BFL Check-in week 6

Well, I had a tough day yesterday. I cried and ate all day, so I have used my free day for the week already. Oh well. I feel better since I talked to my ex-husbands wife last night on the phone for an hour. Believe it or not, her name is Lori too, and I do truly love her. I haven't worked out yet, probably won't until tonight. Hope everyone has a good day.
Lori S.
Lori S,

So sorry to hear about your blue day yesterday. :( I think things will work out for you and your daughter eventually. They always think the grass is greener..... :( But you know that she's in good hands versus being out on the streets somewhere, so as hard as it may be, try to focus on those in your home right now (Husband and son right? Am I missing anyone?). Basically just take a breather, try to find some good in all of this. I always try to look for the silver lining, no matter how dingy it appears at first! :)

I tell you one thing it's going to be fairly quiet around there. Once my oldest left for school, the house was terribly quiet. We all felt her absence but after a few weeks, we all had adjusted and I felt some relief because there wasn't an episode every day or night. I finally was able to relax and my hair quit falling out.

Hope you week gets better! We're all here for you sending big cyber hugs your way!

God Bless!
Well, once I was up for a little while I stayed up.I wasn't about to stay up and not workout though.If I am up I am doing what I was suppose to do.
I was to moody though.I just did PUB as is b/c I didn't want to think.And boy,did those weights feel heavy today.I was really weak,everything was burning! Which I guess is a good complaint but I only used the same about of weight that I always use.
Then I had some oatmeal with protein powder at 8 and a coffee and then I went for a 12km run.I must of really picked my speed up this year b/c last yr it would of taken me 55 min to do 10km,now it takes me 60 min to do 12 kms.I guess you can factor in all the times that I stopped and pretended to tie up my shoes:+
It feels good to do a steady 60min of cardio.I am not sure if I will go again tomorrow.I don't want to cause to much trouble with my knees but I am giving my ankles a rest by running,beleive it or not.
I think I am going to have a lean cuisine for dinner.I have to go back to work so I am pressed for time.Hope everyone is having a good day.
Hi there :+ Glad to hear from you gals. LoriH - wow! I am impressed how long you can run! I'm lucky if I can make it on the treadmill for 20 minutes!

What kind of protein do you put on your oatmeal? Does it make it taste different? I bought some brown sugar substitute tonight. I am going to try it on my oatmeal. However, I always struggle with what to eat for protein with my oatmeal. At work I have been eating 2 eggs with it as we have a cafeteria:) I'll let you know what I think of the brown sugar!

Guess what..... my skin is going away on my arms and my arm muscles are looking more defined than they have ever been!!!! My DH said I am starting to get the "v" in my arm! You can barely see it! HOwever, it is more than before. There is definitely a v between my bicep and shoulder and it feels sooooooo cool. I have never had that:) So, looks like the extra endurance workouts might be helping. Plus I up'd my portions a bit last week due to under eating. A guess I had what some call a "fat whoosh" where you lose a bunch of fat at once and then you end up with extra skin. Now that the skin is tightening up you can see the muscles more. I guess if you do things right the same process can happen over and over and over!

Tomorrow is UB for me. I will probably do PUB but do some different exercises for some as I did last time. I have been using the incline for chest work.

I ate good today and haven't cheated yet. I think I will have oatmeal for my late snack. Let me know about that protein you put on your oatmeal plllleeeaasseee Lori!

LoriSax - hang in there punkin'! We're thinking of you.

pfive - welcome back!

Chat w/ya' later!
Hello everyone. I am still here, but I have been very busy the past few days and haven't had a chance to log on. I have had a bad couple of days food wise - last night my husband and I went out to dinner for Mexican food and I indulged in carnitas. I didn't feel too guilty though, because we rarely get away from the kids (my in-laws are STILL here, so we asked them to babysit).
My workouts have been going well, although I am still dying to buy the pyramid videos - I have been using CTX and I used Pure Strength legs. Is anyone else using anything other than pyramids?

I absolutely cannot get up and work out first thing in the morning. I tried again, and just cannot drag myself out of bed. My husband travels a lot for his job, and often it is sudden, so I never know when I am going to be able to workout (I usually try and squeeze it in during nap times, but sometimes its after the kiddos are asleep for the night). But, I think it might be a good thing, because I am really careful about what I eat and how much when I am not sure when I will be working out. (does that make any sense?) So, I am deciding that I am going to take my inconsistency and put a positive spin on it!

Hope everyone has a good and healthy day tomorrow.
Fitnut- I just put a scoop of my vanilla protein powder in my oatmeal.Then I don't bother with the eggs.I don't know if it has as much protein as the egg whites b/c I am not sure what are in egg whites.God knows, I eat enough of them I should know.
Last night I decided that I was sleeping in in the morning.There is no school today b/c they have a workshop and I didn't get to bed early last night.I slept until 8:30 which is great for me.I think my body needs the extra sleep after those runs.It is another nice day out today so I may go again.If this were summer I wouldn't be going everyday but I have to take advantage of it while I can.Could end up snowing or raining here any minute.My thighs are a little bit sore from the runnning.My feet keep getting sore to put I think it is from the insoles that I put in my sneakers.
Anyway,I feel so much more refreshed with all that sleep, now I certainly have enough energy for those 12kms that lie in front of me.
Have a good day everyone,
Hi Everyone,
I made it up and did my cardio this morning. It was rough for me to get up but I did it.
Last night I went a little over board with food. I had my good dinner but then was craving animal crackers so I had a serving of those. Today is a new day.

I have a harder time on evenings when hubby isn't home. Last night was one and tonight is another. He is going to the Red Wing game!

Well, I made it thru another day. Things are getting better with my daughter. My ex-husband called me last night and found 2 packs of cigs. in her coat. I knew she smoked, she told me. He took them. She is better off there. She doesn't talk to him the same way she does me, and he disciplines her more. I used to get so sick of arguing with her and hearing how terrible of a mother I am, I used to let alot of things go. It is terrible losing my child like this, but I honestly feel it is for the better, at least right now. My heart needs to mend a little from the emoitional stress. She will still come home on weekends sometimes so it is not like I will not be able to see her. I will go and pick her up and take her shopping, etc. Sometimes horrible things turn out good. I hope this is one. Well, I have a busy, busy day like usual. I am off to the treadmill.
Lori S.
Hi everyone. Today was UB for me and I did PUB as planned! Used different exercises and was sweatin' by the end!

Have you guys tried out Fit Day at ? I have been using it the past couple days and tracking my foods. It is amazing how the little calories add up. It is nice to use to see what protein you are getting etc. I am going to start using it to get a better grip on eating the right kind of foods. You can set daily food goals, and then track against them. I calculated all my targets tonight using the site and then entered them into FitDay. Soooooo cool!

I got my bike delivered tonight. My DH brought it in but is too tired to put it together:( He'll probably do it this weekend. I am really getting excited for my treadmill!!!!

Tomorrow is cardi for me and I am not sure what I am going to do! Probably Gauntlet cardio or CTX? We'll see? Or I might do the hi/low from Mindy? I wish my bike was put together!

Tonight I made a BFL recipe of chicken enchiladas! They were yummy! Even my DH loved them. I also have left overs for tomorrow :9

Well hope you guys are all doing good (or better).

LOL - Have a happy Friday BFL day!
Hi everyone. Today was UB for me and I did PUB as planned! Used different exercises and was sweatin' by the end!

Have you guys tried out Fit Day at ? I have been using it the past couple days and tracking my foods. It is amazing how the little calories add up. It is nice to use to see what protein you are getting etc. I am going to start using it to get a better grip on eating the right kind of foods. You can set daily food goals, and then track against them. I calculated all my targets tonight using the site and then entered them into FitDay. Soooooo cool!

I got my bike delivered tonight. My DH brought it in but is too tired to put it together:( He'll probably do it this weekend. I am really getting excited for my treadmill!!!!

Tomorrow is cardi for me and I am not sure what I am going to do! Probably Gauntlet cardio or CTX? We'll see? Or I might do the hi/low from Mindy? I wish my bike was put together!

Tonight I made a BFL recipe of chicken enchiladas! They were yummy! Even my DH loved them. I also have left overs for tomorrow :9

Well hope you guys are all doing good (or better).

LOL - Have a happy Friday BFL day!
Good Morning Ladies,
I slept in yesterday morning but I am up today.I have been so tired lately.I didn't get up yesterday morning until 8:30 and last night I fell asleep on the couch at 10:15.I feel well rested now.
I didn't get my cardio in yesterday morning b/c I was putting together my little girls costume for her ice show.I was on a major time limit.I am a procrastinator,if thats how you spell it:) So, I went for a run on my dinner break.I got 40 min-8kms in, I was happy with that.Today is another nice day but I think it is going to be the last one for a few days so I may go again after work.
I am suppose to do lower body today but my legs are sore from all of the running.I am thinking about doing MS or PH.Would you beleive this,I haven't done MS yet! There was a customer in at work yesterday and he commented on my arms.He wanted to know if I worked out and then he said I had a nice set of pipes.Then another customer asked me if I worked out at the gym.Felt pretty good.But I am pretty sure that my face turned a nice shade of red.
I had a tough decision to make yesterday.The money was due for our trip down south.I found out that the training for the job I applied for was around the sametime.We didn't know what to do.I didn't want to cancel my trip and not get the job and I knew that there were a few girls who have already worked for other airlines so maybe they have a better chance then me.If we booked it and I cancelled,we lose ALL of the money.We decided to pay for it and if I get the job then we will deal with the problem then.Either way ,this girl will still be happy.If I don't get the job then I can go down south and start making a baby:7 :7 If I do get the job, then I have a new job but no honeymoon and another 2 yrs wait on starting my family.Tell you the truth,I think I would rather go down south and start my family.My daughter is 7 now,I think if I wait much longer I am not gonna want to start all over again.And can I spend one more christmas watching her opening up presents by herself? TOugh one....any way off I go, still not sure about what I am doing!
Hi everyone,
The weekend is almost upon us.
I didn't feel well this morning but managed to get up and do chest and back. I plan on going home to finish with shoulders, bis and tris. I still am not feeling all that great. Have a horrible sinus headache along with an upset stomach. Hopefully not coming down with anything. I am blaming it on the weather changes we have been having. Started the week with 20-30 degrees, ice and snow and now ending the week with 60-65 degress and sun. The body can't handle this.
Hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy your free day.
I hear you Rhonda! I've had a slight headache all week and my sinuses have been bothering me constantly too! :( It was warn here last week and then this week the temps dropped! I'm trying to hold off from medicating myself because I know that it could possibly get worse. The last thing I want to do is spend April through July popping allergy pills. So for now I'll just grin and bear it! :7

Fitnut! Thanks for the welcome! I've been back and forth between this thread the Ecto one. But I've have been pretty busy too copying recipes from a cookbook that I need to get returned to the owner.

I've had a few extra rest days lately. I worked a little toto hard Saturday so my back was sore that evening and most of Sunday. Monday when I got to work I was fine but Tuesday afternoon, just shortly after lunch cramps, charley horses, spasms, something was happening in the center of my right glute! :eek: These twinges of pain would just occur out of the blue and were pretty intense and becoming more frequent. Wednesday they were so bad I had to walk, stand, sit slowly to prevent myself from squealing if the pain occurred. Last night I stretched the glute/hamstring area really well as I kept feeling pain every time I sat up from chest work on the bench! :eek: Then this morning I got up early and did The Method Dynamic Firming and Flexing section one - the total body stretching/flexing part. I could feel the tight muscles loosening up in that area and my lower back. Felt great!

I feel like there's a little knot in my cheek but no twinges of pain! And I hope it has been helpful that I had a banana last night and this morning. Extra potassium never hurts, right? :)

Let's see last night I did back and chest from the CTX Upper Body, the night before MIS legs only, plus floor leg work and some abs. Tonight it's the remainder of CTX Upper body plus cardio and abs (possibly planks). Tomorrow I'll be working again, probably 5 hours but I am going to try to get in some form of cardio so that on Sunday I can start hitting the weights again! Yeah!

No cheating for me this weekend. I think I've done enough of that already this week! ;)

Have a great day everyone!
Hi girlies. This morning I did 2 sections of Gauntlet Cardio and then 25 minutes of Mindy Hi/LO plus some abs on the ball. I have been using the Abs Hits CD this week. However, instead of laying on the floor for hte crunches I lay on the ball. Ouuccchhhh! Works em' good! My abs have been adapting ot the exercises in the intensity series so I had to change it up. Mindy whooped my butt on the hi low. I love her! I was sweatin' like mad. I am starting to get bored with some of the Cathe intensity vids and it makes me sad! I think I have just done them some many times. I find myself dozin' off instead of focusing on intensity. I think I am going to start getting out some of her older stuff for awhile.

LoriH - hate to tell ya' this girlfriend but I think you need a free day. If your legs are that sore you might want to not think about pushing them. Remember they need to recover to grow! I just don't want you to get hurt! Are you getting excited for your trip? When is it? I think you made the right decision. Think how mad you would have been if you don't get the job and you cancelled your trip. Making babies.... yes it is almost that time for me too! I can't wait! We are going to start trying in June. I found this calculater on If I get pregnant in June, my baby will be due on March 9th, 2004! That seems so close! Yeah!!!

Pfive - sorry about your injury! Hang in there. Stretching is the best thing. Good for you in doing planks. I did them the other day. I hate them but they are so good for us:)

Rhonda - I have a sinus infection too. I am taking Tylenol Sinus today. Hope you feel better. I am going to bed really early tonight!

Tomorrow I think I am going to do step at the gym. They have this really fun cardio class. It is not too intense so perfect for what recommends for extra cardio on your free day.

I got my new shoes lastnight and absolutely LOVE them!!!!!! Today they made me just want to jump with energy! I have been looking for good shoes forever!

Well.... gotta get to work. have a happy friday!
How is everyones day go'in? MIne went good.I did ME in the morning.Great workout,first time I did it.I loved the fact that there weren't as many low ends as what was in PH.Plus there were no plie squats,right? But I like those.
And I just finished an hour long run.It was a little windy but that just made it harder.:p My hubby just brought me home a chicken fajita from McDonalds.They are suppose to be healthy.I ate a full one but I just ate the chicken out of the other.I have a feeling that it isn't going to fill me up for very long b/c I just finished running.It seems like your body soaks food right up after you have just finished working out.
Fitnut:If my legs need to rest in order to grow,then I won't be resting:7 This momma has some big legs on her.I will keep on running if it slims them down some.But I try not to think about that.I just think about all that my legs do for me.They just carried me 12 kms.I gotta love them:+ I have a break comming up now though,the next two days aren't suppose to be very nice.;(
Hi Guys!!! Everything is going really good here. Fitnut, I hope you post your rotation. I have a question....Do you do an Endurance tape for both Upper and Lower every week, even the body part that has 2 workouts in the week, or do you do it only for the bodypart that has one workout that week??? I would like to try that this last half of my Challenge. I am seeing changes, I would just like to see a little more. I have done cardio on the treadmill both times this week. I hope it slims my hips a little more. I do not know what I will do tomorrow, whatever suits my fancy. I have really missed my Gauntlet Cardio this week. I have a feeling that that may be it. Have a great weekend. BYE!!!!
Lori S.
Hi all! I am going to post my rotation. I can not believe how many e-mails I have gotten of people wanting it. It is inspiring. I guess it is the universal law of reciprication! I know when I found Cathe. I had so many questions and this board helped me sooooooooooo much. If only I could give back 10% it would make me thrilled!

LoriS - I usually just do an extra of whatever body part only gets it once. I'll post it soon. I am with you on seeing more changes! I want them soooooo bad! I am hoping the treadmill will help me too.

LoriH - I meant to say that rest is what helps your muscles "recover"! Sorry to be so confusing. I am with you and definitely don't need bigger legs either. However, from all the research I have done lately I am now a true believer that over training has been my own worst enemy keeping me from my goals. But we all know our bodies. If yours is telling you to run and enjoy the nice weather then by all means RUN! Just like me.... I am doing cardio at the gym tomorrow even though it is my free day. However, I know my body is saying "it's alright, go for it:)" or at least I am hearing things or crazy--- ha ha ha... I am going to go real moderate though and keep it less than 40 minutes. I will just leave early. The Mindy hi/low I did this morning really helped kick the soreness out of my legs. It felt great!

I can't believe you just now tried ME! It is my fav! I love it! I don't know what I am going to do on Sun. for LB? Have you used PH yet? I usually add the stability ball portion of PLB on to all lower body days. I LOVE it! Maybe I will try PH this week?
FitNut- I am going to try your added muscle endurance. That sounds like fun.

I have a dilemma, I need your guys' opinion. My SIL has asked me AT LEAST 12 times in the last 3 months to go to the EssenHaus with her. It is an Amish restaurant that has the most FABULOUS home made cooking you will ever eat. I am going with her on Monday. I really do not want to take my free day that early in the week, I did that this week, and now on weekend I have to stay on plan. So, should I just eat really light and call it a screw up meal and be good the rest of the day and take my actual free day later on the weekend when I want??? Or just take my free day??? If I take my free day later, on the weekend like I want, I can just be really careful. What do you think??

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