I was starting a couple of days ago b/c my belly was bad.Oh well, I am sure it will show up,unexpected and not wanted.:+
I am not to hungry today.I was earlier today but I just had a coffee so I should be good for another 2 hours.
I have hung out with myself all day today.How boring! I can't talk to myself about stuff I already know.I must go out somewhere and socialize, I guess.I am so happy that I don't have to do anything this week,yet.I am sure someone will come up with something for me to do this weekend.
Rhonda- my husband bought a new pair of sneakers yesterday and a pair of pants to run in.He even took his sneakers on the road with him.I don't think he will eat any differently.He will eat more but not healthier.Last night I was starving and I had to make him a sandwich with chips on the side.I didn't eat any but I don't think I would have been so tired if I wasn't so hungry.
Everyone enjoy the rest of their day.I have to go try on bridesmaid dresses now.I wonder will I be happy with myself or pissed off.Stay be continued:eek:
Me ones checked in since me? Maybe I am the only one addicted to this;) Like I said my husband is gone so I need someone to talk to.
I went and tried on dresses.When I got there one of the bridesmiads had already gone into the dressing room and had a size 5/6 taken with her.SO, I took the 7/8 which I would of taken anyways.I had it on and it was to big in the hips.The other girls dress was to small for her so we traded and the 5/6 fit me better.I was pretty excited about that.I beleive, the dress I tried on my sister had the same style dress for her wedding (different color)and I wore a 3/4,so there is still room for improvement.I find all sizes so different though.
I am up for lower body.The sun comes up here earlier now so I usually wake up at 5:30.When I started BFL it use to still be dark out at 6.
My abs are finally starting to appear:7 I was looking in the mirror last night and I was like..what is that? I don't know if I will ever see my lower abs though b/c I have stretch marks so there is some lose skin hanging out there.;(
I think I am finally o.k.The first little while I was having treats in the middle of the week,I was tweaking and I didn't see alot of results.I have been really good the last couple of days and I can see some changes already.I find Wed and Thurs hard though.I don't know why but I work nights and I guess just a change in the schedule fools me up.But I will stay focused all day.This is my hump day,saturday will be my cheat day.I can't beleive I will finally get a full blown cheat day! Or meal I should say.
Hope everyone haves a good BFL day.I think I may take the dog for a walk later to get some cardio in there.If its not to cold:eek:
Hi everyone,

I did upper body today. Is it me or do others dread to work upper body? I don't mind doing the lower or cardio but upper just seems to drag on. I did go up in weights for chest press, now my high is 65 pounds.

Question - when I do tris I do lying french press but with dumbbells. I cannot believe how weak my right tri actually is. I haven't been able to move up in weights because of this. I do 5, 8, 10 and 15 pounds. When I get to the 15 pounds I can do a couple reps and then my tri seems to give out. The left tri is all set to move up but I need to get the right one more strength. Any suggestions or just stick with the weight until it comes around. Today was the best I did get 4 reps out and the last two were harder. I get to the stick point and have to really push through it.

Hubby and I went to GNC last night to get some more protein bars and I was told that all GNCs would have the same price on stuff. The one by work had Detour bars on sale for 23.99 a box but did I get them there no, I waited til after work and went to a different one and they were so much more expensive. So Hubby and I decided that we will just start buying online from Netrition. I checked and Netrition prices were so much lower than GNC. Anyone else get there stuff online? I didn't have a problem with Netrition the first time around so we will most likely stick with them.

Have a great day everyone,
Hi there girls! I am working from home today so will be online more. Sorry you have been so lonely Lori ;(

I just ate an egg beater omelet with mushrooms, grn chili's (chopped), onions, lean ham and FF cheese. It was yummy! Plus I had a wheat muffin to go with it. I will have a shake mid-morning then do my cardio when my toddler goes to bed then eat my 3rd meal after workout.

Today is cardio for me. I still haven't decided what I want to do. It is either one of the Terminator videos (cardio only), Imax2 or Mindy! Such a hard decision.

I am doing better today emotionally. I ate really good all day yesterday and it made me feel better. I also hit my upper body real hard and can really feel it. I listened to your advice LoriH. I just thought of those size 6's I was wearing yesterday knowing I sure couldn't fit in them 3 weeks ago! It is funny how quickly you can feel yucky when PMS kicks in.

**Rhonda** - I am opposite of you. I dread Lower body! I like doing UB but am starting to dread it sometimes due to the increased wt I can lift and that I have to hit the 10's with BFL. BFL really pushes me to work harder. I guess the best way to work thru your struggles with tri's is to just "keep on keepin' on". Keep working hard and the one arm will get stronger eventually. I finally got a new scale. I think I saw the one you have. I decided not to get the bodyfat one cuz I figured it can't be all that accurate and thought it would just depress me more than it helped. Instead I got a really nice digital scale. It is one with the glass top and is suppose to be very accurate. I just realized without clothes I am about 10 lbs thinner than I was 6 weeks ago! Yeah!

I am not knowing what to do on my back because I am now lifting 25 lbs when I do overhead laying down back thingies in PUB. I really don't think I safely go any higher! I need to find some different exercises! Also, I am soon going to reach the same point on legs and might have to start lifting them at the gym on strength days. Or maybe do more endurance days since with lighter weight?

**LoriH** - That is great about your dresses you tried on :+ I am sure you felt good. Glad you are sticking to your diet. I think that is the key for all of us. Isn't it going to be so fun whenever we do announce to one another we are pregnant this spring???!!! I can't wait. I bet you got a feel for what it will be like. Are you going to take another test? How late are you now?

**Everyone Else..**Where are you????? Hopefully you are all BFLing it and doing fantastic:+

Also wanted to tell you guys about a great site I found (you may already know about it). It is They have a ton of info on wt training, cardio, nutrition. They also have tons of ideas for wt lifting exercises. I am going to check them out later today and see if I can find some new exercises.

Well anyway. Hope you all have a happy bfl morning! Plan, stick to your plan, eat good healthy food, workout hard and remember we are all there with ya'! We can do it!
Well, I checked in yesterday, but my message did not show up!! I have also been so busy!!!! Just run, run, run!!!! I have been sticking to the program great. So far, I have only slipped up once when it was not my free day. My husband and I went to Def Leppard last night. They are my favorite from high school. They can still rock!!! I was very surprised, there was not alot of drinking. I was not the only one drinking water. We had fun though. Well, cardio is today for me. I was reading on another website about doing cardio first thing in the morning. Alot of the ladies replied that they are not morning people and do it later in the day or after their coffee and breakfast. They said that they still have great results. That made me feel alot better. I have had good results too even though I do not do my cardio first thing. I have not purchased the fat burner yet either. It was $31, and I just don't have that much money right now. So, maybe later.
LoriSax- Hi there! Sounds like you are doing FAB! Great job! Wanted to let you know I also read on lastnight that it is best to workout in the morning on an empty stomach or 3 hours after you eat. I am going to try the 3 hour thing today since I slept in. Otherwise I would have woke up my sick 2 year old:(

I love Def Leppard too! They were one of my fav bands in HS. What a blast! I am sure it brought back all kinds of crazy memories :D Am I right?
LoriSax- I wouldn't feel bad about not doing cardio in the morning.I did cardio in the morning last year for a few monthes and I didn't notice any difference in my body.I read one time that it doesn't matter when you do cardio, you are still going to burn fat b/c the food that you just ate is still in your belly.It's not stored yet.I think we are seeing changes b/c of our eating and when we do work out, we work out hard.:)
Rhonda-I am like Fitnut.I don't like working lower body.I don't mind PLB or S&H b/c there are no low ends and I know that I only have so many reps.Where as Power Hour and the others just seem to go on forever.Actually,I don't even do the static lunges in the other videos.I hate them to much but I can manage to do 12,10 and 8 of them.I love working upper body.I am more defined up there.
Fitnut-I am now 3 days late.I didn't think I was pregnat b/c my husband hasn't been home alot this month:7 Can't make a baby by myself!I just think that the spotting in the middle really fooled me up.
I did lower body today and I used 50lbs plus the barbell for my squats.I can finally get it over my head.I never thought I would be doing static lunges with 50lbs.I used 60lbs for deadlifts.Then I took the dog for a walk ,after I got the strength back in my legs.
I am wearing a pair of pants to work today that weren't very comfortable the last time I tried them on.When I get really hungry and it isn't time to eat, I just think about that job interview next week and that usually scares the hunger away.Not a very good idea b/c I am only making myself more nervous.I guess next week this time we will know what direction my life is taking.To be honest, I don't know which way I want it to go.Not to get the job is so much easier,but I must improve myself, I can't do the samething forever,right?

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