BFL Check-in, Week 7


Wow you guys, can you believe we are heading into week 7??? I think I will take a peek at the scale tomorrow. I will not officially weigh and measure until week 8, but tomorrow I will peek. I am going to take my free day tomorrow. I really messed myse4lf up by taking it so early in the week last week. I am taking it tomorrow because my SIL is taking me to lunch at an Amish Restaurant. So, I will be on program on Easter. That is ok because I really do not care for ham, and I am having it at my house, so I can control what is put on the table. I will have a long time ahead w/o taking a free day to getr back on track of taking one on the weekend. I have stuck to my one a week, I just took last week's way to early in the week. Oh well, I am sticking to it, and proud of myself. I have the BEST recipe I got from BodyForLifeWinners. It is a PMS cure for sure. I will postr it:

No Bake Protein Bars
2 cps. choc. pro powder of your choice(I use Choc. Grow!)
1 c. uncooked oatmeal
1/2 c. nonfat dried milk
1/4 c. natural peanut butter

Blend the 3 dry ingredients together. Blend in the PB. Add enough water to make it sticky. I use between 3/4 and 1 cup, depends on the kind of pro powder you use. You don't want it dry and crumbly, but not to wet and runny either. It should be quite sticky. You need to squeeze and knead with your hands until it is well blended. Spray an 8x8 pan w/ Pam. Press the mixture into the pan evenly. I spray my hands with Pam also so it doesn't stick so bad. Refrigerate for a few hours, and it makes 6 bars.

Have a good day, Lori S.
Good Morning Ladies,
I figured that I would pop in for a few sec,considering that my car is stuck in the drive way so I have to wait until the boys get it out.We had 30.4 cm of snow yesterday! I could throw-up!
I had a good week but a bad weekend.We had nachos and wings on Friday night.I have to say that I didn't have much of it though.Then my husband insisted that we go somewhere and have a bite to eat on Saturday night.He was suppose to be taking me somewhere for alnight and wherever he was taking me wasn't ready yet.We had somemore nachos,then he put it off a little bit more.Finally he told me that we were going to the airport b/c his sister was comming home.
Her husband is in the military and he had to go away for 2 weeks so she came home with the baby.It was a nice surprise,we stayed at his parents house for alnight.
I did BOdy MAx yesterday.That was a nice change.I didn't workout on Saturday and I slept in today.I did wake up but I figured that with all this snow down,I wasn't going to be going anywhere today after work.I will wait till later.
Now I diffently can't wait for my trip.ALl this snow got me majorly pissed off.
Hope everyone else haves a nice day.
Hi everyone,
Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Can't believe it is Monday already and back to work.

Saturday did my walk/run on the treadmill.
This morning did Lower body workout. It didn't feel like I hit the 10's so I am thinking about upping my weights next time.
I did the scale thing on saturday and gained a 1/2 pound last week but lost 2% in body fat. I am not getting excited over the body fat because I know the scale is not as accurate as other things. But if it goes down then something is going right. I know I shouldn't do the scale but I weigh myself once a week.
I am starting my 6th week.

Hope everyone has a nice day.
Good Morning, I jumped on the scale today and I lost another lb. in the last 2 weeks. That makes me happy. I am down 4 lbs. now. I hope everyone has a good day.
Lori S.
Hi All,

My weekend went fairly well. Got up early Sat. to finish off CTX UB, shoulders, tri's and bi's. Yesterday was S&H Legs! During the first sectionof shoulder work I did deadlifts to really focus on the hamstrings and it felt great! Afterwards I hopped on the stairstepper for 15 minutes.

I'm trying a new plan this week and if all goes well I will continue for the next 2. My schedule will look like this (let me know what you think)

Sun- S&H Legs (& shoulders normally), 15-20 minutes of cardio
Mon- S&H Chest and back, plus cardio, same as above
Tue- S&H Triceps and biceps, plus cardio
Thu- CTX Leaner Legs, plus cardio
Fri- CTX Upper Body

I plan to do this for the next 3 weeks. Cardio will consist of 15-20 minutes on the stepper or on upper body days one of the CTX cardios. I think I need the extra rest day otherwise after a couple of weeks of working out with only one rest day I feel exhausted and end up taking anywhere from 2-4 days off. :( Not good!

I'm giving it another go! I am not giving up just yet. I feel the muscle development in the thighs, I've been able to UP the weights, can see ab development making its way through but I feel that everything else is behind. So I've decided I'm stuck in some plateau and just need to be patient and persistent and it'll happen. So the next 3 weeks are my "hang in there" weeks! :)

This week my new goal is to get in some extra stretching. I have Dynamic Firming and Flexing. The first 16 minutes is a total body stretch which I have found to be enjoyable and helpful. But the bonus is that I can do it in the mornings before work! :)

Time to scoot! It's break time. One orange and half of an mrp bar! Don't really feel like mixing up a shake!

Talk with you later!
Hi there chicks! How are ya'? Looks like everyone is doing good.

Wanted to let you know my PC at home is down:( So.... I will probably not be logging in much this week. My motherboard got fried! I had to order another one and then I have to have it installed by CompUsa. Best case I will have a computer by Friday or Sat. assuming the motherboard is the only problem.

Guess what.... I think I am going to restart my BFL challenge! I was late in starting the last one anyway. My hubby started a new challenge this weekend. It matches the official dates from EAS. We are going to enter together if we both do well. If not, then we'll enter seperately. So, that means I now am officially in week 1 again! Yeah!! I figure I wasted a few weeks trying to learn the program, find the right foods, figure out the exercises, portions etc..... Now I can start at 100% from day one! I am really excited and it is actually motivating me even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you guys think? Think I am crazy? I even took brand new pics yesterday (yuck!) Now the new challenge doesn't end until right before 4th of July so it gives me a few extra weeks to really crank it up. Plus it is really fun to truly do this with my hubby. I hope he sticks with it. I think we are going to start trying for baby #2 in late June so this will be perfect timing!

I did LB yesterday at kicked my booty! Ouuucchhhh is all I can say! I used our new wt. bench and did S&H legs. I also did the PLB stability ball portion. I also did abs. I have been doing abs from Ab HIts and doing the planks and then I do all the crunches on the ball. It kicked my butt!

Tonight I am doing cardio at the gym - my favorite step class! My hubby put my bike together yesterday. It rocks. My treadmill should be here today! Yeah!

Angie - what is the Dynamic tape you are referencing? Who makes it? I am in need of some good stretching too!

LoriSax - Thx so much for the recipe. I am going to try it! Your wt loss sounds good. Keep up the good work!

LoriHart-I am not envious of your snow. We are finally getting some sunshine.

Rhonda - the same thing was happening to me on the legs. I wasn't feeling it enough. I did S&H and it felt awesome! I didn't do all the lunges. I did deadlifts instead. Then, I did some work on our universal wt set. The machines let me use more weight. I just can't lift enough over my head anymore to reach my 10's on days I am feeling strong. That is what I like about S&H is she adds in the pre-exhaust sets. I think I am going to start doing that everyday I work my legs at home.

Well gotta get back to work. I'll try to check in daily from work until my pc is back up at home! Wish me luck and say your FitNut pc prayers... ha ha ha
Hi everyone -

Question for everyone - If you use supplements what brand and kind do you use? Right now I use protein bars and shakes. I have a multivitamin I also take but not sure if I need to start using other supplements.

have a good evening everyone, talk to you tomorrow
Hi Ladies :)

I am currently doing Deb's Tank Top Rotation and loving it. We are into the third week now. Since starting the TTR, I've gain weight instead of losing weight. Not really sure that its’ fat that I’ve gain. I’m thinking more muscles gain. My focus is on leaner, and more toner thighs.

I am also a cardio person, and could do cardio everyday if my body would allow it. I brought the BFL book on Friday and really like it. I have decided to do the 12 challenge. I started the program on yesterday (Sunday) so far eating has been clean. My goal is to lose 5-8 lbs, and I believe I'm can with this program. I was so inspired by Fitnut's results, which made me buy the book. So, ladies if you don't mind me jumping in, I'd love to be apart of this challenge along with Deb’s TTR. There are something in the book that I don't fully understand, but if I continue, I will, with your help of course, I appreciate it much, thanks.

Hi everyone,

Welcome Teddygirl. the more the merrier.

I am in the beginning of week 6. I did my cardio this morning and boy it was difficult. My legs felt like lead due to my lower body workout yesterday. I plan on doing some stretching yoga tonight just to get my legs stretched out.

How is everyone else doing? I see not many have checked in since my last question so I will ask again:

Does anyone take other supplements besides protein power, protein bars or multivitamins? If so what do you take? Anyone use CLA? I am wondering if I should start taking some sort of fat burner, but they all seem to say the same thing and cost a lot. Any suggestions?

Good Morning. Rhonda I use bars on occassion, I have been using Betagen, but I am almost out. I also use GRO! Pro Powder. The Betagen is so expensive, I just can't handle all the expenses right now. I am having a drag butt week, I know why, and I am really going to have to talk myself into my cardio today. I will do it though. Talk to you soon.
Me again - another question I have for cardio:

I was reading up on those runervals and treadmoves videos for the treadmill. Runervals seems to be more intense then the treadmoves but since I haven't tried either one I am wondering if anyone out here has. I went to video fitness and read up on the runerval ones and just from what people said they seem tough.

I am just thinking about buying one or two for a change of pace.

anyone try these?
Hi folks:) Welcome Teddygirl! Glad to have another crazy BFLer!

Rhonda - I take CLA, Pyruvate, Flax Seed Oil capsules and EAS Thermodynamics. I think all 3 of them have helped. I ordered them at I also have been eating the CarbSense bars more than the Myoplex bars. They don't taste as good but they have less sugar. I started taking the Flax Seed oil becuse my hair and skin was getting really dry due to the reduced fats in my diet:( Not sure about the videos you are asking about. I have never heard of them!

LoriSax - cheer up pumpkin. Maybe you should rest today and take care of yourself. I always believe that we need to listen to our bodies! Sometime a day of rest can do you wonders:) Hang in there!

I did CTX 10-10-10 today and 10 minutes on my new stationary bike. Got a great cardio workout. It is so easy to hit those 10's on the machines. The bike wooped my booty! CTX was also a fun change.

I ended up taking a free workout day yesterday as I hadn't had one in over 2 weeks since I did cardio on my last 2 free days. I had been coming down with a sinus infection and just went home lastnight and went to bed. It was DEFINITELY the RIGHT decision to rest as I feel 100% better today. I think I will probably add an UB endurance onto Friday's LB day to make up for it. Then, on Saturday I will probably take a true FREE day!! Yeah!

I hope I get my treadmill soon. It should be here anyday. I am soooo excited. I think the cross-training should hopefully help.

This week I am focused on trying to eat lower fat and really eat the right amount of carbs etc. I am using fit day and love it. It is helping me really see how much I am eating of what. It is amazing how quickly it adds up!

Well gotta get to work. Hope you all have a happy day!
Hi Ladies!

And Welcome Teddygirl! We're all helping one another in various ways. :) Glad you're joining us! :)

Rhonda - I purchase my supplements from Vitamin World. I take their creatine, lite mrp bars and lite mrp shakes. I also take a basic multi with iron and when I remember flaxseed oil capsules. :eek:

Fitnut - The tape I received through swap/purchase for $5 was The Method Dynamic Firming and Flexing. The first segment is a total body stretch, not all yoga or pilates but a combination of sorts of the two. Section 2 is upper body and 3 is lower body. I haven't viewed those two yet but I jumped right in with section one because I was having that horrible time with the glute spasms or whatever you want to call, I surely couldn't describe it! :) But the twinges were traveling up into my lower back. I was doing some stretching on my own but after I added in this tape, I felt a lot beter and the twinges/spasms ended by the afternoon of the following day. I did the tape early one morning before work and later the NEXT day, I was CURED! :7 :+ :7 Just kidding here! I guess I can really laugh now because it's all over but I was in misery last week. I was out of comission from Saturday to Tuesday. :(

I've started up again with S&H, and had a great workout last night. My legs are starting to feel less sore but that title has been taken over by my chest!

Oh, Fitnut - go ahead an re-start without the guilt. I've thought about plenty of times. Especially when during the weeks my workouts were less that 100%. But you're right, you do spend a week or two just trying to get that groove going and finding your 10's! I wrote up a new 12 week plan over the weekend that I've unofficially started. I'm in week 7-1! :)Finishing one while beginning another. Same principles though! glad you have support right there at home too! I think that makes a lot of difference!

Okay! It's just about lunch time for me! Tuna, crackers and juice, maybe water instead or both!

Catch you later,
Hi Everyone,
Did I check-in at all yesterday? I think I went to do it and I got caught up in something else.For one thing,I slept in yesterday morning so I didn't check-in then.Now that is a problem b/c when I don't work out in the morning I never end up working out all day!
I meant to workout yesterday evening but my house needed some major cleaning so that took up my entire evening yesterday.And I still don't have it done.
I got up at 6 today and I did Imax2.Boy, are my ankles sore.They didn't hurt at all while I was running last week but no doubt ,they are still getting the impact from it.I stopped at #10 b/c I find that there is alot of jumping in that one.I need to take a rest but I think all of us know how awful we feel when we take a break from cardio.
I had KFC tonight for dinner;( We had a family gathering but I didn't eat very much,if that counts.I haven't been doing very good with my eating lately.I don't even know how to get back on track anymore.Oh my......what to do,what to do?;( ;( :-(
Good Morning, everyone. I don't have much to say, PLB for me today. I did CTX Step and Intervals last night w/ 6 of the Boot Camp drills mixed in. It was fun, and a change. I have 3 shows in the next 4 days, plus groceries, nails, hair cut, and dr.'s visit. I am going to be busy!! Talk to you soon.
HI girls.

Angie - thanks for the tips on the tapes. I might see if I can find one. Where did you do the swap?
**LoriSax**-glad you are keeping yourself busy:) What kind of "shows" do you do? Sounds fun!
LoriHrt - sorry to hear your ankles are still bothering you. KFC sounds sooooo good. I have been craving it lately!

Today is UB for me. Think I will do PUB and some work on my machine.

I met with a trainer at the club yesterday. She did a body comp analysis on me. She is making me some menus. She looked at my daily food log printed from and BFL success journal. She said my carbs are too low. I have them at about 40%, with 40% protein and 20% fat. She said I need to take carbs up to 60%? Doesn't this seem high? She said if I don't I will not gain the muscle I am looking for. She thinks my body is still buring muscle for energy with the level of intensity I am working out. She input my stuff and it came out as an intense athlete?? She said this is part of the reason I need high carbs in that my body is so use to these high intensity workouts... she said the only thing that is going to help me shed these unwanted pounds it the RIGHT combo of foods and continuing to push my 10's every day! She said BFL is perfect for me right now and I just need to figure out the food combos???? I am so confused by all this stuff now a days I just don't know what to do. Even following BFL there is so much you can do right or wrong. She told me to put some fruit back in my diet as it will help up my carbs a bit in a healthy way. What do you guys think?

Other than that she said the foods I am eating look fab! I will let you know what menus she comes up with for me. I will have them early next week I think. She also is putting a training program together for me based on BFL. She recommended something like this for Cardio
-Mon-step class of choice
-Wed - Treadmill
-Fi - Bike or elliptical
-Sat - free day... but if I DO workout do moderate step class

I am not feeling well today so I am working from home and am going to take it easy:) Will still do my UB workout though.

Hope ya' all have a great day!
Hi! :)

I've made it back after a night of S&H Triceps and Biceps and 20 minutes of kickboxing! It was great! I was so excited because in the mirror while doing the kickboxing I could see my ABS! Woo Hoo! I was thrilled so I made sure that I kept tightening up my core while doing the punches and kicks and jumps, just so that I could sneak extra peeks in the mirror! :7 I am starting to see the separation in the muscles of the thighs -- I'm getting there!

Fitnut- I got the video from the Shop to Swap at Fit Prime! .... Also I know it's scary increasing the carbs like that, but why don't you do a gradual increase until you find that you are gaining muscle. I would definitely start with her suggestion of adding fruits first. Can't wait to see what the trainer comes up with for menu ideas!

Oooooh! Let's not mention KFC! I just adore their coleslaw and I do mean ADORE! But I was reading an article in one of the magazines I picked up from the library and whoa! There are lots of calories in my dear sweet coleslaw! :( Thank goodness there's not a KFC very close to home or I would be truly devastated! :)

Today is my rest day but I did get up this morning to do a section of Dynamic Firming and Flexing. The upper body section is good too! 23 minutes in length. I thought I was feeling fine this morning until I started the tape and realized how tight I was in the lower and upper back. I guess all those 10 degree tilts for the biceps work in S&H was also "working" my back all along the spine a great deal too! :)

Time for break! One orange and half of a Protoplex lite bar coming up!
Have a great day!
Hi everyone -

I got up this morning and did ME upper body. It felt nice to do something different than the usual BFL way of upper body. Hopefully mixing it up a bit will help with the fat buring.

I think I will have to ride my recumbent bike tomorrow for cardio. My knee is sore and I don't want to do anything to it so no treadmill for me tomorrow. I think it will be a nice change up in the routine.

Where is everyone???

I did my cardio this morning on the bike. It was a good workout, forgot how tough the bike can actually be.

Not sure how much I will be able to get on afer today, until Tuesday. I will be on vacation and the computer at home has a very slow connection. I may check in but we will see.

Have a great Easter weekend just in case I don't check in.

Hope everyone is doing well.

FitNut- I am a Premier Designs Jeweler!!!! I absolutely LOVE it:) I will probably be doing it FOREVER!!!! It is fun, I love the jewelry, and I get to meet so many wonderful ladies, and I get to give jewelry away for free! I truly love it. I used to work in a factory for 18 years, but in Jan. I quit and am now doing this fulltime.

I missed my workout yesterday. My ex-husband got very mad at me, starting calling me all these wonderful names, and I was very upset. I had so much to do yesterday, I had to leave for my show at 4 and I did not get home until after 10 last night. I am going to do the Gauntlet today to kind of mix in what I lost yesterday.

Have a good day everyone.
Lori S.

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