BFL Check-in, Week 7

Hi girlies! Sounds like everyone is doing good and staying busy. Maybe we are all not checking in so much b/c of the nice weather? All I know is I am super busy and have 1 mill. things goin' on:)

I have been fighting this sinus infection and ended up sleeping in today. Today is cardio for me so I am going to go to the gym to one of the killer step classes. I can't wait! Guaranteed to hit my tens!

Yesterday was UB for me. I did some of PUB and then for Shoulders & Chest I did S&H. It took longer but felt really good. I am going to try and hit each muscle group 1 time a week with S&H. Hopefully it will help me increase my strength. I didn't do abs as I ran out of time when my 2 year old got home with Daddy. So, I will have to catch up today or tomorow.

Tomorrow is lower body for me but I am thinking of maybe doing boot camp with only the cardio and lower body sections since I will truly be taking a FREE day on Saturday. I have usually been adding in 1 extra day of cardio a week.

I have increased my calories and carbs a bit the last few days. I can notice a difference. I feel leaner and seem to be losing wt again. I am not going to get on the scale yet though. Will probably wait a couple more weeks. Maybe at week 2. I just love FitDay. It has really helped me monitor what am I eating and know when it is working and when it is not.

I formally decided to start the new challenge with my hubby. So now I am in week 1, day 5! I am going today to buy a new Success Journal so it formally feels like the real deal! I bought the daily log from EAS. I hate it! Is more of a sales brochure than a log. Has nothing for trkg goals etc. Success Journal is better in my opinion:)

LoriHart - where are you? Probably out runnin' around your block!
LoriSax - cool about your job. Sounds fun! Hang in there with your daughter and ex. I feel for ya'! Cyber hugs coming your way.
Rhonda - my treadmill came yesterday. I love it! Will probably start running next week since I don't have another cardio day until then. Other than tonight. I just might hop on it on Sat. morning before we head to church for an easter egg hunt.

Well gals..... hope you have a fun BFL day!
Hi! I'm here! :)

Yesteray was a rest day for me! I feel okay today. I'm sure it's this rainy weather and very cool breeze that's blowing through that's keeping me from feeling refreshed. I HAD to take a nap during my lunch hour it was so bad. Actually quite a few people around here are yawning.

But I'm sure I'll be up for Leaner Legs and some some cardio tonight! :) Do you think it's overkill doing LL and Power Circuit or should I just hop on the stairstepper?

Tomorrow night is CTX Upper Body and I may try to do 15-20 minutes of cardio then too. It's not planned but if I'm feeling like I still have some energy I will give it a try. Besides, Saturday is a rest day for me (even though I'll be working).

Still, I'm trying to make the most of my workout days, seeing how I'm taking 2 rest days per week so that I can work out consistently for more than 3 weeks before pooping out! :p

I'm going to surprise my kids or rather my teens this year by making baskets for them! I had fun last night creating list of goodies for each of them. I sure they'll think it's corny but will have a blast going through the treats and little items I'll throw in there. My son will probably just grin and casually open his basket,checking everything out; Ashley will definitely squeal and search for chocolates (she's the chocolate addict in the family :7), and Amber will say "oooh, thanks mom", run to her room to call her friends and say, "girl, guess what my mom gave me?". Then I'll here a ton of giggling! I'm excited about the weekend! :)

Lori - sending cyber hugs your way too. I hope things get better between you and your ex soon. The last thing you need is to be at your wits ends with your daughter and then have to turn around to do battle with "dad"!

I think I may get out of here early today! Woo Hoo! It's been too quiet and slow here. I could be home tackling Leaner Legs!! :7

I'll check in tomorrow!
I'm back and just a wee bit sore in the legs! Because I was off to a late start with my workout last night and also my rule to be finished by 8 p.m. so that I don't miss C.S.I., I was unable to do Power Circuit. I think that definitely would have been too much. I try to load the barbell somewhat heavy for LL and because I hadnt done it in a while I had to take some longer breaks here and there. But what a wonderful workout. Afterwards I jumped on the stairsteppr for 16 minutes, alternating between a moderate and fast stepping pace (4 minutes mod./1 minute fast or something like that). :)

CTX Upper Body is still on for tonight! :7

This is going to be one long, long day! I've been here for an hour and 15 minutes and it feels a though it's been 3 hours at least! Guess I'll pull out the magazine and novel I brought with me today. And I'm already planning on taking a nap during lunch!

Catch you all later!
Hi BFLers ;o)

How is everyone? Well, ladies, I'm just finishing my first week of the BFL program and really enjoyed it, especially the clean eating part. My only problem was trying to eat six meals a day. I think I need to start my breakfast a little earlier. I am not a morning eater so I usually wait between 10/12 to have my breakfast.

Fitnut, thanks for the site there's a ton of information. This coming week I'm really going to concentrate on hitting those tens.

Tomorrow, should be a rest day for me, but I'm going to hop on my treadmill for 20 or 30 minutes trying to hit the 10 mark. Any suggestions on interval treadmill work would be appreicated. I figured, I start on level 3.0 and increasing by one every minute. I hope this is not to high to start, I shall see.

Good morning! Sounds like everyone is doing fab!

Today was LB for me and I ended up feeling "gung ho" this morning! So, I did Bootcamp plus leg work from ME and also some presses, extensions and hamstring curls on my wt machine:) I am good and sore already. Felt great! Bootcamp was a blast. I hadn't done that one in awhile. I forget how tough those abs are! Whhheeewww!

Tomorrow is my free day but I will probably throw in 20 -25 min. on the treadmill. Teddygirl... I am with ya! I don't know how to do the intervals w/the treadmill. This will be my first time as I just got it 2 days ago. I'll play with it and hopefully come up with something good.

I have increased my calories this week and am again losing wt. I hopped on the scale today scared to see the result. I was soooo happy I lost 2.5 more lbs! Yeah!!! I had plateaud last week and not lost anything. So, looks like the increase in calories helped. I even took an extra rest day this week on Monday as I wasn't feeling well. I also think is helping me a lot in really understanding what I am eating. It helps me keep my fat low and ensure I am getting enough carbs:)

Well, gotta get back to work. Hope you all have a happy Good Friday! Happy EASTER! Chat w/ya' later!
Hi Everyone,
I am back...well, I wasn't really anywhere.I just haven't had a lot of time to be checking in.My sister-in-law is home with her baby so ANY free time that I have had, I have been spending with her.I have been sleeping in and not working out until later to.I have been so tired this week.
I got out for a run yesterday.It was REALLY cold here a couple of days agox( Yesterday it was still windy but not as cold.I did 12kms again, then I had my in-laws here for dinner last night.
I think I am going to do C&W now.I haven't done that one in a long time.Then when I get off of work, I think I am going to go for a run.
Well, we got some wonderful news on Thursday.The travel agent called and our flight is cancelled for our trip.The flight we were going on only had 8 people on it and we were 6 of those.Now we are trying to get something for thw 7th instead of the 9th.I wasn't terribly upset about this b/c I found out that the interviewers are calling my references.AS it stands now, if I cancel the trip,we can get all of our money back (if I get the job).I should find out about the job in a few days.What we may do is...everyone else might book their trip with a different airline that as seats left so in a couple of days if we decided that we are going, then we can go.If not, we won't be out $3300.
Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing good.I will be chating to you soon.
Hi Ladies

Sorry Lori that your flight has been canceled, Its going to workout for you ;O) Well, ladies I blew it on yesteday. I had my grand kids over and of course we ordered fast foods, pizza, burgers and so on...

I'm back on track today, I'm going to really challenge myself and eat clean the remaining of this month. *NO* more free days for this gal. I got to get busy, spring is in the air.

I'm getting ready to do Boot Camp and maybe if I have any energy left over. I'm thinking about doing a little more leg work, I shall see, ttys.

Hi girls. I am feeling soooooo gross tonight. Today was my free day. I didn't work out and I ate like a pig! Every free day I sware I am not going to do this again! I can't wait until tomorrow morning to get back on track.

Tomorrow is LB for me but I am going to add in some cardio since I took an extra free workout day last week due to being sick. I think I am going to either do the viper or the Gauntlet! Yeah!! Or I might just do Imax Extreme and then add in some wts at the end!

Teddygirl - don't worry about piggin' out with your grandkids! Trust me, I had to pack my 2 year old's easter eggs that I will hide tonight and definitely enjoyed myself some hershey's miniatures! Yummy! :9

LoriH - glad to hear you may not have to be out the $3300. Hopefully it will all work out!

Happy Easter everyone! Hope you have a happy EASTER day!

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